Xers ~ Totally Tuesday~


:D Morning guys- woke up with Lea X on my mind for some reason so I thought I'd name todays thread a little something Southern California in her honor!!!

Shoulders got a WONDERFUL workout yesterday and feeling like it this morning.... I used heavy weights for Pyramid Round 1 and dropped everything 2 # for 2nd round and of course had BM1 to tack on at the end. If it had been a "go for it" week I probably would have cranked out as many heavy weights in round 2 as possible & finish out with a bit lighter. I think the PUB Shoulders is interesting- Its really 3 in one so the weights are select seem to be "easy" for side & front raises but challenging on the delt flyes.... I always feel like I should use varied weight (within each pyramid) to get the most out of it.
After dinner DH siad he was doing front yard work - it was so humid and hot at 6pm (heat index over 100) I opted for a 20 minute TM Hill walk. THAT got my legs burning ! After LIC Lower yesterday I wasnt really happy with the "leg results" so I felt much better doing this. I focused on zipping my abs the incline walk and went slow enough to keep heart rate in "zone" as I had already done a high intensity cardio for the day. Felt good.

On to today.....
~Morning: HSTAdvanced Cardio Upper premix (35 minutes)
~Mid Day: Triceps: PUB x2 + BM1
~Evening: Mowing back yard

I shall return after feeding pups with personals! :7
Hi all,

Looks like we posted at the same time.

I never got back yesterday. By the time I got home, worked out, and made dinner it was late. I did S&H back, biceps, and shoulders, plus magically hips. I’m not sure if I’ll do more than one week of S&H, it is so boring.

My dream job I do like what I do now, but if I was to do it all over again.

1. Geologist
2. Speech therapist
3. personal trainer
4. Nutritionist

Traci – Maybe the cycling thing is not working or is it poor diet that increased the body fat? The fresh fish sounds delicious. I’m stuck to frozen. I too love Shiva’s stuff. After doing her Eion, and Kest, many times, she by far gets the best results from her sequences.
I can now get into something that resembles double pigeon. Right after I hurt my back my right leg wouldn’t do anything that resembled that pose. I read Heather’s post too. I was in tears. It really emphasized how difficult weight control can be.

Jeanette – Saggy elbow skin, for me it’s getting to be saggy knee skin. I rarely eat oatmeal or pizza anymore because of the bloat factor.

Wendy – No treadmill, but I’m about to order an elliptical. I run in the woods. I just love it and hope that the dogs will protect me. Yeah, no picture trail. I have to borrow my son’s digital camera. We have Child Find in VA to assist with speech therapy. My son actually did it when he was 3 and it was fine. The county I live in provides lots of services, probably over and above what most do, but we live in a metropolitan area with lots of savvy parents. Better get that speech therapy ASAP. Early intervention is key to getting the best results.

Teddygirl – Down 3 pounds, keep up the good work. Does that mean that one doesn’t have to do a rotation to get results? I love SS lower body blast. I hadn’t used it in a while and it was a nice surprise.

Sandra – I am still struggling to fit workouts like BM2 and LIC into my rotation. I just am not a circuit person. Glad you enjoyed Eion. I like his style. When I do two upper body workouts in one day, like MM and ME, I always have to go lighter on the second set. I’ve been getting good results though.

Laurie – 4 miles instead of 3?

Amy – Sounds like a dismal night at work. I guess you get used to it in your position?

Nicole – I used to be just as bad as you sound about workouts and vacations. Last year we traveled for 3 weeks and I probably got in less than 10 workouts, but we did hike over ten miles on several occasions. I actually lost weight and lots of little aches and pains went away. Have you tried to ice your back? That really got mine started on the healing process. I still ice it every night.

~Morning: HSTAdvanced Cardio Upper premix (35 minutes)
~Mid Day: Triceps: PUB x2 + BM1
~Evening: Mowing back yard


Here are just a few personals from today & yesterday!

