Talk to me about IMAX, please!


I cannot get my question to post!!! Is it because it is too long? It's really not that long - I'll see if this goes through!
Hi all - I mostly lurk here to absorb all of your wisdom re fitness issues and vids, but today really hope some of you might be able to offer me some directly!!
I've been incorporating IMAX into my weekly workouts and am wondering if I will EVER be able to finish those tougher intervals!! I'm using the 8 in step and am able to get through the video, but I have to modify in the 2nd interval with those jumps on the floor, ugh! and another interval with the plyo jumping jacks and forget those airborne jacks and jumps!! Cathe - you are such a FITNESS-DYNAMO!!!! I do portions of these intervals, but wind up modifying to the easier option at some point during the cardio blast. I guess i've been doing this vid for 3 weeks - I know, not very long - but I just wonder if I'll ever be able to complete those particular intervals. Could any of you share you experience/success with this particular vid? Thanks so much!!
You're not alone, I cant get thru this tape either! I was using an 8 inch step for all of my Cathe workouts, (I have been stepping for about 15 years now) but have recently dropped down to 6 inches b/c call it old age or a hard floor, my knees would ache all the time. Now that I've dropped down to a 6 inch step height my step workouts are still intense but no longer painful during or after the workout. I havent tried Interval Max at 6 inches yet, but maybe it's something you could try. I wouldnt consider it a setback b/c I've realized at the lower step height I can put even more propulsion into alot of moves, more so then when I used the 8 inch height.

Just a suggestion,

:) Stacy
I just did IMax today, but definitely on a 6 inch step--I never do Cathe's tapes with an 8 inch. I know what you mean about some of the intervals. I modify #8. I just cannot do the scissors, so I basically repeat #7 with more lunges. #10 (airborne jacks and jumps) I regard as impossible for me (I just turned 55 yesterday, and since I was never a cheerleader in my younger days, I am not going to suddenly become one NOW!), but I do jump up as high as I can go without splitting my legs. I can do all of the others, but probably not with as much height as Cathe and company. But I am always pleased just to get through it and I do think it adds to endurance on other tapes, so there are some definite returns on the hard work. I do this tape maybe 2x a month, and MIC maybe 2x per month. I just can't face them more than than when I really love some of Cathe's others. You shouldn't feel bad (unless you're a 16 yr. old cheerleader)if you can't do all of the intervals. Just do as much as you can, and you'll have a great workout.
I agree with Lynda above. I'm 42 and there is NO WAY I can do some of those intervals like Cathe does. But I still find that the workout is tough enough, even with my modifications.

I agree with Lynda above. I'm 42 and there is NO WAY I can do some of those intervals like Cathe does. But I still find that the workout is tough enough, even with my modifications.

Thanks so much for the encouraging words!! LOL! Lynda - I can assure you I am NOT a 16 year old cheerleader!! You really made me laugh and all I can say to you is WOW!! I can only hope to be exercising, much less be actually working out with Cathe when I get to my 50s. What a ball of energy and spunk you must be!!!! Way to go!

I know you guys are right Terri and Stacey - it is a sweat-fest even with modifications! And that's a great idea to just lower the step and use more intensity. I understood lowering the step, but didn't think about being able to actually have greater jumps that way! Thanks again you guys!! IMAX is up again next week - we'll see how it goes!! Have a great day!
I'll join in...

...on the IMax crowd that had to modify when I first started it. Give yourself time. I found when I put it into a weekly rotation, I was able to modify less & less EACH time. You will see your endurance level build with this tape the more you do it. I'm not saying it will EVER be a walk in the park, but I CAN get thur it all with very lil' modification now! AND, that's coming from a 49 year old body! YIKES! Hang in there and keep up the good job and you will reap benefits at any level! Whew-it's TOUGH! Also, I lowered my step to 6" and found I could workout just as intense without the worry of tripping on my step. My level is still way up there so don't be afraid to lower your step.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: I'll join in...

Hi DebbieH!

Great!! Thanks so much - the more I feel less alone in this the better I feel I just might be able to conquer it one day! You all are a terrifically friendly forum - it's sure nice to participate!! Thanks again for the encouragement!!
RE: Ahhhhh, my fave

Hi, Fitnutty! (Love the screen name.)

Yes, you CAN work to the point where you can get through all the intervals with no modifications. When I got I-Max (my first Cathe tape) a little over a year ago, I couldn't get thru the major intervals without modifications for about two full weeks doing it 2X per week. That made me so angry at myself I thought, "Man, if it kills me I'm gonna get thru these!" The first time I did it with no mods, I walked around like I'd tinkled myself for about half an hour afterward, but I went on an energy rush like you wouldn't believe.

I would always do about 10 minutes of weighted squat and lunge work immediately after the I-Max tape, and was able also to progressively increase those weight loads too. I believe that helped me with I-Max.

I was able over time to get to the point where I am now, where I can do 8 to 16 reps more of each interval, including the toughies (#2, #4, #5, #6, #8 and The Doom Interval #10), as well as increase the intensity of the recovery intervals by doing rear and side leg lifts rather than walking and floor stepping.

DO IT CONSISTENTLY 2X PER WEEK, AND KEEP UP WITH YOUR PROGRESSIVE LEG STRENGTHENING. Make it an absolute goal to do a little bit more each time you do the workout, be it one more plyo jack, one more "power-scissor" plyo lunge, etc. (The power scissors are really worth the effort!) The workout really delivers the way Cathe introduces it: as you get stronger and stronger you will be able to go longer and longer through this and onther workouts.

By the way, I hit The Big Four-Oh this past July. And I'm a recovering deconditioned klutz. If I can do it, anyone can!


Go for it!

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