Skin Cancer and Young Women

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, women who are 39 years of age and younger have a higher risk of developing melanoma than they do any other type of cancer with one exception. That exception is breast cancer. With this information in mind, a monthly self-exam for skin irregularities is nearly as important as a monthly breast exam.

While it is true that melanoma only makes up approximately 3 percent of all diagnosed cases of skin cancer, it is quickly becoming a concern for young women. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, melanoma accounts for as much as 75 percent of all deaths caused by skin cancer.
With statistics like these, it only makes sense for women within this age bracket to take special care to protect against developing this form of skin cancer (melanoma).

Protecting yourself from skin cancer can be accomplished in a variety of ways. The first strategy simply involves the practice of avoiding the sun whenever possible. Sitting in the shade, completing outside chores at dusk, and staying indoors can all be included in your strategy of avoiding the sun’s harsh rays whenever possible.

According to many sources, the most important time of the day to avoid the sun is between the hours of 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. Therefore, staying indoors during these hours can offer protection against developing this potentially deadly disease.

The use of sunscreen products is another good way to cut back on the damage the sun does to your skin. While it is important to use sunscreen, it is also important to make sure that you are using products that have not expired. It may also be necessary to reapply your sunscreen when any of the following situations occur:
• More than the suggested length of time for the sunscreen to last has passed.
• The sunscreen is not waterproof and you have gone into the water.
• You have inadvertently rubbed the sunscreen off with a towel or other type of cloth.

Should You Worry about Skin Cancer?

According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one in twenty Americans die every single day from skin cancer. The majority of these skin-cancer related deaths involve melanoma. In fact, almost every single hour, a person in America who has melanoma dies from the disease – every 62 minutes according to current statistics gathered by the Skin Cancer Foundation. Additionally, women under the age of 40 have a greater risk of developing skin cancer, so they should take precautions to avoid getting it.


Related Articles By Cathe:

Skin Cancer and Young Women

Melanoma Prevention: The Importance of Examining Your Skin

How Skin Ages (And What You Can Do to Keep It More Youthful)

Categories: Blog, Fitness Tips, Health

2 Responses

  • This is a great article. I had a spot on my arm that I really knew I needed to have checked and finally did as a gift to myself and my family. As it turned out I had squamous skin cancer after they tested it in a lab. I was so greatful that I had gone in like my instinct told me to. Now after I had it removed I have a really cool looking scar “after 14 stitches” and they said that they got all of the cancer cells. I am going to be more vigilant about protection from the sun now. This was really an eye opener for me. Besides melanoma people need to be aware of the other types of skin cancer (Basal, squamous, etc) and to get checked (don’t play it off) or that could possibly turn deadly too if you wait too long and it spreads.

  • 17 years ago I had a tiny dark spot on my arm. Pregnant at the time I showd it to my ob/gyn who said “it’s probably nothing”. I went to a dermatologist to have it removed and it turned out to be malignant melanoma at stage 0. More tissue was removed but turned out negative. I was very lucky with my 16 stitches. I was advised to constantly check my skin. Over the years I have had many spots removed, some benign and some not and know what to look for. The thing that bothers me most is that almost every time I have to convince my dermatologist to do it. Isn’t that stupid? I know what looks wrong for me, he doesn’t!
    I like the article but wished it gave the reason why women under 40 are more likely to have it.