Tracy X
We are both hitting the computer early I see! I think it’s just amazing that you are able to do so many powerful and challenging Yoga poses now… I don’t even attempt so many of them after the pain that doing Yoga X seemed to bring- I was always twisting just a bit too far. I have a mental block I’m sure but am just trying to acknowledge miniscule success’s in each pose. I picture you as a little itty bitty thing that is as flexible as a pretzel!
My lower body suffered last month (increased BF) because of eating FOR SURE! Sweets go directly to the hips & legs so even if I had remained the same or dropped scale weight they would have looked dismal. It’s just how my body reacts – I know it – just gotta make myself eat correctly even when DH has his nightly desserts. Last night I had unsweetened applesauce with fresh berries and was satisfied (sweet tooth)… I actually am loving the “cycle workouts” only because it keeps me from over training on the weeks I always feel fat… My tendency was to always *push harder* when I felt the worst….. I’m not sure my days are exactly in –line with the suggestion but at least I am now very aware of when my body start to dip / rise so I am able to adjust my output better.
LOL on “boring SH” … I’m with ya all the way on that one. The biceps are what really make me crazy in that one! Good job just using it whenever you can for a change.
Congrats on the new elliptical coming soon! Always good to have variety.

Wouldn’t the 3 of us have a blast doing a “sun” job together???
What you said about “not being yourself when you feel heavy” I get! DH says that when I am not on top my game he knows immediately… He doesn’t really notice “little” changes but he notices how I walk/talk/act differently. He said I become much more of a wall flower even around the house… He notices things like I’m not dancing around- singing little ditty’s etc….
I believe today is Kenpo for you- ENJOY!!!! BTW- Sandra X took a poll last round… What do you yell out on the fast & furious punches & kicks? I yelled HELP!

Thanks for posting rotation! You are always so creative and it seems to be effective too! I want to know what Tracy X asked about the walking…. Will she or wont she???

Back with rest in a bit!!
~Morning: HSTAdvanced Cardio Upper premix (35 minutes)
~Mid Day: Triceps: PUB x2 + BM1
~Evening: Mowing back yard


Back with more personals….

Debra X
So does your choice of being an artist mean that you have a hidden talent? Ansel is one of my favorite artists of all times… I use note cards that are reproductions and they always just make me feel good.
I do try and look at all areas of my life (past) and acknowledge that all those decisions so many years ago molded my life today with which I am pleased. DH is one of those guys that has a hard time seeing life’s intricate weavings of events but that’s how I generally “see” things. Even when I see a driver cut off someone on the road I wonder what the ripple effect of that is for both parties… I was taught many moons ago by a shaman that every thought and action has a ripple effect in the world & I try my best to live by that.
LOL on the vacation “recovery” – ME TOO! I think its good tho because we don’t take all that many true vacations- when we do I never give a true workout a single thought!
ROFL on your “don’t want to do” list of professions! You had some goodies in there!!
So happy you liked Squeeze!!!! I have that “planned” for my lite days of cycle… 3#s is about all I can handle at ttom. Congrats on the bloat weight being gone already! & thanks so very much for thinking of me as you cramp & bloat- I am feeling very special this morning!

How cool that you & Amy will be rooming so close to Heather! You just have to take tons & tons of pics for us! Where is Wendy’s room in comparison to yours? Hope the travels are going smoothly and you come home with lots of new business! Congrats on the clean eating!!!

What a night at work you had! You are an amazing person to be able to deal with the sick all day & with such warmth & humor. I know many ER people say they become cold distant people just because it’s the only way to go to work every day…. Sad to think a sick person has to be taken care of by someone who has completely shut themselves down.
We do sand in the yard too! Whenever we add dirt to the back its always a sand/dirt combo. I love it as it reminds me of California!

