Workout Manager Tip – Adjusting Your 1RM Made Easy!

We’ve made adjusting your 1RM very simple in our free Workout Manager. Just click on the Calendar tab in the Workout Manager and then select the STS workout that contains the exercise you want to adjust the 1RM for. Then click on “Show Details” in the right sidebar and then select the “Edit Workout” button. Now scroll down in the workout card and find the exercise you want to adjust your 1RM for. Then click on the “1RM” icon on the right and you will see the following message: “Would you like to recalculate your 1RM value for this exercise. Yes or No”?. Click on yes and then you will be asked to enter the weight you would like to use from now on for this exercise. Your 1RM will automatically be re-calculated for all future workouts that use this exercise. | Workout Manager |

One Response

  • Thanks. That makes it a lot easier, not having to add a rotation to the calender to adjust my 1RM!