Colonoscopy diet? (vegan) not TMI


I've scheduled a colonoscopy two weeks from now, and the prep diet starts in a week.

I'm not so worried about the 'day before' diet (clear liquids, like broth or Gatorade, but no red foods), but the week before looks tough.

I was hoping some of you who have been through the experience (or are medical peeps) could help me out.

No beans, lettuce, nuts or seeds and some other things (a big chunk of my regular diet! I eat high fiber, and the pre-op diet seems to be anti-fiber to the extreme!).

Are grains okay? (brown rice? would the bran be a problem? oatmeal? oatbran? my sprouted grain bread? --probably not, as it contains lentils and maybe some other beans? quinoa/amaranth/buckwheat and other so-called grains that are actually pseudo-grains/seeds?)

How about my Vitamixing a bunch of veggies and straining the 'juice' to remove the fiber (or juicing)? Is there something other than fiber that one is avoiding in the lettuce? Should I just plan pretty much a juice fast with the addition of some other foods (but what ?)

Does "lettuce" also include spinach?

How about protein powders? (some contain flax meal, so they are probably out. But what about hemp/pea/rice based ones?)

I'll definitely contact the Dr's office to check, but I have a feeling they aren't familiar with some of these foods.

TIA for the suggestions!
Hi Kathryn,
I had one last January. I had to do the low-fiber diet three days prior to the cleansing day but it sounds like yours is a little more restricted than mine was. I am not vegan but primarily eat fish.

But, with that said, I could have white rice but no brown and absolutely nothing with nuts or seeds. I could also have dried beans. My diet also had canned fruits and vegetables but no raw or fresh cooked.

I had eggs and oatmeal for breakfast then I ate fish, white rice and canned spinach (or alternative). (I could have oatmeal but no bran.)

I didn't ask about protein drinks as I wasn't doing those then, but I did have smoothies so I doubt there is a problem with juicing.

Also, I could have creamy peanut butter.

That's all I remember right now. I doubt that's much help. The good news for me was this was my first and a polyps, abnormalities or anything. I am a perfect a$$hole! Hope you are too! :)

I've never heard of a prep-diet for a colonoscopy. Everyone I know who has had one just took the prescribed drink the day before, which totally cleans you out (and from what I hear, makes for a fun day :D ).
I've never heard of a prep-diet for a colonoscopy. Everyone I know who has had one just took the prescribed drink the day before, which totally cleans you out (and from what I hear, makes for a fun day :D ).

That was my experience! Total colon-blow concoction the night before, and that was it. No other restrictions (other than not eating of course).

I also had the drink before the test. It cleaned me out very well. I've never heard of a diet before a colonoscopy.:confused:

Gosh, I guess I should be thankful that I only have to do the clear liquid thing the day before and that I have a pill prep. I'm scheduled for my first (baseline) on the 30th. :eek: I don't think I could drink all that prep without losing most of it. :(

Anyway, good luck. I hope it all turns out okay.
I'm with the others who didn't have to do a pre-diet. I just had to do the wonderful drink the night before. I do recommend some good reading material or a laptop and a nice, cushy toilet seat. :p I will definitely get one the next time I have to have one done! It will be a worthwhile investment.
I also did not have to do any prep-dieting before mine, it was about 5 years ago. I just had to drink that Go-lightly or whatever it was called, and not eat any solid food the entire day before the procedure.
I have had two colonoscopies and have the next one scheduled on December 29. I have never had a "prep week" diet. Just the day before drink that cleans you out. I did figure out though to not each much the day before I drink that stuff - makes it a lot easier! And once you start drinking it you aren't hungry anyway!
Never heard of a prep diet other than the day before part. I had my colonoscopy a couple of years ago. I had to eat clear liquids only after 12 noon the day before and take a prep that afternoon. 2 things of fleets phosphosoda or something like that.

I guess every surgeon/doc does things a little different. I feel for you. That makes it quite difficult.

I also agree with whoever mentioned a cushy toilet seat above. I never realized how uncomfortable toilet seats are till my prep :confused::eek:

Good luck with your test!!
Thanks for the info!

Keep the ideas coming!

Jo: no raw or fresh-cooked veggies? Dang, I was hoping that steamed veggies (except those on the 'no-no' list) would be an option. My guidelines don't say that, so I'll have to check with the nurse.