Sandra X
A completed To Do List? Well whats up with that? You obviously aren’t spending as much time online as you should OR you need a bigger list!!!! Your dream jobs sound great! We need GOOD consumer ed classes in the US school systems for sure! The bakery? Well just sign me up to work the early AM shift!!
Funny you asked about social life at bay… DH and I were just talking about it on the way home Sunday…. He asked why we never have “lovin’” at the bay… I said well I don’t know could it have ANYTHING to do with the fact that your fishing buddies refuse to call us before stopping by to chit chat about the catch of the day or to set the days fishing plan???? LOLOLOL. I swear these *cell phone attached to the ear guys* lose all sense of “calling” once down there- they go back to their primitive behaviors I suppose! Very happy to report that ice cream stain came out of Xer Tank!!! WooHoo!
I’ll look for Almond Milk at Kroger today…. Rice milk just doesn’t sound appealing for some reason- maybe because I don’t like rice – oh wait – I LOVE FRIED RICE!
On my dream jobs: an 8th grade teacher because I had one that influenced the direction of my life… It’s the last chance to teach life skills before the kids head on to HS and they stop listening to adults.

Laurie X – Jeanette X - Wendy – Katie – Swifty ….. Our Super – Duper BUSY BEES!!!! (send Sandra X some of your to do stuff!) Caught up with ya yesterday but sending Happy Day Vibes all across the miles to you!
Hi, ladies -
Quick fly by post from Boston -

Traci, Wendy - I'm not sure where Wendy's rooming... in fact, Wendy, I forget the name of the hotel... Fairfield? PM me if you want to exchange last names and maybe we can check into it. I'm so happy you're coming.

Traci, nice workouts!

This morning I did Firm It Up and am finishing up with ARX from the hotel room. It's all I can do without weights. I'll be home by 10 a.m. tomorrow morning to Utah, hallelujah!

Have been eating crystal clean since the scale scared me to death last Saturday. My jeans are feeling better... hope it's a good sign.
I'm loving the Judith Beck book, especially the comment to keep reminding yourself: Which muscle are you strengthing? The one that helps you hold your resolve or the one that gives in? That really resonates for me, since I seem to have no problem being fanatical about my workouts. It's my eating habits that bring me back down.

Have a wonderful Tuesday morning, everyone!
Good Morning,

I did not know how tired I was last yesterday, boy was I TIRED. I got home from work immediately start preparing my meals for today. I fried cabbage chick peas and onion also made me a spinach salad and Boca burger. Confession:7 :7 I really overdosed on sweets yesterday, am ashame too tell what me scale said to me this morning flush time.

Anyways, I was in bed by 6;30 felt asleep but woke every hour until I decided to take my sleeping pills, I’m still sleepy but not tired.

Tonight workout(s) hm….thinking either MM ME or MIS am feeling like a GOOD workout tonight and another good night sleep.

Back shortly.

Good Morning Ladies,

Didn't get a chance to workout last night. So, I'll do it as soon as I post and move furniture.

After music lessons yesterday, Phil and I went to Home Depot to buy supplies for the island. Almost broke down into tears over the materials and methods to use for island column/wall design. So, we ended up leaving without buying anything. More like, Phil walked out of the store and I followed. LOL Came home to brainstorm. I tried drafting my ideas on paper to Phil, but it wasn't detailed enough to communicate. I was getting frustrated because he doesn't communicate in specific terms (studs, moulding, skin, base, elevations, etc..). He would just call the entire column a column. x( Nothing that a huge box of preschool unit blocks didn't finally solve. :7 :7 :7 :7

We had to drive to another Home Depot for the granite tiles. Since the granite is only polished on one side and they don't sell bullnosed granite, we were a little perplexed as to how to install the edges. I told him to ask the salesperson. Well, when she came over I could tell before she opened her mouth that she wasn't going to be of any help. The conversation went something like this:
Lady: We don't carry bullnose granite.
Me thinking DUH: How would you install it at the edges then?
Lady: I don't know.
Me turning to Phil: Let's go to the other Home Depot and ask the guy there. He was the one who recommended we use it, and should know what to do.
Lady clearly offended: Maybe, you should contact corporate and ask them why we don't sell granite.
Me: (doing my best to ignore the lady and thinking I don't have time for this nonsense.)
Lady: Can I ask you why you didn't just buy a slab?
Me looking at her with disgusted astonishment and a pause before I finally say: Yeah, $90 a square foot difference!
She starts going on about us needing to be careful if we set down our cups on tile and it needing to be really level. I had to turn away before I lost it with her. So, she tries showing Phil some ceramic bullnose tiles to use with the granite tiles. I intercepted her before she got to Phil and had to physically pry it out of hands. She clearly wanted to deal with sweet, less transparent Phil.:p I took it over to Phil and turned to her and said, "No thanks."

