My Cathe Chrono Mission

I just want to say hi to you guys. I'm working on HC. It is interesting to hear your views on the various series. I'm also doing series emphasis (but not chrono) at the moment, and I'm very fast and loose when it comes to time savers, pre mixes and skipping chapters and subbing body weight. Keep up the great work!
Thanks! Good luck with Hard Core - it doesn't have that name because it's easy!
You're not "fast and loose", you modify to personalise the workout to best suit your own needs! ;)
Day 15, Sunday, 12/6/22
Cardio Kicks

Circuit Max on Monday, then onto CTX myself. All Step used to be a super favourite.
STS will be Aug-Sep-Oct
didn't get that far at my first 'chrono' attempt
I can see why you get to a sticking point with these chrono efforts. There is a DEFINITE dread factor for some. Skipping around and taking more than one session to finish is probably helping me keep going.
I just want to say hi to you guys. I'm working on HC. It is interesting to hear your views on the various series. I'm also doing series emphasis (but not chrono) at the moment, and I'm very fast and loose when it comes to time savers, pre mixes and skipping chapters and subbing body weight. Keep up the great work!
I hear ya! I'm 66 years old and I just don't have it in me any more to do some of the "young Cathe" workouts without modifying now that I'm not "young Lianne" any more :D
Sunday-Saturday June 12-18
I had a slightly easier workweek but a couple late nights out and lots of garden work at home so I didn't have the energy to do quite as much as I wished.
STS 16
STS 17
STS 18
Kick Punch and Crunch (up to the drills, will finish next week)
CTX All Step (again, still couldn't keep up and didn't finish so will keep trying)
Power Hour

I tacked on the rest of All Step after Power Hour but was really too exhausted to manage it. I am doing STS at 75% 1RM but decided to lift heavier for Power Hour to build strength, so I was doing 6-10 rep sets at 85%. I realized pretty much all of Cathe's early (pre STS) is muscle endurance stuff with lighter weights and almost no rest in between. STS spoiled me. I now pause the DVD or stream and give myself "the right length of time" to rest.

I'm still so glad to be doing this rotation! It has given me a love of kickboxing I never had and I'm actually learning some of Cathe's step workouts. If there was a way to playback at 10% slower, I'd be able to keep up. She moves so fast! Doing one kickbox and one step each week will get me through them all eventually, even if it takes multiple tries. I got nothing but time :D

Have a great week all!
I also just want to say I've been enjoying your "time-trip" through Cathe's workouts. This past winter I included many of Cathe's earlier step workouts in my rotations - really enjoyed them. I tend to do shorter workouts in the summer, but intend to include the longer step workouts again this fall.
Regarding HC being tough- or any workout for that matter, I can make most anything doable via skips and mods. However, is the workout still worth popping in the player if it is excessively changed? I'm just saying, congrats on being able to power through the workouts as intended! I appreciate the heck out of my Cathe library and the opportunity to utilize her workouts at all levels. : D :D also heart emoji !
I hope all are doing well!
Afterthought- constantly allowing to skimp on workout can be a slippery slope for not challenging self and reaching next level of fitness!
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A workout is still worth doing even if modified or skipped - it's just EASIER to follow along & modify, especially if you're familiar with the workout - than it is to find something else.
I've done MIC - the whole 70+min but with no air/all low impact. It served my purpose perfectly at the time - wanted a long one, but not to trash myself.

CTX is done. I'm sad. Really like that whole set, but Rhythmic Step is up for today (Saturday, 25th June) & looking forward to it. :)
Sunday-Saturday June 19-26
My right meniscus tear has been rehabbed to the point where I am cautiously starting to run again so I've slacked a bit on Cathe cardios this week, but I really do intend to add them back in as I can layer on the intensity and not mess the knee up again.
STS 19
STS 20
STS 21
Kick Punch and Crunch (warmup and 2 drills) will keep at it until I finish

No step this week. I know it's Dread Factor as much as lack of opportunity from 2 runs and a long walk that used up my exercise time.
Sunday-Saturday June 26-July 2
I did manage a little bit of everything this week, including the step segments from The Gauntlet but I will admit I abandoned the step and just did random floor cardio moves when I got too confused and frustrated with my inability to follow along.
The Gauntlet
Maximum Intensity Strength
Kick Punch and Crunch (warmup, first segment and first drill) I'll keep trying this one
STS 16
STS 18
Plus a couple of walks and a 2.5 mile run

