Pentagenarians & Beyond! W/B 1/4


Good Morning!

It is cold but very sunny here today. :cool:

I hope to get a few lower body 1RM testing done and call it a lower body workout. We will be going to see my Dad today, taking him lunch. He is so bored being alone and so far from us.

Garance, yes Kelsey is getting quite frustrated with the cone now that she is feeling better. I try to take it off while I can watch her closely because like you said, she tries to lick the incision. Sometimes I have to give her a benadryl just to get her to calm down. The STS testing isn't too hard, except that I keep starting with a weight that is too easy, and have to skip that exercise an do a different one, then go back and do the other one over. I read on one of the threads that it is better if you test heavy and go with lower reps. Be careful with those flames!:eek:

Linny, That is really great that you will be able to get a week off in between jobs. Do you have any plans or just going to rest? Just nice to get a fresh outlook before starting somewhere new. Sorry you have to leave nice people that you work with, but the shorter drive will be great! I bet you will have major DOMS today after the eliptical. Do you have an MP3 player? The I-Train downloads for the eliptical are pretty good, and I hear good things about Cardio Coach although I have never tried those.

Waving Hi to Josie and Joan!

Have a great day!
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Hi Deb, Linny, Josie, and Joan--

This morning I did Kelly C-M's Cardio Sculpt (70 min.).

Lucky Linny--a whole week off between jobs! I wish you the best at your new position--friendly co-workers, safe working conditions, good support from both below and above. Where do you have your elliptical set up? Is it easily moved around? A part of me would really like to have one, but I work out in the living room, and I don't want a big piece of equipment taking up space.

Students are returning, but I don't care. No teaching for a whole year!! The heat is back on again, too, so I don't get numb fingers at the keyboard and have to wave my hands in front of the space heater.

How far away is your Dad, Deb? I take it his wife went south for the winter? I still haven't started preparation for STS. I just don't want to think about STS at all because every time I do I start wondering when it will ever, ever come. I'm still in my Cathe boycott mode. I'm liking Kelly better every day.

Hope Josie and Joan will be back soon.
Hi everyone,
I just got back. Other than walking I didn't do much. I tried to be careful, but eating out all the time is tough. No official weigh in this week I'll wait a week and hope scale is kind.
No sts waiting for me:( I didn't expect it but was hoping.
Vacation was great. No drinking except a sip of champagne New Year's eve.
We had a party that night and Friday saw Neil Diamond.
I didn't break my streak. For the last four New year's in Las Vegas I have hit a royal ( I only play video poker.)
It's Monday!

Good Morning!

Today I did a 35 minute I-Tread. I did not stay away from sweets yesterday so today will be Day 1 again.:(.

Garance, do you still go into the office at work even though you aren;t teaching? My Dad is about 60 miles away, yes his wife went to her son's for the winter. My Dad did not want to go, so he is alone and I worry about him. He is healthy, except for the emhysema, but he is frail and falls sometimes. He has great neighbors, they check up on him a lot, so I feel better about that. The STS testing is a pain, but I feel like I should do it to get the most out of the workouts. If anything it has told me that I need to lift heavier.

Joan, welcome back! great that you are on a winning streak! I hear you on the scale thing. I weighed this morning and was not happy..but now I have a starting point and a goal.

Linny, I hope you are sleeping in today!

Have a great day!
Hi Deb, Linny, Josie, and Joan (welcome back!)--

This morning I did Kelly C-M's horizontal premix on Cardio Kick Stepboxing (50 min.).

They are doing a weight loss challenge on the Today show, and the first assignment from the nutritionist is to eliminate all sugar and artificially sweetened items from your eating, add a small salad or vegetable soup before lunch and dinner, and walk 30 min. per day. I'm going to look at that vegetable soup recipe and see if it looks good. I hate to give up my cookie at lunch, though. I think I will see if there's some good advice, though, because the nutritionist is opposed to crash or fad diets, because she says they inevitably backfire. I somewhat agree. I lost 10 pounds on the South Beach diet and have kept it off for a couple years now. I still would like to lose another 10 pounds, though.

Yes, Deb, I like to work in my office because that's where all my books are and I tend to be a messy writer--notecards, books, papers spread out all over the place. I immerse myself in the messiness and then just leave it when I go home.

Curious Joan--what is the approximate cost of a New Year's holiday in Las Vegas? If you do this every year, I am assuming it is not unreasonable. Sounds like fun for a few days. Do you think the current economic downturn had an effect on the numbers there this year?

Happy vacation to you Linny!
Happy New Year Ladies,

I'm back at work and did no get to work out during my vacation because my GS's gave me the flu and ended up being sick the whole time, I'm still congested. I will give myself another week to recuperate. I did not gain any weigh and I was very happy to see the number on my scale. I still need to loose at least 15 pounds.

