<--be who you must, that's a part of the plan


<---waves good-day to the OALers
<---is preparing for work
<---is wearing a new pair of earrings with a matching necklace and drinking from a new mug
<---thinks presents are a swell idea and would like one everyday, please
<---is going to wander around Catheland now
<---later, you gaters, you
<--Waves good morning to Robin and fellow Catheites.
<--Tells Robin she always gets me with lyrics to songs!
<--Tells Robin that is one of her favorite songs (Part of the Plan) and wonders if she knows that Dan Fogelberg just died this month! I was shocked to read this. He was only 56!
<--is drinking coffee also, getting ready to go to work (ughh)!
<--Hopes everyone has a wonderful day and a very Happy (and safe) New Year's! :)
<--- waves to Robin, Catherine and Terry!
<--- has to go to Walmart today with a long list
<--- will also be cleaning the house top to bottom because <--- can't stand it
<--- probably won't be back
<--- wishes you all a happy day
<--was also shocked about Fogelberg!
<--enjoys his music!
<--thinks that Robins new stuff will help her keep a smile on her face at work
<--tells Catherine that <--has no special plans
<--has to do the usual laundry and stuff
<--needs to bring an appetizer to a NewYears day get together
<--asks for easy and tasty ideas from you gals, please
<--hopes Shelley is feeling a little for upbeat and wishes her good luck at Walmart!

<--sends Suzanne EXTRA big squeezy hugs for her loss

Phyllis http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png

<--Waves Good Morning to all the OAL'ers!
<--sends my deepest condolences to Suzanne and her family(along with a hug;-))
<--sends Shelly a big howdy and also wishes her good luck at walmart
<--Thinks Robin deserves a special present everyday(for a special lady;-))
<--Tells Phllyis that <--'s DH has a VERY tasty Ham dip that he serves every year if she would like the recipe...very simple and delish!(his family request it every year)
<--tells Catherine that <--has no special plans this weekend,just lazing around the house!
<--is doing a cardio and a full body workout today<--not sure what yet!
<--is starting the 12 week challenge on monday
<--will be doing a comonation of cathe workouts,BFL and a bit of south beach diet!
<--wonders if anybody is excited about the upcoming tax refund event as <--is :7:7:7
<--waves happy Saturday!
<--thinks Robin deserves a present every day
<--would rather get rid of stuff than get presents
<--is weird that way
<--is glad to see Terry and wishes her a happy new year
<--thinks Shelley should add something fun to her plans today
<--sends Suzanne's DD big hugs
<--tells Amelia that for <-- it is always a tax paying event :(
<--tells Catherine that <-- may spend a few hours working out today
<--needs to do cardio, stretching and weight training
<--is afraid of the weight training because of her lower back, but should at least do upper body
<--was going to work today, but feels the need to address her physical well-being instead
<--will go to the New York Botanic Garden tomorrow
<-- waves hi
<-- has a sore right hand and wrist
<-- has to keep writing anyway
<-- can't deal with all the sitting
<-- has growing nerves, can you tell?
<-- loves Robin's idea of presents each day please
<-- suggests searching for appetizer recipes because we did a big ole thread earlier in the month but <-- can't remember when
<-- hurt <--'s leg last night doing RTTC
<-- hasn't hurt <--'s right leg like that maybe ever
<-- had tight hamstrings from the run the day before so maybe that had something to do with it?
<-- has to get down to the class now
<-- suggests Shelley come over here if she's looking for more to clean
<-- waves to everyone and <-- hope you have lovely days
<--loves Ame's name Dinky Pottydunkin
<--is Sloopy Snicklebrains
<--wonders how Ame's holiday went and how her exams are going?
<--just read her Harvard Women's Health Watch and is going to buy a vitamin D supplement TODAY!!! :eek:
<--will also do lots of weight training!!!
<--says without the vitamin D and the weight training, <-- is sure to be completely boneless by the age of 65 :eek: :p
<--wonders what <-- would look like without bones? :+
<--says OMG almost choked reading "Dinky Pottydunkin and Sloopy Snicklebrains" :7 :7
<--can not hardly type
<--just finished 4ds upper body
<--says it's the first upper body w/o <--has done in well over a week and a half
<--expects to be upper body motionless later :eek:
<--is glad Nancy is staying home today and taking care of Nancy's needs
<--wonders if she ever figured out which doctor she needs to see
<--feels bad for Ame and her leg
<--hopes it gets better soon
<--hopes Amelia enjoys her lazy day :)
<--is glad to see Terry!!
<--hopes Phyllis finds just the right recipe
<--hopes Shelly gets everything accomplished
<--took Muffie for a walk this morning and thinks Muffie had a great time!!!
<--hopes to take many more with her!!
<--says Bisquit is on rest for her knee and won't be going on walks
<--says she doesn't like them anyway :p
<--will be delaying Bisquit's surgery for a while to get a better handle on Muffie's issues-basically see how she does for a while
<--thinks <--is being way to chatty
<--ta ta for now!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--is thrilled to hear about Muffie!
<--thinks Muffie is a Wonder Dog
<--sends healing vibes to Bisquit
<--tells Catherine <-- is still waiting for the gyn to come back from vacation
<--is not happy with gyn and her stupid office staff and may change docs
<--would love to find a gyn who is NOT an ob/gyn, who specializes in older women and who is not always busy delivering babies
<--imagines they must exist?
<--agrees with Nancy about a gyn that does just that
<--thinks there are more and more of them due to liability issues with delivering babies etc
<--but thinks they must all be in hiding or something!!
<--thanks Nancy for the Bisquit healing vibes
<-says she is better-not limping anymore
<--that is the only reason we can delay surgery
<--if it acts up again, may have to go ahead and schedule
<--is hungry, hmmmmm what to eat

