

Hi all,

Is today the graduation day or is it tomorrow? In any event, congratulations! Way to go for sticking it out to the end. I kept reading about you all doing kenpox, core syn, etc. and that seems like so long ago that I did those routines.

Yesterday I ended up doing abs and Powerstrike 1. That routine is difficult and I ended up taking off my weighted gloves after the first upper body warm up combo. I need to get back to eating more protein, because I could definitely feel it. I struggle with those darn side snap kicks and they do so many in a row very fast. It was quite challenging. I was soaked when I finished and this morning I definitely know that I worked my glutes differently.

I picked up this month's Oxegen magazine at Costco because it's all about glutes!I must admit though, as I thumbed through that magazine I can't help but wonder how much cosmetic surgery, boob jobs & liposuction, some of those women have had. I'm not so sure that I like that look of all muscle and then huge fake boobs just sticking out. Oh well, I guess it's all personal preference. (If any of you have fake boobs, please don't be offended, I do think they look good in some cases.)Also, some of them had lost the soft female look to thier faces. Did anyone else notice that? It almost makes you wonder if there aren't abnormal amounts of testosterone floating in their bodies; maybe I'm being too negative. I do give them all a lot of credit for doing the work that they do to be so muscular and lean.

BBL after I catch up on the last couple of days.

CL/PH3/WEEK5/Day6: YogaX

Good morning!

Laurie, Jeanette, what workout are you doing today? Are you going to take pictures today?

LeaX - Have a great time snowboarding!!! Yes, I understand what you mean about man-made snow. As someone who lives in a place where winter lasts 8 months, I'm completely mystified why anyone would go out of their way to make snow - the novelty wears off quickly! But enjoy yourself, and try to stay warm with your frigid 47 degree temperature (that sentance was heavily coated with sarcasm). I have no doubt you'll do great and will be loving those lessons.

Debra - Ooooooh! There's obviously another kickboxing workout out there that I don't know about. Is it good? I'm still impressed with your add-ons to KenpoX. Did you get your CC problems resolved wtih customer service?

Jeanette - I can't say that I can relate to water retention in the face, thank heavens. I'm so glad it's heading out, and you're dealing with TTOM so much better. LAST DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe we made it all this way?????? I'm so impressed with us. This has been so much fun with all of you. I've loved having a partner who is on the same day as me. For some reason my glutes are a little tight this morning. I'm not sure which part of CoreSyn did that? I guess there are a number of moves which could have done that. I would imagine the Shiva core workout is a yoga dvd. I'm guessing that it's an elaboboration of the kind of stuff she does in the core/abs section on the Yoga Shakti dvd.

TracyX - Thanks for starting the thread today! Which part of the world do you live in? Oh my, PowerStrike is that intense? Jeepers, another one to put on my Someday list. I completely understand what you mean about the women in the Oxygen magazine. I would bet the house that there is a certain "proportion" between bust, waist, and hips that is considered the ideal in the fitness competition community, and these women work as hard as they can, then let cosmetic surgery do the rest. It's a shame, really, that the whole spectrum of fit, healthy, strong bodies is not displayed. I consider myself quite fit, but because my bust is so small, my waist tends to look large. I remember when I was breastfeeding, I liked the look of my waist much better, and it was even bigger then. So much is about proportion. Have you checked out the workout that starts on page 108 of the April '07 edition? That looks very CoreSyn-ish.

Well, today is supposed to be YogaX, which I'd planned to do. However, yesterday we had friends over and they stayed for supper. I ate alot, in particular, a couple of pieces of chocolate fudge cake that kept me awake until 11:30pm. I think today I'm going to do BodyMax2 as-produced so that I can work off some of the food, and get myself possibly looking good enough to take a picture. I'll do YogaX tomorrow, then start my Post-P90X life on Monday. I still have to commit myself to something. One of the things I might do is make up my own workout circuiting jump-roping, jumping jacks, and variations of push ups, and pull ups. Maybe some lunges or wall squats in there, too. Get some good tunes on the MP3 player, and just amuse myself for a while. Try TracyX's standing ab routine. Finish with some yoga or stretching. I'm still putting it all together in my head, and want to check out a few jump-rope websites that someone on the OD posted a bit ago.

Okay, time to go. I'll have to start thinking about my "TakeAways" post. Have a great day, everyone!!
We've got 2 Xer posts going today, Lea posted before leaving for her snowboarding adventure.

Classic/Phase 3/Week 5/Day 6 (last workout day)

Today was yoga and I subbed Bryan Kest's Intensive Body Sculpting, which is a great leg workout. I was shaking sooo much and had a hard time balancing today, while doing airplane. I did my best and forgot the rest. I highly recommend this DVD. It is as good or better than the ones in his Power Yoga Series. He has short hair in this one. I really like all the things he says about the importance of taking care of our joints, and the non-aesthetic places.

DH and I are off to Reno today to look at wood stoves. Ours is pretty old and inefficient. I'd sure like to be able to cut less wood during the summer, frees up time to do more fun stuff.

Tracy, Powerstrike 1 sounds like a toughie. Is it high impact? Would you recommend it? I too notice the gaunt look in some of the ladies faces in the body building world. Not very feminine to me anyway. Not a look I'd covet at all. I've sure noticed more lines this year in my own face. Oh well, it's bound to happen eventually.