Well, beck to the grind.

Good morning Josie, garance, Bev and Linny,
I'm trying to decide between Cathe's and fitnessfreak's rotation for Jan. I won't be able to wo until late. I have to babysit again this week and tonight is Elliot's birthday celerbration.
Josie - Sorry you were sick. I'm really impressed that you didn't gain any weight over the holidays.
Garance - Is that just added sugar or sweetner? If it's food with sugar or sweetner in it, that's a lot tougher to follow. The crowds in Las Vegas were the biggest I have ever seen. It's always busy New Years eve, but it was that way all week. I don't know what it would have cost to stay. We never have to pay for anything but cab rides. I know there were a lot more deals because I got six different offers for New year's eve and normally only get two or three.
Deb - I'm glad you have a goal. I was all excited thinking I would be able to receive sts on 7th. It sounds like I shouldn't expect to start until Feb. I really have to get a plan down. It seems like if I have to decide what to do each day sometimes the decision is to do nothing.
Hi Ladies:
Deb:No big plans for vacation.It is more of a resting,cleaning and organizing vacation.I did go out for lunch with a friend that recently resigned from same place I did but she worked 3-11 shift.It was nice to sit back and relax.I was very surprised that I didn't have major DOMS today.My biceps did hurt though today. I haven't done a weight lifting in awhile and decided its time to start again one body part daily.Today I did elliptical and shoulders.It's too bad your Dad is so far away.Do you call him daily? He sounds like he has some really nice neighbors.
Garance:I have my elliptical set up in my son's old bedroom.I had to move it out on saturday night because we had DH's ex stepsons kids over for the night.But it rolls easy enough.It also can be fold up which comes in handy.Good to hear you have heat back at office.I would have probably broke out in hives. I previewed Kelly's cardio-sculpt today while I was on my elliptical.She makes it look so easy.
JoanC:Good to hear you had a great vacation.My sisterinlaw would kill to see Neil Diamond.How much did you win on your Royal Fush?
Josie:Sorry to hear that you had to be sick on vacation.I was worried I was coming down with stomach bug today but thankfully it went away.I wish I needed to lose only 15 pds,I need to lose about 30:eek:
Have a great night ladies~Linny~
Hi everyone,
Finally got one hour on treadmill done. I really need to get back to lifting.
Linny - Royal on $1 machine is $4,000.
Tuesday Travelling!

Good Morning,

No workout today, my back was wonky after lifting a dog for about the 900th time, I thought I would stay in bed and rest it for today. One Sugar Free day behind me and counting. Today I get to go to Markham Ontario woo hoo!

Garance, I agree with that nutritionist, sugar is the poison of all poisons to me! Where do you find the vegetable soup recipe? I had a visual of your office with papers all over the place, floor desk, and you shutting off the light and smiling when you go home.

Josie, welcome back! Sorry about the illness though. Get on our no sugar band wagon!

Joan, I agree that if you have no plan, one of the choices is to do nothing and that is how I have been for a few months now, hence the 10 pound weight gain.:(. Nothing I have seems to light up my workout enthusiam for some reason. I start something and it just fizzles out. I hope I am not expecting too much from STS. I know the hour long workout is going to be difficult time wise. You won $4000?? :eek:..

Linny, I think your plan on doing the eliptical and one body part is a good one. Are you using a particular Cathe workout for the weight part? How nice you were able to sit with a friend and relax ! Those are the best times.

Have a great day ladies...the weather forcast is grim for here later today!
Hi Deb, Linny, Josie, and Joan--

This morning I did Kelly C-M's 30 minutes weights for back, legs, and chest with 2 miles of Leslie (60 min. total).

On plans: I tend to stick with a weekly rotation for a long time, because I like to justify the expense of the DVDs by getting them down to a dollar per workout. I have been doing a lot of Kelly, mixed in 4 miles with Leslie, and one day with a kettlebell for about 7 weeks now. Once I get STS I will rethink my cardio plans. I also figure on longer workouts on Sundays, and some shorter ones later in the week (45-50 min.). In general, I like ruts because then I don't have to think in the morning at 6:30, which is when I usually start my workout.

Deb, if you go to the Today show site, click on Joy's Diet for Life and you will find her soup recipe. It really looks good--with varied possibilities for seasoning. I might do this next week.

Joan, I don't think Joy Bauer means to advise getting rid of all naturally--occurring sugars, just the "white death" in all of its forms. She thinks artificial sweeteners are bad because they support the craving for sweets. That's interesting about Vegas. I have also heard that in times of economic crisis, fortune tellers of all kinds have an increase in business. And why not? I tend to think of the stock market this year as casino capitalism--no more or less reliable than gambling and maybe less reliable given the number of crooks on Wall Street.