I'm repeating the 75% STS hypertrophy workouts twice before moving on to 80% because some of the weight is still a struggle. And because I just LOVE THEM so much! :)
And I must say, I really love the Terminator workouts now that I've done two of them. I never tried them before because the name scared me and they seemed too intense. But I use weights that are only 50% of my 1Rep Max and they are a very fun workout with awesome calorie burn and a feeling of accomplishment when I finish them.
July 3 - July 17
STS 17
Muscle Endurance
STS 22, 23, 24
All Step
The Viper
warmup only from Maximum Intensity Cardio

I was out of town for a few days and did mostly yoga, walking and running on those days. I'm still plugging along though. It may take me forever to get through all the step workouts because I'm so uncoordinated but I keep trying. I used the MIC warmup as a dynamic warmup for a run one day and I loved it.
I'm still pluggin away as well. Viper is up next, and have been stalling a bit.
Don't know that I could repeat a whole STS Meso set - once done, want to move along. That being said, I HAVE been repeating through the 56 I already did, so... that blows that story doesn't it? The Body Blast Series sent me packing back to the beginning, but I'm glad I did as definitely feeling that I'm doing a better job of things this time around than last. Feel more 'ready' for Body Blast when I get to it again.
I'm still pluggin away as well. Viper is up next, and have been stalling a bit.
Don't know that I could repeat a whole STS Meso set - once done, want to move along. That being said, I HAVE been repeating through the 56 I already did, so... that blows that story doesn't it? The Body Blast Series sent me packing back to the beginning, but I'm glad I did as definitely feeling that I'm doing a better job of things this time around than last. Feel more 'ready' for Body Blast when I get to it again.
For some reason, I just LOVE the hypertrophy STS workouts. I'm pretty much done with them now though. I got up to 80% of my 1 Rep Max and now I just want to add reps to get stronger, but I've got a pretty bad case of elbow tendonitis going on at the moment so I've had to take a step back from heavy weights. Phooey!
July 18-31

STS 25-27 done twice
Muscle Max
Boot Camp

I worked a bunch of extra hours this last 2 weeks because we had people out on vacation and we're still short-handed so I didn't have as much time as I'd have liked. I am really missing the kickbox workouts so I'll be adding those back in this week. I signed up for a 5k race on August 13 and I've been pushing my knee to get it back up to 3.1 miles. I hit 3.4 last weekend so now I can slack off on that a bit and get back to more varied workouts via DVD (or I should say Workout Blender).

And I seriously LOVED Boot Camp! I'm discovering that these early circuit training workouts I was afraid of in the past have become super favorites of mine. If I can't keep up with the step, I just do random floor moves I've learned over the years. Instead of following Cathe's weights, I use 50% of my 1RM and it works out great.

The step workouts are still filled with dread for me because I can't keep up. But I will add them back in too.
Been very busy at work lately (exam writing/marking/reporting time), so DOING the workouts has been a MUCH higher priority than posting about them. Even now, I'm at the computer on a Sunday morning, to write school reports. I'm towards the end (but not finished) the Hardcore Series, then a break with lighter Low Impact step / Total Body Sculpting / Total Body Stretching, then onto more tough stuff.

Did you DO Step & Intervals on that Sunday?
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Yes I did do the warm up and some of the main section of Step & Intervals that day but not the drills. By then I was too confused and frustrated. LOL

Thus far in August, I've done that along with MIC Floor cardio, Kick Max and Amy Dixon's Breathless Body before an unfortunate run in which I tweaked my knee again. As a result, I've a whole bunch of nothing for over 2 weeks. I did a trial run the day before yesterday and it held up okay. So I've pencilled in some more workouts on my calendar and hope to get back to it all as soon as possible.
I've kind of fallen away from video workouts for a bit. I rehabbed the knee a little more, first with walking, then slow running and then an outdoor garden project took over my life. I'll get back to this rotation in the fall when outdoor weather is less welcoming here in the US just outside Chicago. I can't seem to pull myself down to the basement when the sun is shining and the air is warm because I know it will all too soon be gone. I'll be back though!

PS: But I did pull out some other old old workouts from the Firm and Gilad too, prior to hanging up my DVD remote for a while. It's nice to go back through memory lane. :)
TrekkieLianne, you guys have inspired me to consider a trek through Memory Lane in October & November - I've tentatively worked out a rotation using many older series/workouts .... I'm looking forward to it, but seldom commit until I see Cathe's monthly rotations, and then sometimes change things up. I'm glad you guys posted for awhile cuz it got me thinking .... thanks!
TrekkieLianne, you guys have inspired me to consider a trek through Memory Lane in October & November - I've tentatively worked out a rotation using many older series/workouts .... I'm looking forward to it, but seldom commit until I see Cathe's monthly rotations, and then sometimes change things up. I'm glad you guys posted for awhile cuz it got me thinking .... thanks!
Oh that's great! Where do you post your rotations? I'd love to follow along (and steal some ideas from you).

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