

Hi Xers,

I woke up with a stiff lower back today. Probably because I did a fast walk at the river with my son yesterday and didn't stretch properly. I should know better.

Not sure what I'm doing yet today. It looks like the weather is going to be really nice and I may go ride my bike for a while. If not, it will be some cardio and either way some yoga.

Jeanette - Sounds like you had a nice afternoon yesterday. I don't see my Mom as much as I should. I helped her with her On Star a few weeks ago. Its amazing how Tech seems to confuse her. I must admit though the book directions were missing a vital step to actually making the device work properly. Do you like the Turbo Jams? I've been on the fence about getting those too. I just hate wasting $$. I hope you enjoy your bike ride today. Sounds like fun!

Debra - Wow, what a big birthday party. We used to do gymnastics and even went to a party or two at the gym. That's quite fun. My husband is the social one in our family. The rest of us have a few friends and that's it. I get enough social interaction at work, that once I get home I really don't want to talk to anyone except family. You got in a good workout yesterday.

Lea - I hope that the elbow is better, the knee is healing, and the teeth aren't causing you too much discomfort. I have to find a something to measure with and I'll get the t-shirt size to you today.

Steph- Did your son do well at his match yesterday?

Laurie - We look forward to hearing from you later.

Sandra - I caught up with you yesterday. I still think that snacking is the most detrimental to weight maintenance and/or loss. I always loose when we go on vacation, and I know it is because I don't snack, odd as that may sound.

Traci - I hope that the bay is wonderful. Sorry about the mosquitos. When we went to Wyoming last summer, the mosquitos were so big they could carry away a small child. Plus, they were up and active in freezing weather. They are definitely different than the ones we have here. I can't stand bug spray either and refuse to use it.

Later guys, have a wonderful Sunday, with the extended daylight hours!

LEAN/Phase 3/Week 12/Day 4 (Just to update everyone)

I missed my YogaX yesterday, because after getting up at 4:00 AM yesterday and spending all day in a stuffy, crowded gym and driving 2 hours to get home, we were all exhausted and pretty much fell into bed. So that's what I'll be doing today. Speaking of Moms, I got to see mine yesterday, too, since she lives close to the town where the tournament was. Bless her heart, she sat through 77 matches to watch her grandson wrestle. I was so proud of her, because she bought some weights and is doing some weight work. I've already told her about my success with Tony, and while she definitely can't do that level, she was motivated to begin strength building.

Tracy - Do you live fairly close to a river? I'll bet the scenery is beautiful for exercising. How lucky for you! We have some ponds on some of our farms, but they get so nasty and gross with cows drinking out of them and pooping in them, it's just not the same. Not quite like the Country Time Lemonade commericals. DS is a 2nd grader and I thought he did really well, considering he just started wrestling this year and this was only his third tournament. He got 3rd out of 4 in his weight and age bracket, but the 4th kid didn't show up. He lost to the other two kids. At any rate, he never got pinned, and only lost by points. I thought he did extremely well for being a beginnner. Thanks for asking.

Sandra - I was just kidding about the hermit crab. Hermit crabs just sort of sit around and don't do much, so I figured you wouldn't have to worry about chasing one around in the middle of the night. I got one for a Christmas present from one of my students this year. (Creative idea, huh?)

Hi to everyone who follows this morning, and I'll be back later, since today's my stay at home, do laundry and housework day. Looking forward to seeing what everyone's up to today.

Well good Sunday morning everyone. My my Tracy, didn't even sleep in with the time change??? DH and I had so much fun talking last night that we didn't even get to bed until midnight. That is a first for us. I know I will be feeling it later. But enough about me...time for those personals.

Tracy X - Yay. You are getting nice weather. It is suppose to be in the 90's here today. Excellent. And I am taking a nice 45 minute drive, kidless to my mom's. My stepsister is having a babyshower. I am going to be an auntie!! Yay. I am so excited. Ok. Sorry to hear about your back. But you are a working machine. I hope that it feels better. Take your time with the shirt. No rush. Elbow is so so, knee better and teeth are fine. DH also says that the painting didn't help. My mouth is just sore from the novacaine shots. I have to take it easy with the workouts next week and be creative so that I can start the X again in April. BTW, awesome job on the pull ups. I was right, you are a machine. Good going.

Steph - Wow, you dedicated mom. Getting up early on a Saturday and taking your son to his comittment. Or should I say SuperMom;) ? LOL on the skating. I hope that the fifth grader was all right, hey, but at least you had a little padding there right? Oh man, Girl Scout cookies? What kind do you have? DH and I refrain from buying them because you know they will be gone in a day. So I need to live through you.