So sorry Josie about your holiday being ruined by the flu. I had a really bad cold for awhile, but was on the mend by Christmas Eve. Did you get a flu shot this year? It's a real bummer if you get the flu anyway.

Linny, I really enjoy Cardio Sculpt. There's a learning curve on it, but it doesn't take long, and then it's a lot of fun. The time just flies by.
Good evening garance, Deb, Linny, and Josie,

garance - I agree completely about ruts. I was prepared to do exactly as told for three months and not having sts now has stopped me from doing any lifting. I am so busy with getting w-2's out for clients and mailing out my tax questionaires, I don't have time to think about what to do next. I have carved out an hour to exercise every day but don't feel I have a minute more to plan.

I am now thinking of doing the 5-6month rotation with sts after reading Cathe's post. Do you or Deb have plans to do sts for the longer period?
I had originally planned to do the three month rotation,wait awhile and then repeat it. (hopefully with heavier weights.)

I looked at soup recipe. It reminded me of my veg. soup (no cauliflower).
I went right out after babysitting and got the ingredients. I really short the vegetables in my diet and this is a good way to get more volume.

I have tried eliminating sugar and have been successful in the past but my taste for sweets never went away. I have done better just not having junk around the house. Without my artificially sweetened green tea three times a day, I know I would eat more. I think everyone reacts differently. I guess that's why there are so many diets. I think I will probably have to journal my food for the rest of my life. The difference between my regular eating and dieting is only about a 100-200 calories a day. Rather than eliminating anything else I just modify amounts or change a meal. About 20 years ago I made all those changes they always tell you to do- limit red meat, switch to skim milk , eat more fruits and vegetable, and I only have fast food about once a year. I am just so inactive in my everyday living.

The good news is I only gained about 2 lbs so I am still down from before Thanksgiving.

I did get an hour in on the treadmill.

Deb - I expect great things from sts so we might be disappointed together.

Linny - I would love to have 30lbs to lose. Mine is 40lbs and if I were honest 50lbs. Since I have lost weight before and never gotten the last 30lbs let alone 15lbs off, I know it will be a challenge for all of us.


Good Morning all,

Today I did more 1RM testing for STS. This is getting pretty boring, I skip around trying to find exercises that are not the previous body part, and that I can understand from those tiny, tiny pictures! My trip to Canada was cancelled yesterday, not that I was unhappy about that..:rolleyes:

Garance, I have found that I have to allow some types of white sugar, like my evening hot chocolate that I make with skim ( FF) milk and 2 tbls of Hershey's syrup, or once in a while I have a Kashi bar. Otherwise I am ravenous and will start to eat all kinds of sugary things. It is usually after dinner that I want this kind of stuff. I think I may start back with the Kelly weight workouts, they are good and just the right amount of time. I dread the hour long STS workouts..what was I thinking?

Joan, I applaud how you have been able to keep those changes in your eating for so long. I think a cup of green tea with an artificial sweetner is no big deal if that is all the sugar type stuff you eat all day. I have not read Cathe's post yet but will head over there in a few minutes. I also want to go see that veg soup recipe. I am not too fond of califlower in soup, either but can always sub or leave out. I believe we can support each other here regardless of the number of pounds we want to lose. That is what this is all about!

Linny, hope you are enjoying your time off!

Josie, what's up today? How is it having your DD so closeby?

Have a good one!
Hi Deb, Linny, Josie, and Joan--

This morning I did my new Kelly C-M Kickbox DVD. I did the 53 min. premix, which includes both of her 30 min. kickbox routines.

I guess I will have to check out what Cathe says about STS in a 6 month rotation. With 41 DVDs, it sounds eminently do-able. I'm just so tired of waiting that I don't even go to the STS forum most days, and unlike virtuous Deb, I still haven't started the 1rm testing.

I didn't gain any weight over the holidays. I am still at 137 lbs. But I would really like to lose 10, so I am going to cut my wine down to one glass, try to avoid calorie-rich recipes (I love to cook, and dinner is always the least governable meal for me) and/or cut back on my portions and next week begin my meal with that soup. I hope these small changes will do the trick, because I don't want to go back on South Beach and crash-dieting I really think is a mistake.

The weather here is horrendous--sleet and freezing rain. I hope it doesn't interfere with ballroom dancing tonight. We'll see.