Phil ended up buying the granite tiles since the other Home Depot was sold out. On our way home, we stopped at our local Home Depot and both of the guys there were able to tell us how to install the granite on the edges without bullnose tiles. I suggested they call the other store and tell her too. }(

By the time we got home it was after 9:00. I was physically and mentally drained. I laid down on the bed in the living room and didn't wake up till 8AM. That's why I never got around to Day One of Phase Three. Off I go to suit up for it now.

BBL for personals!
Oh! Sandra, I'm living my dream job as a stay at home mom.:) :) :)

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Good morning,

Workout today was GS Chest, then added on Tracey Staehles's HIS, first 5 combos with no blasts. Guess I still have 4 more combos to learn. I have a bike ride with the fellas after work today and think we will be doing enough "blasts" on hills, so I elected to leave them off of my morning workout.

DH and I had a great ride on the Rhino last night, though it got chilly up on the mtn. I kept thinking we would see a bear somewhere. I didn't have time to post personals last night as I wanted to finish the newsletter (and did accomplish).

Traci, front raises are the hardest for me, though the delt flys are tough too. I'm just so concerned about hurting my shoulders so I don't push them. So have you drawn a conclusion yet re: having your workouts correspond to where you are in your cycle? I'm too lazy to even think that hard about that stuff.

Tracy, don't know what I'd do without my oatmeal, I so look forward to it every day. Yep, I get stuck on stuff and have a tough time changing. It would be nice if you could get a Picture Trail up sometime so we can have a face to go with your name. S&H can be boring. The bicep work I did on Sunday seemed to go on forever. Glad this rotation goes back and forth between GS and S&H. GS Chest was nice for me today. Saggy knees? I've got that too. Hey, I'm coming to realize that it's all headed that way, but what the heck, doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

Teddygirl, sorry about the sweets OD. My downfall lately has been those lousy kettle chips that DH brings home. I also had salami and cheese while we were out in the woods last evening. Hope you get a chance for a nap sometime today.

Wendy, your DH sounds exactly like mine when you said he doesn't communicate in terms like moulding, studs, etc. Mine will generalize, which I hate as I need detail to be able to visualize something I haven't ever seen built before. Drives me nuts at work when people don't communicate well, just assuming you know something already (little episode at work yesterday where I was left out of the loop, won't go into it). I'm getting close to having my sister come over and help me design the tile pattern for the woodstove. DH will be replacing sheetrock today as the sheetrock was demolished when he removed the rock and lath. I asked him to PLEASE let me know before he actually starts so I can cover the furniture and move some stuff out. Took me a long time to clean on Sunday. He'll probably start when I'm on my bike ride today so better throw some covers on furniture before I leave for work today. Wow, your costs for your kitchen have been fairly low. Did I catch that right, $6000? You must have gotten a good buy on your cabinets. How do they look, by the way? Hope you get your workout in today.

I don't have much time right now, hope to be able to post tonite.

Classic: Phase 2/ Week 8/ Day 2/ Round 1


Well, I'm getting ready to do good old KenpoX. I do enjoy this workout still. My DH finds the yelling humurous but I do it anyway:) I am feeling really bloated this weak. My stomach actually hurts because it is so puffy. I don't know what's going on because I am 2 weeks from TTOM but it feels like any day. With my thyroid disease everything gets so out of whack that I feel quite weary of it often. I'm riding a lot of hopes on recovery during my vacation. I hope I'm not dissapointed.

Tracy, Thanks for the ice advice, I'll try it. I had heard a while back you shouldn't use heat anymore ao I hadn't resorted to that. The thought of ice in the winter though wasn't a fun one but maybe now that it's summer it would be nice:) A geologist, huh? Is that something you were interested in in college? I'm with you on the PT and nutritionist.