Jeanette X - So you are joining us in April for another round of X? That is awesome that you spent time with your mom yesterday. I am really just starting to appreciate mine. As a kid, I was a brat, but now that I am settled down with kids I really appreciate family. I even asked my DH that for my birthday(not til October) if we can get the family together and go visit my relatives in Idaho. I haven't seen them in years. I am curious too whether Turbo Jam is worth the purchase. Maybe I will see if BB sells them individually. I hope that you have another great day today. I know that you were jealous about mine yesterday;) . That is great that prednisone helped your DH. He is off of it now though, right? I get iffy about taking that growing up with asthma. The docs were just so ready and willing to give that to me at any moment. I haven't taken that in years now.

Debra X - Hi there. How was the birthday party? And you have another one today. Oh, big HAPPY BIRTHDAY shouts to your DD. How old is she now? Very funny about Grey's Anatomy. I don't watch the show, but while I was at the dentist, I was walking out and my dentist was shaking some guys hand (older man, greyish hair). The dentist turned to me and told me that the guy is on Grey's Anatomy. I told him I didn't watch the show, so I had no idea. And my dentist said that he was glad that he didn't introduce me then, didn't want to hurt the actors feelings. Very funny. Well, hope you don't hurt that wrist. Take care of it. Maybe you should get a wrist brace for working out? I might get an elbow:+ .

Sandra X - LOL about the hamster. Did you videotape yourself chasing it? I bet your DD was happy that you caught the little rascal. You know, I just might do ARX 2x this week. Sounds fun:p . Looks like it is pretty much going to be a core week for me, until I pull something there, right? Ha. Yay!! You got the book. I am glad. Sorry I have been slow on the shirts. Life has been calling, as you well know, and darn if I forgot about them, to be honest. Sorry:-( . Ummmmm......Sandra.....sitting here reading yesterday's post, I couldn't help but wonder if somehow Elmo was on in the background. Lea X really wants to know, because Lea X is very curious. There is one thing that I can really say I hate Canada for. And that is sending that darn DoodleBops show over here. What is up with that??? I will blame you!! ;)

Traci X - Missed you something awful! How was the bay? Did you catch any fish? Do any reading? Curious minds want to know, right now!!!

Hi to Miss Monica. I am going to take every opportunity right now to enjoy the peace and quiet. Kids are still asleep. YAY!!! Talk to y'all later.

Hi ladies!!!!

Just popping on really quick before I have to get really busy! I have laundry to do, a party to get ready for, vacuuming to do, a workout to get accomplished, packing to do....and a dog to walk! All before 3 o'clock! I am planning on doing KPC today after I scarf something down for breakfast. Of course, I already feel like I am running late because of the time change!

Tracy...Sorry your back is sore this morning. Hope you get that bike ride in today to take advantage of the nice weather! My DH is the same as you...he is not very social once he gets home from work....And could really care less if he talked to anyone besides DD and me.

Steph...You're almost done with week 12..WooHoo! Glad you got to see your mom yesterday. I am looking forward to seeing mine on Tuesday. Have fun with your housework today...ha-ha.

Okay...gotta run...I need to look at posts from last night...I may be able to check back later if things go very smoothly this morning!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
TracyX, you're way too lonely here! My goodness, where is everyone today?

This morning I did Butts and Guts, as produced. I really, really enjoy the standing legs and core part of that workout. I tolerated the floor work. Like TracyX, I'm not an enthusiast for floor work, but I think it probably helps the core, so I'm doing it. That whole workout really gets long! I was so ready to be done! The weighted core work reminded me of ARX, and made me think that ankle weights with ARX might not be a bad idea. Okay, yes it is. My brain is out of control this morning. I'm mildly disoriented by the time change, and staying up too late last night. How are the rest of you doing with that?

TracyX - I completely agree with you that the nibbles and snacking are the main culprit in my diet. 500 calories while making dinner? Wow!! I should probably add up all my nibbles; I'd probably be shocked. My main problem is the evening, when I'm not even hungry, but seem to think I deserve to relax a bit and have a "bit" of enjoyment. I'm also in the kitchen continuously from 4:15pm to 8:30pm every night. I prepare supper, we eat, I clean up from supper, make lunches for DD and DH, prepare bedtime snacks for the kids, and generally tidy up the kitchen and playroom. I'm around food so much that it becomes really easy to nibble my way to bed time. And I'm also probably needing another dose of caffiene by that point, but since I can't drink it that close to bed time, I find myself trying to get the boost from other sources, such as chocolate and simple carbs. So, these are the two things I have to address: being around food so constantly, and caffiene withdrawl. Yes, I remember Jane's workouts. Still have one tucked away in a box somewhere, I think. It was the first home video I ever did, and I remember thinking how hard some of it was LOL! And yes, I've been on the low-fat bandwagon since I was about 20. Weight Watchers' point system encourages low-fat, high fiber eating. Thank you for posting your chest/back workout! That looks tough! I presume you go heavy and aim for 8-10 reps? You did amazing with your chin/pull ups! I have no doubt you will reach your goals. I did 3 unassisted pull ups yesterday, which was a first.

