Cathe - question circuit max a cardio workout or endurance weight workout?


First I want to say thank-you for the awesome tapes. I just got the 9 pack and am enjoying myself learning all these fun new tapes. MIC is my current new favorite - Talk about a workout.

Awhile ago you posted the purpose of many of the weight tapes and I use that as a reference. However Circuit Max was not mentioned.
I have seen some people say they use it as a cardio.

Could you please clarify the intent of this tape.

Hi. I"m currently doing a rotation that includes Circuit Max. After the warm-up, you go thru 6 circuits each lasting about 7 minutes which includes 5 minutes of cardio (roughly 3 minutes of basic choreography moderate intensity cardio, followed by about 2 minutes of higher intensity cardio), then that is followed by about 2 minutes of weight work. The weight work for instance includes compound movements such as squats with overhead presses for the shoulders using dumbells (I think Cathe uses 8 lbs for this). Another example is 3 count stationary lunges doing bicep curls at the same time. The tape ends with 2 or 3 sets of lat rows, some slow count push ups and 2 or 3 core stabilization exercises. Hope this helps, I fairly sure I have the times right. I guess some say they dont consider it a weight workout b/c you arent straining like you might in something like the PS or MIS series. In my opinion, you won't get much strength gains from this tape. It's more of an endurance workout I think because I've found that during the weight portion you cant lift heavy enough unless you sacrifice your form. Just my two cents :)

Cathe made a comment on this workout in a thread posted May 10th on thread #13. Someone was asking if they could do Circuit Max and MIS back to back. I am not sure if this will help.

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