Zone diet and Cathe's videos


Active Member

I have a question for Catheites like you guys...
I'm getting married in just a couple of months (yay!!!), and although I've lowered my weight and are very close to my goal (just 5 pounds away! almost there! Goal: about 105 pounds, being 5'2"), I was suggested not to get into any strenght exercise, just ligth cardio, in order to reach my goal faster. This was my nutritionist' recommendation, and I've been following it strictly. I've stopped excercising with Cathe and stick to indoor cycling at home.

I'm following the Zone Diet. Since the quick results of the diet are starting to fade away (I'm not losing as much as I was at first), I'm starting to have second thoughts.

So... I have several questions:

About The Zone... Does anyone have anything against it? I've heard people do not support it, and I was wondering what did the Cathe followers thought about it.

Second, if I'm trying to achieve a bikini ready body in 2 months, wouldn't results come faster if I mix the healthy eating with the zone plus weight training with Cathe?

I'm worried that I will be a bit skinnier by the time I'm done, but flabby in my mid section if I stick to only cycling.

Any thoughts, ideas or suggestions? I'd like to maximize these two months I have left!!!

Thanks so much for your support and encouragement!
I think you need strength training as well as cardio. The weights will reshape your body. I would add them back in. JMO.
Definitely add in the weights! More muscle burns more fat!!

Your nutritionist might be thinking you will overeat or something if you do a strenuous program, but weight training is sooooooo the key along with healthy diet ( imo ) - - I cut back on my cardio and I up my strength training when I want results :9

I would do shorter cardio at higher intensity and do heavy weight lifting and then throw in a circuit every once in awhile to keep the body guessing.....

I just started doing Crossfit and trying to incorporate that into a scheduled rotation is tough! But CrossFit programs are based on high intensity, big bursts of power and lifting heavy weights and some of the women in there are TINY but they are RIPPED :p

IMO start doing weights. I'm about your size 5'2" and my weight ranges from around 105-108. I have always been this weight even when not exercising or eating healthy. However, adding weight lifting with Cathe(heavy weights for me), my body weight didn't change, but my shape did. I have a lot more muscle tone and my clothes fit better eventhough I'm the same weight. I would also add HIIT- this works miracles.

Regarding the Zone, I'm not too familiar with this diet, but if it's one of those diets that you have to eliminate all the carbs or fat from your diet, it's probably not good in the long run for your body.

Congrats on your upcoming wedding!
I am getting married in two months also, congrats!! I am preparing for my wedding dress and white honeymoon bikini by doing HEAVY weights! I agree with the above posters -- do some weight training!!
Thanks for your recomendations!

I think I will be adding in some strength workout before it's too late.

Actually, the zone diet is the one that carefully helps you balance the amount of protein, carbs and healthy fats into every meal, and keeps you eating between 5 and 6 times a day... so, overall, it sounds good and logic to me...

Let's get pumping!

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