As for day-before prep: I do have a special '"day before" prep: clear fluids, nothing red, a combo of Miralax and Dulcolax/Bisacodyl. (Anyone do that? How aweful does it taste? I'm not concerned about the 'cleansing' properties of it, as I've done cleanses before, more about if I can stomach it!)

Maybe I'd do a tapering food-to-liquid-fast diet so there's actually not much to clear out. (hmm...I did say "not TMI" but I may have been lying, LOL!)

So nut butters are okay? Then nut milks should be as well.
But bran (either alone or on whole grains) is not?
Had one two years ago. I was given a low fiber diet for several days before. they don't want small debris like seeds or plant bits stuck on the inside of the colon.
Miralax is OK. it's a powder you pour into gatorade (or similar) and drink. the volume is not ridiculous and it tastes like whatever gatorade flavor you use. Not bad at all. they want a fairly colorless flavor so no reds or oranges. Husband and I had the procedures very close together. for him the Miralax worked in early evening and he was able to sleep all night....schedule the procedure for early morning if you can so you don't need to go without food another half day.

For me the low fiber pre-diet had me totally bound up before the clear liquid day. I was up ALL night in the bathroom and was still going when I went in for the procedure. I did not get my colon cleaned out as much as they wanted. My procedure was VERY difficult.

If you suspect the low fiber diet will cause constipation issues beforehand I'd ask upfront what they'd suggest. when I repeat in 3 years I will toss the low fiber diet & eat my normal *extremely* high fiber diet until the clear liquid day.

Also, I would not plan on exercising on the clear liquid day. I felt like a dishrag!
If you suspect the low fiber diet will cause constipation issues beforehand I'd ask upfront what they'd suggest. when I repeat in 3 years I will toss the low fiber diet & eat my normal *extremely* high fiber diet until the clear liquid day.

I also have an 'extremely' high fiber diet (compared to the SAD). What I might do is take some Oxypowder tabs the evenings I'm on the low fiber diet. No way I can stay constipated with those!
Like you two, I eat a high fiber diet, but I did not experience constipation or any problems prior (I'm sorry that happened to you Traildoggie). My procedure was a breeze - the entire process was so easy I was very surprised. And, energywise, I was same as always. But I realize that's not everyones experience.

Kathryn: I found my original food chart and here's what it said for vegetables. Foods may use: "Tender cooked and canned vegetables without seeds: carrots, asparagus tips, green or wax beans, pumpkin, spinach, lima beans." Foods to Avoid: "Raw and steamed vegetables, seeds, winter squash, peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, baked beans, peas and corn." So I think I ate mostly spinach and beans.

Just to add one more thing. I usually avoid all things white: pasta, white rice, potatoes...and all of those are okay to eat!

Kathryn: I found my original food chart and here's what it said for vegetables. Foods may use: "Tender cooked and canned vegetables without seeds: carrots, asparagus tips, green or wax beans, pumpkin, spinach, lima beans." Foods to Avoid: "Raw and steamed vegetables, seeds, winter squash, peas, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, cauliflower, baked beans, peas and corn." So I think I ate mostly spinach and beans.


That helps a lot. (though the list of no-no's has some foods on I was hoping to eat: like steamed veggies and raw veggies.) I can at least use this as a guide for shopping.

Are fruits okay? Like apples?
Just to add one more thing. I usually avoid all things white: pasta, white rice, potatoes...and all of those are okay to eat!


Ironic, isn't it, that the prep for a test for a healthy colon is pretty much what not to eat regularly to HAve a healthy colon, LOL!

(also a bit amusing, at this moment, that the person giving me such helpful info for a colonoscopy diet goes by the handle of "runcrazy",LOL!)
I could have canned fruit except pineapple. No raw or dried fruit, berries, figs, dates or raisins, but since I'm a big apple eater, I asked and they said I could have one apple a day, ripe bananas and melons.

Can you let me know you are diabetic; they should be some good about scheduling you early to avoid sugar complication. As for the prep day, test often and have some non-red juice handy to keep your levels up if you need it. First, stop taking any iron tablets, multivitamins with iron and herbal supplements four days before the procedure since these can color the intestines and interfere with the procedure.

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