50 and over November check in


Wow it's only the third and I have the thread up.:)

I think part of my exhaustion must have been because I was sick. Just felt bad but not exactly sure why. Luke was the same way. I was willing to sell him to the Indians as my mother used to say. But the last two days we have both been so much better. Even the trainer remarked that I was in a much better mood Thursday.

I am spring cleaning this weekend. I've already got the kitchen, living room and dining room done. I'm working on the three bathrooms now.

I can not believe it is November! It still feels like summer around here!

I am checking in today with my 5 mile walk run on the beach and a barre class in the afternoon. I am trying to do the steps (10000) again becasue the weight has been creeping back on.

I cant wait for the new series!

Joan- I always want to spring clean in the fall too! Gotta do it before the holidays! Hows your weight with the trainer and all?
Hi ladies!!

I thought you all had went into hibernation for the winter. :confused:

Beth -- warm... ahhhh Florida! :D
The first month I lost scale weight but I seem to have stalled. I think my calories have been too high. I've logged in to myfitnesspal but haven't gotten the weekly averages like I used to do.

Our weather right now is close to freezing and yet should be about 65 degrees on Friday.

I had been averaging over 10000 steps but have really gotten bad the last two weeks. I'm at 11327 right now so hopefully this is a new start.

LIS -- original -- done. I kept telling myself, you can stop anytime & I completed it. -- :D Brains????
Thank you for keeping up with this thread!! I'm feeling somewhat disappointed in my efforts vs results so I am trying to get an attitude change and just jump back in! I think when I started going this pure barre challenge (trying to make 20 classes in 30 days) I just couldn't do the cardio and weights. It has done wonders for slimming y thiighs and waist and hips, but I just can NOT loose any weight!! I don't know what to believe on calorie counts anymore. I read the paleo stuff where he talks about doing slower and longer cardio but I just don't know. After three days of no grains I just could chop someones head off!! I mean, after all, I lived through the high carb low protein diets in the 80S and did just fine too! If you read the Tracy Anderson book, you are hardly eating any protein"... Or any food for that matter!!

I need some sort of a plan!! Or at least a personal chef like Oprah used to have!
I still believe in calories and a balance of protein, carbs and fats. With my fitbit I can see how few calories I use-just around 2000 calories with an hour at the gym. Yesterday we went out to eat and I ended up eating 2119 calories for the day. Since the trainer wants me to eat 1500-1700 calories a day. I don't have much wiggle room. If I could just eat the 1500 calories EVERY day I would eventually lose even if it were slowly. BUT we go out to eat every week and I don't think I will stop that. I need to go back to having low days (1200 calories) a few times a week to balance out the higher days.

Monday and Tuesday are seminar days so I will be heading to Il. A couple of long days and they have lots of doughnuts in the morning.

Spoken like an accountant Joan!! Thanks! I let too many new theories clutter my actions. I had put off getting the fit bit but maybe that would help
Beth I think that we have to find the balance of protein/carbs that work for "our" body type. I've read so many diet books, webpages, forums it just makes my head spin. Trial an error with diets, at some point, something worked, right? We need to go back to that plan and extend it.
I know that since menopause, things are so far out of whack, nothing works the way these "diet plans" say. For me I have learned, heavy weights, low calorie, mixed carbs and protein. I've been trying to up my cardio and I hate cardio so much -- I just stopped working out. A friend told me.... WHY? You love lifting weights, it's always worked, why try to make yourself do something you don't like (even though someplace in my head I think I need it) then end up doing nothing.

I get some cardio lifting and I do try to mix in some step work here and there. -- Plan!
Eating... Sticking to 5-6 mini meals. Protein and carbs mixed. Limit my sugar and bread.
Keep busy!
When I was wearing my bugg (tracking my calories) -- I was surprised how low my calorie burn was with out really working out every day. Walking my dog. Moving moving moving!!

Joan -- doughnuts -- YUM. My weakness is cake, I love cake!
Beth If you don't need to monitor your sleep they have a new fitbit that is smaller and less expensive. It definitely keeps me a little more active.

Jann My cardio is a relatively slow walk on the treadmill and I bet you walk your dog at least a 1/2 hour a day. Of course the trainer wants me to up that to 45 minutes a day.

Joan where is the best place to purchase the new fitbit? Are there coupons that you know of? -- Thanks in advance! :)
Burn circuit disc 2 for me today! I can not believe how much muscle I have loss! The last time I did these workouts I was lifting twice as much -- literally!! :(

I guess I will have to re-do my 1RM's for Xtrain. :confused: I might hurt something - :rolleyes: if I don't.
Joan-- what do you mean by monitering my sleep? BTW I did see that Best Buy has them.

Jann-- Burn Circuit? you mean STS? I like lifting as well but in the last few years it has caused more neck pains and shoulder pains than before. I have found that I am good about starting sts but then I dont follow through-- the first time I did it- I was relentless!!

TODAY- I walked 5 miles on the beach and read a cookbook---the 17 day diet-- then I made the Bavarian Chicken for dinner-- If I hadn't attacked the Ritz crackers this afternoon- I'd be good!
Beth -- no I am doing ChaLene Extreme Burn, Push, Lean series. It's a 90 day program. It seems to be my best go to program. The workouts are 30 minute ish workouts and I can add my own cardio(stepping) or she has cardio workouts that use weights. The workouts are good for me.
I am really working on my diet, trying to avoid those bad carbs and sweets.
Not easy! :mad:
I wear the fitbit at night and it can tell your sleep efficiency. How quickly you fall asleep and how often you wake up. Since I found out my sleep is 98% efficient I don't use it for that any more. Otherwise they both tell you steps, calories used, stairs climbed, and activity level.

I bought it straight from fitbit. I don't know if it is cheaper otherwise. I do know that if you have any trouble with it, those bought directly can quickly be replaced for no charge.

I am slowly adding my new 1rm when I do an exercise at the gym. Mine are now scary high to me. I guess that is good but I don't know if I was slacking off before or I'm just that much stronger.

Checking in with burn circuit 3 - done!

I probably should be doing my 1rm's now -- the burn circuit is basically that.

OK - printing them out. :)

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