Traci-X, Three workouts in one day? Gee, that sounds fun:p You are a maniac and for sure not the laziest Xer! I am always inspired to do more when I read your posts, after all you have the results to show for it. Post X I'll be right there with you:) I yelled "Fat, fat, go away, don't come back another day".

Cheryl, Thanks for sending motivation to eat better my way. You're determination is very motivating as well. I like the quote from the book, sounds good:)

Teddygirl, Don't let one day throw you off. We all have those days but the next day you need to tell yourself t was one day and move on. You have been doing great! You should do MM, it always makes me feel good after it's over.

Wendy, LOL about the Home Depot story. I hate that place. I think they make up the stuff as it's coming out of their mouths. My dad used to own a lumber store and I worked there for 10 years so I know a lot about home improvement, hardware, plumbing, gardening and the like. I am sad I don't get to use it everyday because you start to forget. I was really good at what I did. I started working for another family owned lumber business when my dad's store closed. I worked my way up fast and got a lot of respct from the men, it was kinda nice:) Gee, I sound like I'm bragging:p

Jeanette, Glad you finished the newsletter:) Everyone sold, sold, sold S&H and now it sounds like it can be a bit boring. Oh, well I have it coming in the mail now:) I'm still anxious to do it and see what results I get. Only 6 more weeks and I'm X-free and I can do Cathe again:):)

Debra, Hope you are laying ut today and getting moving done in between. Glad it's almost over for you.

Laurie, How's it going?

Boys are up, DH is home from his bike ride, that means I'll check-in a little later:)


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

Morning Xers,

Doubles: Ph3/Wk9/Day6/Rnd2
Workout: Janis Saffell Strike Zone plus Double Header in Softball x(

Well I don't know what is happening around here, but my day is a busy one again today. And my boss has given me another job. :) I like being busy, but it gives me much less time to chat! :)

Yesterday we went to oldest DD's choir concert, and they did a fantastic job.

So we had some questions to answer. Seems the first one is about other languages. The only thing I know besides English is a little Finnish. :) Usually things like Bad Girl, because that is what my Grandparents would say all the time. :D As far as a dream job, I would like something that I don't have to think too hard at. :) Some days my brain just hurts. :) But actually I would like be able to cook, because I never seem to have enough time to enjoy doing some recipes that I see. :) But nothing on a large scale. Maybe one of those people that comes in and makes a meal for special occasions.

Get back to more later,

Hi all...just popping (or pooping) in to say hi. The guys are here packing today...but they are still in the basement so I don't feel like I'm in their way yet. I am getting ready to head out for a bike ride....no more weights for me for a few days anyway...unless the Residence Inn we are staying in at the end of the week has a weight room...I guess I should check into that, hunh? My sides are VERY sore from Squeeze yesterday...and a few DOMS in my buttocks, but not bad. Mostly torso.

Okay...going to run for now...bbl for personals...but have to LOL at Wendy and her HD experience...I just love it when sales people are not nice or helpful....it just drives me crazy! And Traci...no, I have no artistic talent...but it is something I wish I could do.

later gators!


we do not remember days....
we remember moments
--Cesare Pavese

Good morning,

This morning I did LowMax, as called for in Cathe's rotation. Then, I added on GS Legs floorwork, 'cause you all know how much I love my floorwork :p . I was quite stiff from BM2 yesterday, and doing LM today would not have been my first choice of a workout, but it ended up being very good. For me, that workout always gets really fun at interval 4 - 7. The first half seems to drag, but does give you a thorough warm up.

Nicole - Don't worry about SH. It's truly a terrific series. It just requires patience, due to the very slow nature of the lifting and the long rests in between the exercises. Cathe's very chatty in this one. She goes into great detail about form, and even discusses each of the cast members personally at one point. Cedie, for example, has just come back from having a baby; Brenda has amazing biceps; Jai is new to the crew; and Rhonda has moved to another state but still comes back to film videos with Cathe.

Amy - Your work night on Sunday sounds like one of the more difficult days in your profession. Nursing is hard work, no question. Way to go on the chest compressions. She was fortunate to have you there.