JeanetteX - Those Turbo Jams are selling at my Costco for $30. I've looked at them a few times, but haven't bought them. I'm just not sure I'd use them. They're pretty short. Are they advanced enough? OMG, your relationship with your mother is wonderful. I hope she's with you for another 20 years, at least. Yes, Shiva's matrix is a fabulous thing. That's just an amazing dvd all around. I'm glad you all encouraged me to dust it off. Did you do a group ride today?

Steph, Debra & Lea have snuck in while I'm writing. Good morning!

DebraX - Your wrist sounds so aggravating for you. Your attitude is so amazing. DD's b-day party will be a hoot! How old is she turning? Yes, I remember that Seinfeld episode. And then there was the one where George spoke of himself the same way (unless that's the same episode?). They're very funny. I was just watching some reruns this morning, and they played the Soup Nazi show. I'd forgotten how funny that one is. Enjoy your very busy day!

Steph - you're getting so close to the end! Woohoo! Congratulations to your son on his wrestling match, and how nice of your mother to sit through the whole tournament! She's lifting weights now? Terrific!!! I get it now about the hermit crabs. Yes, that would have been preferable, for sure! And how funny that you got one as a gift. That's a bit....different :) You just reminded me that I'm doing laundry. I'll have to go do something about that when I'm done here.

LeaX - LOL! You guys have the DoodleBops?! I'm so very sorry for that! You have the Dentist to the Stars? I'm impressed! I'm only 3 degrees of separation from some guy on some show I never watch. Now I feel special. Nope, no videotaping of the Hamster Chase. DH is sensitive about being filmed in his gitchy-goos. Oh dear, it IS an Elmo thing, isn't it? I didn't even realize that! Obviously we watch too much Elmo around here. DD#2 does find him amusing. I'm so happy to hear your knee recovered so quickly. And your teeth are fine. Now, talk to the elbow and get it on the same page as the rest of your body. Did you go to your meditation class last Tuesday? No worries or hurries on the shirts. I'm happy to take the Zen approach to these things. There are other things in your life that are more important than mail orders.

TraciX - Are you back yet? I hope you had a nice weekend and managed to stay away from the powdered doughnuts.

All the best,
Good morning,

I don't have much time, got to go start the car and throw my bike for the group ride this morning. Should be nice a little later into the ride. Right now it's around 45 or so. I'm wearing shorts with leg warmers that I can strip off if it gets warmer. I'll report back later. Sounds like everyone has busy days planned.

Okay...I just have to share before I run off to shower...Because no one but you guys will understand my excitment....

I did my first ever pike on the ball!!!!!! WooHoo! Thank you ARX...even DD said what a good job I did!

Gotta run and go pick up the cake!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hey again,

Quiet day on the boards, huh? My goodness I was tired today. Just felt awful. I had an extra cup of coffee this afternoon, instead of my usual green tea, and even squirted some chocolate syrup in it. Mmmmmmmm. My whole hip/butt area was tightening up on me real quick from Butts & Guts this morning. So, DH and I did XStretch. Ahhhhhhhh. That helped a lot. For dinner I roasted some organic elk meat, sweet potatoes, boiled & sliced fresh beets, and steamed some spinach. Oooooh my! Just delicious, and as soon as I ate it I could feel every cell in my body doing the thank-you dance. That's good eating! :9 I feel much, much better now. I'm finally feeling alert and happy. I wish every meal could do that! I'll be peeing pink tomorrow! :eek:

How are the rest of you managing to adjust to the time change?

Jeanette - Strip-cycling! Now I understand why you find cycling so appealing!

Debra - YAY!!!!!! That's quite an accomplishment! I'm happy dancing for you!

Good evening ladies!

Just wanted to let you guys know that I survived an afternoon with 15 5 year olds...WooHoo!! Almost as much of a challenge as the pike on the ball! The party was very fun and DD had a great time with her friends. She will be truning 6 later this week. I can't believe that my baby is 6! She is just so big and grown up. At the end of her party as we were telling everyone goodbye, she turned to me and said "Thanks for everything, Mom" What a sweet pea!

