Upper body work out across several videos


Over the weekend I ordered the Cross Train Express Series. I can't wait to get it! However, I am a bit concerned...I have Maximum Intensity Strength and Body Max. I feel that the upper body workouts are very similar in these two videos. Are the upper body portions in the Cross Train vidoes DIFFERENT from these two that I have? Maybe I should have asked this before buying them! I was torn between Cross Train and Slow and Heavy, but went with Cross Train for the cardio. Thanks for your help! Jeanne
You won't be disappointed. These are different in a variety of ways. Wait until you do Leaner Legs. I think these legs workouts are very different in tempo and style from either one of the videos you mention. The upperbody routines in the other videos also introduce some new exercises, and of course, these are express workouts in terms of time. I always combined a couple of the upper body routines. The abs are new as well--equally tough--and then there's the frequent reliance on planks,which you don't have either in BodyMax or MIS as I recall.
Thank you so much Lynda! NOW I really look forward to their arrival. (I plan on buying Slow and Heavy in a few months. But I've doing this sort of heavy weight workout on my own for the whole spring and summer. I'm craving new step routines!)Jeanne
Oh, man, you will LOVE CTX!!!!!! I could do only these tapes, and only these tapes, forever!
I second that emotion! CTX ROCKS! I credit this series with getting me really serious about fitness and health....you won't be disappointed!

You guys have me so excited! I can hardly wait. But alas, I have to. Even if the videos are in my PO Box right now, I can't get to them till Sat. These inconveniences like getting to work on time and staying there till the end of the day... I will let you all know how much I enjoy them! Jeanne

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