TracyX - Why not do a second week of SH, but do reverse the count, like Cathe suggests at one point? Go up 2 and down 6, or whatever the opposite is of what you're doing now. I got my new Shiva's yesterday! The Creative Core one, and the new Fluidity one. I suppose I'll have to crack one open today, but I'm not in the mood for a really vigorous routine. Do you have any suggestions for a short, relaxing stretch segment?

TraciX - You're working hard these days!! No nookie at the Bay house?? Well, that's not really what I was asking, but thanks for the info LOL!!! So I guess the answer is: yes, you have an active social life at your weekend home! Do you have friends to socialize with, or is it all DH's fishing buddies? So glad the stain came out of the shirt! You were obviously feeling tons of guilt over that, and that's why you woke up thinking about LeaX. I hope she got away for that spa week in May, like she was planning. Stop making my to do list get any longer!!! You're a bad, bad puddy-tat.

JeanetteX - Have a good ride with the guys tonight. I had planned to do the KM leg conditioning drills today, after LM, but true to the Lazy-Xer spirit, I decided I wanted to lie down on the floor. So I did GS Legs floorwork.

Wendy - What an aggravating day you had at HD!! My DH had a similar experience on Sunday. He came home, and the first words out of his mouth were: "I hate Home Depot." All of those big box stores are aggravating to shop at. Good luck with starting Phase 3! Yay, someone who's actually doing her "dream job"! You, Cheryl and Tracy are the "Happy Team." How come no one has said they want to become a Celebutant? Isn't that a good life?

Cheryl - I hope you guys get a picture of the just the Xers members on the road trip. Will you do that, pretty please? I read Heather's post y-day, and was very moved. I can't believe how her own family has treated her. But I won't rant here. What's the name of the Beck book? Sounds interesting.

Teddygirl - Heck, you're dropping the pounds so fast that I'm sure yesterday's sugar load won't do you any long term harm. I recommend MM. Just 'cause I like the band work. That Diane Sue rotation looks pretty tough! Are you going to do it? Maybe one day when I can do two workouts a day, I'll do something like that (cardio in the morning, weights in the evening).

DebraX - I'm going to order that Squeeze workout. With the Canadian dollar being almost at par with the US these days, I'm more going to buy up some stuff I've been wanting for a while. Are you feeling it today? You've already met a Billy Bob? LMAO! Good luck with the cultural shock of your new move! Yes, I love the Ocean movies for all the deliciously-dressed male eye-candy. One of the networks here was broadcasting Ocean's 11 all weekend, so I watched bits and pieces of it a few times. Just delightful to watch. I think you should go with the antique store/interior designer combination. You really seem to love that, and are quite good at it.

General question (not the Q of the D): What is a good cardio coach to download that will approximate a 45 min interval run?

Question of the Day: Have you ever eaten a bug, either purposefully, or accidentally? I'm taking a shot that Jeanette and Wendy will answer yes. Jeanette, because she cycles, and Wendy, because she can't resist a dare.

So funny that everyone seems to like the idea of working in my bakery! I guess we all just love a good piece of cake or pastry, huh?

Have a great day!
I’ve decided for the month of June to do a Pure Strength and Gym Style rotation, ooh we, just thinking about the two is totally AWESOME going to start tonight ;-) :p :D

Jeanette: don’t feel bad for me, I workout too eat.... well not really, but I do. It doesn’t bother me to binge a day, cuz, it is so needed. It’s just when I binge for days and even weeks that gets to me BAD!

But, I’m feeling good legs are a little more leaner my body is looking okay.
SandraX: guess we were posting at same time. You are right, one day wont hurt me. Your workout is a goodie, aw…I luv low max haven’t done it in awhile. Hm…come to think, haven’t done any cardio other than walking. Nope not doing Diane Sue rotation even tho, it looks great. I decided to do PS & GS. Enjoy your day:) :)
Good Morning, gang!!!

Just a quick stop-in....I have my knee MRI in an hour, so I need to get cleaned up from that. I was going to workout before going, but I just couldn't get my butt out of bed!!!