So...I am also feeling a lot of DOMS today from yesterday's workout. My inner thighs are screaming! Gotta love those plie squats with weights! Also tight in my chest...and just some nice tiredness in my back. I am planning a circuit style workout tomorrow..not sure which one yet. I have lots to do to get ready for my trip on Tuesday. I have not packed at all....and that really goes against my planning nature...but I had my hands full with DD's party! I will be around next week since I am planning on taking my computer with me...but don't know how much time I will get to post. But be sure I will be thinking of you guys!

I've got to go now and start opening up some of the toys DD got for her bday. Has anyone ever timed how long it takes to get one of those Barbies out of the package?...I think I may be in need of Sandra's upcoming doctorate to get at them easily!

Hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend filled with good weather and fun with the family!

Later gators!

PS Traci...Miss you!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Good evening,

Had an awesome day today. First of all, the nice weather for the group ride brought out more riders today. We had 12 in our group. I did wear shorts (just 2 of us that did) and a short sleeved jersey and it was definitely the right call for me. We rode 57 miles at an average speed when we finished of 17.9 mph, which is good for this time of year. Beautiful, fun ride with some good riders. One couple was on a tandem. They had done the Death Valley Double Century last week (200 miles in a day). They are awesome riders and I definitely got on their wheel when I could. Next week we are going out of town for a ride around a lake near here (Almanor, with beautiful viewings of Mt. Lassen). It's a 47 or so mile ride with about 2,000' of climbing. The following weekend we are doing a 50 miler with about 3,500' of climbing, out of town also. Anyway, the ride ended back at Starbucks and we enjoyed sitting outside and visiting. Really nice group of people that I get to ride with.

Went home and watched Cyclism Sunday on Versus channel, dozing off a bit for part of it. When DH got home from work, he and I packed up the dogs, some beer (for him), magazines and a chair for me, and we went out to the desert about 15 miles from home. It was very relaxing and nice and we got to see the sun go down. The end of a very nice Sunday.

Tracy, hope your back is better today. How old is your son? Ours is almost 26 now. Did you get to ride your bike today? Some cardio? I just have the original Turbo Jam and like it. I actually really feel a difference when I do Ab Jam, which I will do as one of my ab workouts this week. I think I will find out which of the Turbo Jams that people really like the best and buy it. I like Chalene and I like the funkiness of TJ.

Steph, bless your mom's heart for sitting thru all the wrestling to see her GS. Does she have any DVD's that she's working out to? I'd like to get my Mom something to work out with and just wondering what I should start with. She was liking the treadmill (walking) before, but I think she would do some light weights. Cracked me up about the Country Time Lemonade, I know exactly what you are telling about there. We rode thru a bunch of cow manure on the road today, but it was dried so not too bad. Sounds like your DS did well for wrestling and if he liked it, he was successful. Did you get housework done today? I didn't get a darned thing done, except have fun.

Debra, you had a full list of things to do today. Hope you got them all done. How as KPC? That one is definitely more intense than KenpoX or Turbo Jam Cardio Party #1. Way to go on the pikes on the ball!!!! That is an accomplishment for sure. The core work that P90X has in it is just the best and I think it has really transferred over to my bike riding too.

Lea, so nice that you and DH got some time to talk last night. Hope you got to catch a little nap today like I did. I'm going to be a great-aunt in a couple of weeks myself. Take care of that elbow. So far, I don't think I'll be starting P90X for a while. I want to see how I do without it and really still need a break. Can't picture myself doing it for some time, but who knows, that can change. Re: the prednisone, he was only on it for about a week. That's all it took. Before that, it was soooo sore. I like Turbo Jam and will probably invest in some more pretty soon. The Cardio Party #1 that I have is not that intense, but then, I'm not an intensity junkie at all.

Sandra, I have done Butts and Guts a few times and think I liked that one the best of all the new ones. I was so sore the first time I did it. That lunge sequence at the beginning is a goodie, thing it's the plie squat jumps with a DB that got to my inner thighs. I love spending time with my Mom. She and I made wine about 5 or 6 years ago. I bought her another wine making kit 2 years ago for Christmas and she didn't start it yet so I took it home the other day to start. I need to get it going and then keep her posted on "our" project. It was fun making and bottling it before, then drinking it of course. I even made little labels for it. The group ride today was absolutely awesome. Every once in a while I let out some good old YEE-HAWS while riding, it's just so fun sometimes. MMMMmmmmm, your meal sounds delish! Glad it was so nourishing for you. I won't even tell you what I had today. Bad, bad eating day. Tomorrow is a new week so on the wagon for me again.

Hi to everyone else, Traci, we miss you when you are gone, Monica, Laurie too.


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