Recent content by balletgrrl

  1. B

    so my professor...

    Tina, I am currently in a psychology PhD program, and I can vouch for the fact that some professors are a-holes on a power trip. That being said, I think all us grad students (especially new ones) could use some toughening up. You need to be able to respond to a comment like that and fire...
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    Injury recovery

    Thanks for your replies everyone! It is very true that sometimes you wonder if you will ever be "normal" again. that is a scary thought... and this injury has been a miserable experience. on the other hand, it has taught me to appreciate my body and my abilities like you wouldn't believe. i...
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    Injury recovery

    Hello Cathe forum fans! I have not been on the forum for a few months. I am recovering from 2 dislocated knee caps and I am hoping someone can talk to me about injury recovery. I have been unable to exercise at all for about 6 months. My injury started out as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome...
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    cortizone injections

    Leslie Marie, If you don't mind my asking, how long have you had your knee pain? Also, how long did you rest after your cortizone shot? Did you go back to your normal activities and exercise, or just take it easy? I am hoping that if I get the shot, they can put my knee in a brace so that...
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    cortizone injections

    Hello everyone, Has anyone every had cortizone injections in the knee? If so, did it help you? Did your knee pain come back? Long-term/short-term effects? I ask because I am still having severe knee pain, and I am getting married in 6 weeks. Right now I can barely walk - let alone dance. I...
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    OT Anyone suffer from IC and still workout with Cathe?

    This is totally unrelated, but I am having severe knee problems and have not been able to work out, or do any of my normal daily activities for about a month. I totally understand what you are saying about never taking for granted feeling normal!!!!!! We don't realize how lucky we are to be...
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    way o/ degrees

    My father is the director of the Education certification program at LaSalle University in Phila, PA. His program actually specializes in certifying adults who are changing careers and want to become teachers. There are tons of people and the program is very popular. Maybe there is something...
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    meal frequency

    I also eat around 5 to 6 meals per day but it is easy for me bc I work in an office and can just keep everything in the refrigerator all day. On the weekends, it is much harder, though bc I never know what my schedule will be, and like you said, you end up having to always bring food with you...
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    VERY High Intensity Cardio?

    Ha! A-Jock - when you said "double socks" I thought you were referring to the fact that your mish-moshes were so tough that you would sweat a lot and have to wear 2 pairs of socks because it would soak through!!!!! Now I see what you meant, but I think my interpretation is still applicable :)
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    CATHE: Please consider this.........

    I would absolutely LOVE this! And I know tons of people on this forum who have knee problems.
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    swimming and overtraining

    Hi Cathe and educated crowd, I might soon be adding swimming to my workout routine because of a knee injury. Along with this, I will be doing upper-body weight training and abs, bc any lower-body at all is not an option. When I have tried swimming in the past, I REALLY felt it working my...
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    need to hear recovery stories!!

    Thanks for the feedback ladies! I really appreciate hearing your stories and encouraging words. I am seeing my PT tonight so I am looking forward to hearing his opinion. I think everyone is absolutely right about taking it easy. With people who love to work out (which is everyone on this...
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    need to hear recovery stories!!

    Hello everyone! I am feeling REALLY discouraged... I was diagnosed with a knee injury about 3 months ago (patellar femural pain syndrome) and started seeing a physical therapist to get better. I was progressing really well for a while, I even started back with a little bit of Cathe (modifying...
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    Bored at the gym

    Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone could help me out with cardio boredom at the gym. I am recovering from a knee injury so I have to stick with really low impact cardio (i.e. the elliptical trainer) and have not been able to do Cathe step aerobics. My problem is that the cardio...
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    Husband finally "Gets" it......thank you Cathe

    RE: Husband finally I totally identify with you. My fiancee doesn't understand why I am such a die-hard Cathe workout fan. He worries that I am pushing myself too hard. I asked him, "Well, what would you consider a good workout for me?" He said "Why don't you just take walks for like 20 minutes...