Sounds like we are all getting resolved. Let's keep up the support and suggestions when we hear some diet advice, which seems to be everywhere these days. I have never watched the Biggest Loser, but last night I turned it on and I think I might get hooked. I was absolutely shocked by how heavy these people were. Yikes!!
Hi Ladies,

I'm still not working out. I'm going to wait until Saturday. My DL brought my 1 year old GS and will be sitting him until Sunday when she will pick him up. My Dd is babysitting while I'm at work. Let me tell you, this is the best birth control ever. She just called me to tell me that she was very tired and this is only the first day.

Deb, I love having my DD at home again eventhough she has spent a lot of time with her boyfriend. She starts LMU on Monday the 12th.

I went on the 50 million pound challege web-site and they have a 30 day diet menu and a shopping list for every week. It's very duable and it includes foods that I already have at home. Check it out, maybe we can all do it together and form a team there.

Garance, I will also be cutting down on my wine intake and maybe just having one Manhattan instead of 2 on Fridays. Did you every find the Emergen-C?

Linny, Hope that you are having a good time on your vacation.

Well, back to work. Have a nice evening.

Hi Ladies:
Sorry didn't post yesterday,DH asked me to watch Into the Wild with him.I liked the movie ,beautiful scenery,but sad ending.
I went to new job yesterday to do drug test,but I couldn't pee:(.I should have drank a bunch of water before I left.So now I have to go back tomorrow to try again.The ADON asked why I wasn't interested in unit manager position,I just don't know if I can handle the stress again.It is a day shift position with no weekends though.Hmmmm...
Deb: Good you didn't have to go to Canada.I have been doing Cathes pure strength for bodt parts.We had bad weather today some snow,ice and then rain.What a mess.I have been doing alot of things I have been putting off for to long.Like today went through all the spices and cleaned and threw away old stuff.
Garance:Hope you got to go to ballroom dancing tonight.Iwish I could say I didn't gain any weight over the holidays.I took a break from elliptical today and did Fit to Dance.
JoanC:I just would like to start out with 30 pounds.I probably should be more 40 pds less.I made broccoli cheese soup last night.Good but I don't think it was diet soup:eek:
Josie:LOL about best birth control for DD.Good that DD will be close to home now. I'll have to check that challenge.~Linny~
Good evening Linny, Josie, garance and Bev,

I got my hour in on treadmill.

Elliot started first day without pacifier, not the most fun day.

The best description of 5-6month sts program was in Ask Cathe forum.

Happy Thursday!

Good Morning!

No workout today, it was a "couch" night, although DH came down and I stayed in bed this time,

It is snowing again here, it has been really icy and dangerous to drive. A lot of accidents with fatalities. :(

Garance, the 6 month rotation, is pretty much doing each set of weekly workouts twice in a row, instead of going to the next set. That sounds doable, I may try that way. It's great that you got through the holidays without gaining. Let us know your secret! I saw about 2 minutes of the Biggest Loser and they were all whining and such, I decided I didn't need to watch that! How was the ballroom dancing? What dances did you work on?

Josie, I tried going on that website, and apparently it started to download something on my PC that my virus softwear did not like, and it went into full virus scan mode, so I got off right away. LOL about your DD and the babysitting!

Linny, couldn't pee? I can pee 20 times a day...maybe it's all the coffee I drink! Is the unit manager position like a supervisor of the other nurses and staff? days and no weekends does sound good, but if it stresses you , that would not be good.

Joan, good for you for doing an hour on the treadmill! Do you watch TV or listen to music etc while doing this?

Have a great day ladies!
Hi Deb, Linny, Josie, and Joan--

This morning I did 30 min. of bis, tris, and sh with Kelly C-M followed by 2 miles with Leslie (total 60 min.).

I like the 6 month STS plan. Even when I review a DVD, I think it's best to repeat it a second time to really get it. Although, as I have said before, I don't think the clips I have seen, with the exception of the abs one, look all that different from other weightlifting DVDs.

Phooey--no ballroom dancing last night because of the weather. Sounds like you and I have the same foul weather, Linny. I read Into the Wild and could not bear to see the film after reading the book. So sad! I watched Wall-E last night. All the humans looked like the people on Biggest Loser. I guess the Pixar graphics were based on future projections of obesity. It was a nice little film.

Josie, how do I find that website? Maybe I will just roam around the web and see what I can google up. I think by the time I bought the Emergen-c I was past saving--eyes watering, all clogged up, shredding kleenex by the fistful. When I get a headcold, it's like watching a disaster film.

So, Deb, how did you manage to snag the "marriage bed" last night? Did DH wake himself up with the snoring?

Did well on the wine last night--one glass after dinner.
Hi Ladies,

I have been busy at meetings. It has been fund taking care of my GS I like having one at a time.

Garance, the web-site for the challenge is

I have to run off to another meeting. Will check in tomorrow.


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