Anyway, Debra- Yes, we are still planning on moving in the next few years, and I'm hoping to Charlotte. Good luck on your move!!!

I'll bbl!
I'm officially back on to bringing it on! :) I decided to do Plyometrics this morning. I'll do Chest and Back tonight. That way Phil can join me if he wants. I doubt he will. He'll probably want to start on the island support wall and columns.

Tomorrow, I have the girls' evaluation. Pray that I get all the paperwork in order by noon. I've been a terrible procrastinator these days!

Now onto Today's Personals! :) :) :) Tomorrow's personals will have to wait for another post. :(

Traci-X: Why don't you email Lea and see what soup she's stirring? I'm sure she'd get a smile hearing from you! PUB, BM1 and 20 min. treadmill!!! You really brought it on yesterday for not bringing it on! LOL Interesting observation on PUB. I don't have that one. I plan on getting Cathe's gymstyles next. That may change though. LOL on Kenpo yells. I don't yell, I breathe!!! Probably comes from learning how to supress my screams, yells and moanings so the children don't hear. }( :7 :7 :+ You would be a great middle school teacher. Teaching other people's kids would be my least favorite job on earth! I know I'm a Bible Club team leader, but it's only for an hour and a half, once a week with 8 to 10 children. Very different from a classroom of kids all day, five days a week!!! Babysitting is a job I HATE! And, they always ask me to help out with nursery duty at church too! My friends know I won't do it unless it's an emergency. I mean near death emergency!!! Amazingly, they still love me despite the fact that I won't watch their kids.

Tracy-X: I like your dream job choices. When I was in college for civil engineering, I was thinking of going into soil analysis. I would do speech therapy for children if I didn't have to go to other peoples' homes! My dds' former speech therapists from early intervention have told me many horror stories. Yeah, I know what you mean about the earlier the better. The twins have had therapies until they were almost 6. Once they were officially homeschooled, all therapies stopped because the school districts take over services. Our insurance won't cover speech therapy. So, I was thinking of getting evaluated by a developmental pediatrician. If they were determined to have developmental delays, I could apply for medical assistance to cover what my insurance doesn't cover. I never went this route when they were born 4 months early because our insurance covered everything at 100% and the state provided therapies. Another route I was thinking of taking is finding a college student in the process of getting their masters to do therapy with Waverly. Or, I could contact one of their old therapists who lives down the street and see if she would work under the table with us, and we would pay her ourselves. I've gotta get on the ball with it because she does need it. She's gotten better and has come a long way, but she'd do so much better with more therapy and direction. On another note, your dogs would probably defend and protect you from any harm. My dog will attack Phil when Phil tries to play fight with me. It's the funniest thing ever. I'm jealous of your new elliptical. Actually, it would probably collect dust like my treadmill does now. :7 LOL You deserve it though!

Cheryl: I'm not sure what room Jenn and I have. I just found the confirmation number information I jotted down on a scrap piece of paper this morning while I was getting my girls' portfolios together. We're staying at the Fairfield Inn. I'll call them and PM you with the info. Good job with eating clean. It's overwhelming for me to incorporate into my lifestyle at the moment. Maybe once the kitchen is finished, I'll think about it. LOL

Teedygirl: I hope you get a good nights sleep after your workout tonight. I slept like a log last night. Phil didn't even try to wake me up. He knows what a beeatch I can be when someone tries to wake me up from REM sleep. He learned the hard way! }(