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--found a gyn whose specialty is "Menopause Problems, Osteoporosis, Exercise Physiology"
<--says she does NOT take insurance, but that's a good thing because <-- needs someone who can spend time and not be rushed
<--thinks if she can't figure out <--'s TOTM back problems then who can?
<--LOVES that she is into exercise physiology too!! :D
<--wonders if <-- is being too optimistic?
<--can walk to her office from <--'s office :D :D

<--wonders what kind of surgery Bisquit needs?

<--says OMG she's in her sixties!! :D :D :D :D
<--wonders if you can tell that <-- is pretty excited about this new doc
<--is super glad Nancy found someone who fits her needs
<--oh and what a plus to specialize in exercise physiology!!
<--tells Nancy that Bisquit needs knee surgery to fix a subluxating patella (pops in and out of place way to freely)
<--will require lots of healing time- about 6 weeks
<--is not prepared for that with Muffie's issues and really not knowing how long Muffie will be well
<--says but if Bisquit becomes sympomatic again may have to go ahead with surgery
<--thinks when it rains it pours

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--surely thinks it's pouring for Catherine as far as her pets go!
<--wonders what the doc said about Muffie's prognosis?
<--is going to the gym today for the first time in a while and is looking forward to it
<--is sorry to hear Muffie's prognosis
<--stayed on the treadmill for an hour because she got involved in a Stacy London TV show :7
<--needs to attempt some weight training now
<--is askeered
<---thinks Bisquit and <--should schedule our knee surgeries at the same time
<---is picturing Bisquit and <---lounging on the davenport while Catherine waits on us hand and foot
<---is excited for Nancy and her new gyn
<---hopes the doc is everything Nancy hopes for in a gyn
<---came home a biked for 30 min, just did shoulder work and is putting off ab work
<---was glad to see someone knew the lyrics and tells Terri that hearing about Mr Fogelberg's death made me realize how much <--loved his music
<---needs to update all my Fogelberg LPs with CDs
<---also needs to get on with the ab work
<--LOL thinks Robin's idea is an excellent one!!
<--would love to help Robin and Bisquit recover together!!
<--also loves Dan Folgerburg and didn't realize he had passed until mentioned ^
<--has a tummy ache x(
<--had Mexican for lunch
<--a spinach burrito and it was :9
<--but is paying for it now
<--would think <--would learn
<--is with Robin on needing to get on the ab work
<--always puts off ab work for some reason

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]



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