Sandra, no pictures today. I'm still puffy from TTOM, I'm thinking maybe Monday or Tuesday. We'll see. I'm pretty impressed with all of us too. If it weren't for you and everyone else, I'd probably have quit long ago or subbed more. I think the program is awesome, but the boredom does hit at the end. I'm pretty proud that I didn't quit because I tend to be one that will let other things slide once I start quitting one thing, on to starting and quitting another. P90X has shown me that I can do more than I thought I was capable of, in other words, it's given me more confidence to try new things. My legs and hamstrings were pretty tight this morning, but the yoga this morning really helped with that.

Traci, know you aren't here today, but I remembered I think it was you that asked about our user names. My dad had nicknames for all 5 of us kids when we were growing up. Mine was "Netta Van Petta", followed by the little song "banana fana fanetta, fee, fi, Vanetta" or something like that. Thought I'd mention it.

Well got to get DH up and at em. I've got to take a shower too.

Everyone have a lovely day, and congrats to Laurie, Debra, Sandra and Stephanie! Happy graduation.

Hope everyone is having a glorious morning!!! Congrats to the graduates!!! Way to go!!

I have already shoveled snow, picked up dog and cat poop, and am getting ready to vacuum! I know you guys are very jealous of the exciting life I lead! I am supposed to do Core Syn today...but I am still trying to take it easy on this wrist...It feels much better, but I am still getting twinges...So I am going to do pilates and maybe a ballet DVD I have....Then tomorrow I am going to try to do yoga and test out the wrist.

Just some quick personals...

Lea...Hope you are having fun falling on your bottom this morning!!

Jeanette...Can't wait to see your after pictures! You previous pics showed so much progress already! I am proud of you for sticking to the program so diligently...It took a lot of will power I know. Glad you enjoyed yoga today...Have fun shopping for stoves!

Sandra...Have fun with your BM2 workout...I really like that one. And then yoga...Looking forward toreading about your take aways...Please let us know too about your upcoming rotation. I am always impressed by people who can workout at home without a video to bo by..Not one of my strong suits!!!

Steph...Are you starting week 12? You're almost there!

Tracy... I know what you mean about the women in those magazines...I know the pics have been airbrushed...Makes me wish I could just airbrush myself everyday. I wonder what they eat to stay so lean...of course, I feel like I have reached a certain age that I could never look like that without surgery. Glad you had a tiring workout this morning...I always enjoy pushing myself....It makes me feel so accomplished after.

Laurie...Hope are soaking in the glory of your accomplishment today!

Traci...Just wanted to let you know that it is still snowing here...hope you are having a great time at the bay!

Monica...Hope all is well with you!

Okay...gotta run for now...Need to finish getting ready for our showing...bbl to check on you guys.


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
Hi all,

Happy graduation to Sandra, Laurie, Debra, and Jeanette.

So my 17 year old son picks up Oxegen magazine and starts looking through it. He has a real talent for humorously making the most serious of things look silly ( not that I am implying that Oxegen is really serious or not). Well, he had a heyday with that magazine. It kind of put the whole thing into the perspective of reality and stupidity. He went on this whole dialog about how he is going to study the types of jeans that make different girls butts look better and then use that in conversation. You probably had to be there, but it was quite funny. "Your rear pocket is stretched just a little and it makes your a%% look droopy..."

Today was my HITT day and I did HST WU and cardio, Circuit Max, 1st two hi lo segments, Boot Camp cardio only and believe it or not, Kickmax blasts. That turned out to be a nice workout. Then I did a little core and magically hips. That sequence gets into places in the hip flexor and glutes that I didn't know that I have. I haven't done anything constructive today and probably won't. I'm heading into that part of the month where I just don't care. Vacuum??? Why vacuum????

Debra - I'm getting ready to go out and pick up dog poop, so you are not alone. We are house sitting my son's girlfriend's chihuahau (sp?) and I went out in the yard with him and then went OMG! Sorry about all of the bad weather. I should have picked the poop when we had snow on the ground, it was much easier to see.

Steph - Glad you checked in. It must be hard to workout, go to all of the sports meets, work and get everything else done. My kids are older now, but I rememeber when they played baseball and even though I loved it, it was so time consuming. I hope you get your workout in today.

Sandra - I'm enjoying doing my own thing on several days. I really like my chest/back routine. I can send it to you if you like. I was dreading gym styles tr/bi/delt by the time I did it the third time. I put together my own stuff this time. I still have to decide what I'm doing for legs though. I'm on the fence about 2 or 3 days a week. My hamstrings seem to stay tired.

Jeanette - I have to get that yoga, but it is so expensive for being so old. I can't find it for less than 20 some anywhere. Have fun in Reno, we have driven through there too. I can't wait to here what you decide to do post X.

Traci - I hope that the bay is beautiful. We had 66 here yesterday, but today is cloudy.

Lea - I hope that you spent more time on your feet than on the ground. We have man made snow here too. If it wasn't for that, the ski resorts would not be in business. How is the elbow?

Off to go pick poo and walk the dogs.

Happy Saturday.

Hi there, you lovely ladies!

Hope you are all good this evening! Just wanted to drop by and check on you guys. You must all be having more exciting evenings than me! It has finally stoppped snowing here..thank goodness! I have another showing on the house in the morning..so I may not be checking in until late in the afternoon. My wrist as been bothering me a lot today...I didn't call a Dr. this week since it seemed better...but now it's bugging me again.

I think it is official for all of the graduates tomorrow...WooHoo!!! I am so pleased for all of you! I will be official on Monday!

Have a great night and a good morning to all!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams

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