Jeanette-X: Have fun with the bike ride this evening! You'll do fine with a tile design. Have you already picked out the tiles you'll be using. That's the most important, most difficult step. Having to commit to a look always is. The discontinued floor tiles were the reason we picked the cabinet finish, countertop color, backsplash color and paint. Had I known, I would have opted for wood floors. We probably spent more than $6,000. That was a conservative estimate. But, we got the hard foam board insulation for free. A contractor ordered too much and gave it to Phil a couple of years ago. We stored it in our shed for future use. We already owned the expensive electrical wiring when Phil was going to finish the attic. (It never got finished.) The lighting fixture was discontinued. The cabinets were on sale. I also chose maple over cherry, recessed panels over raised, Phil-built columns over $600 a piece Kraftmaid columns, and we chose larger Phil-built closet/pantry over smaller $1000 a piece semi-custom cabinets. We got the closet and pantry doors to match our cabinets on sale with a free upgrade to solid instead of hollow. I think we spent over $2,500 on cabinets. I still have to order a quart of stain to match for the island. They want $100 a quart. OUCH! I estimate our costs to be at least $40,000 if we had paid full price and had someone else doing the demo, support beams, electrical, plumbing, carpentry, drywall, installation and finish work.

Nicole: My mom and sister take thyroid medication. They keep telling me to get mine checked. I have days were I am so exhausted. I got it checked about 20 years ago, along with a full blood workup. I had lost a LOT of weight. I was down to below 100 pounds. I couldn't eat anything other than breads for awhile without gagging. The doctor called me and asked if I was a vegetarian. LOL He said everything looked awesome. How come I didn't feel as great as my numbers? Anyhow, I hope your thyroid doesn't cause you any more problems and gets back under control. Maybe, you just need a nice vacation and recovery period. I think my week off did wonders for me! Please brag! Please give me any construction advice you can offer! :7 I could have used it last night when I sarcastically asked Phil how come I never see his ideas in the magazines.LOLOLOL Then I answered myself and told him there's a reason why. Because, it would look like crap! That was when he walked out of Home Depot on me.}( I'm so bad! I apologized later. Thankfully, he still loves me. Maybe, not very much. He really tried to though. LOL

Laurie-X: Your dds are so talented! I wish I could sing. I don't sing except for in the privacy of my home or car. ;-) You could come cook for me. You know the commerical for Top Chef were the lady says, "If you don't like to cook then get the he!! out of the kitchen!" I ALWAYS respond with a :), "OKAY!!!!"

Debra-X: How exciting and weird it must be to have strange men touching your personal belongings. LOL I'm with you on the jobs I wouldn't want to do. I wouldn't want to be an artist though. I find it too tedious. I don't have the paitence for it. Although, I can sit for hours and embroider the finest stitches till my eyes burn.

Well, I'm off to read yesterday's personals. Don't know if I'll have time to reply. I've still got to finish the portfolios for tomorrow's evaluation and fit in Chest and Back. Yes, I'm procrastinating!!!!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Amy: Good Luck with your MRI. I just looked at your landscaping pics. Your yard looks great! What a lot of hard work it must have been! Your inlaws are very sweet and thoughtful. Loved the oleander picture. Great timing too. Yesterday, Tayler was reading The Bronze Bow aloud and asked what oleanders were. I had to show her yours today! :) What a day you had yesterday! Thankfully, that lady had you there. Nursing is a tough job! Did you find out how she made out today?

Sandra-X: I think I'll pass at being a Celebutant if it lands me in prison like Paris. Unless, it gets me into Jeanette's prison. I know I could talk her into hooking me up with the best foods and X workouts! LOL Honestly, I don't know if I've ever eaten a bug. I know I was never dared to eat one. It's one of those questions I don't plan on asking God once I get to heaven. I'll ask Him questions about ancient civilizations and who really killed JFK. LOL

Teddygirl: Diane Sue's rotation does look good. That one will have to go into my "may do" post-X files.

Gotta go read yesterdays personals now.

SandraX, I have not eaten a bug that I know of, but I'm sure I've eaten one that I didn't know about. I did have a beetle crawl in my ear and scratch away at my ear drum. It was so loud and awful. i had to rush to the doctor and have her swish it out with salt water and a squirt bottle, yuk! How are the girl's today? Keeping you busy? I'm with you on LM. It seems like it's never going to end then it just zooms by. I'm getting antsy to get back to Cathe especially with my S&H coming in the mail:)

Wendy, I don't know ho much advice I can give now but I'm glad I am able to do most of the honey do list for my husband. The only problem with my ability to handle such projects on my own is that it might make my DH feel less manly:) I do need him for certain things:p


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-


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