Would you purchase more Cathe if they were in retail st...


Active Member
Hi everyone, I was wondering if Cathe will make all of her DVD's available in more retail stores, such as Target. I would purchase more of them if it were more convenient. I find that sometimes if I think about a purchase to long I don't make it. There was a exercise program that I had been thinking about purchasing with another company but for the longest time you could only get them through TV or internet. I never did, but the other day I saw them at Target and picked the set right up. I believe more people would purchase fitness DVD's if it were more convenient to do, such as Cathe, beachbody, Billy Blanks, etc. So why don't they? Connie
I like the return policies of SNM and Collage Video and I would rather buy my workouts from them. In the past when I did The Firm and they started selling it on retail stores, the quality was not the same and they didn't have the same return policies and warranties. I definitely lost the money I spent on those videos so unless they can match up with the service and all the things that SNM and Collage offer I would stay away.
it doesn't matter to me either way. i would like to see more retail but the fact is there isn't much of a market for advanced(like cathe, or CIA videos)so i would be paying an arm and leg and like Rose said the return policy and quality(b/c of mass marketing to get them out to stores quicker)may not be the same. i do like buying off this site and will continue to do so. i believe someone posted that the new beignner videos that came in the cathe step set at target didn't have premixes. that is the top reason why i really buy cathe other then she is advanced.the premixes defiently make it worth more the money. i have seen very,VERY few workouts in the stores i would actually want and mostly those are yoga or pilates. its hard for me to find a good cardio video that is advanced enough for me.

but as to why many are retail pretty much they make more money of the beginner/intermediate that they hope will give up trade their videos then the following new years buy a ton more. don't know if you ever notice around new year's they stock a bigger selection of workouts in target. at least that is what i see. there just isn't the mass market for advanced like there is for beginners.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
RE: Would you purchase more Cathe if they were in retai...

It wouldn't make a difference to me simply because I LOVE to shop online! I'm an internet shopaholic! }(
RE: Would you purchase more Cathe if they were in retai...

I'm with Wendy. Put it online, I'll buy it!! It was so strange to buy a present from a STORE yesterday!!!
Since I've bought almost every DVD Cathe's made (except for the Timesaver workouts), I'd have to say "no". But if I were just starting my Cathe collection, I'd like the convenience of having them in stores.

Unfortunately, many of the stores that carry workout videos/DVD's don't carry many, and only stock up in January for "New Year's resolution" sales, and maybe in late spring for the "getting ready for swimsuit season" crowd. They also dedicate most of their workout DVD space to beginner/intermediate workouts (based on what they perceive their customers will buy).
RE: Would you purchase more Cathe if they were in retai...

It was so
>strange to buy a present from a STORE yesterday!!!

I know what you mean! And on the internet, I don't have to put up with the annoying crowds of slow-moving, aisle-blocking, loud-cellphone-talking people who make me feel homicidal!! (I was in Walmart yesterday, and had to leave before I murtilated somebody!).
RE: Would you purchase more Cathe if they were in retai...

I LOVE the internet!!! I feel like I save so much money, too! Froogle is great, although I don't like the most recent changes. Ebay is growing on me, too!!
I make it a point to avoid malls and the big superstores at all cost. If I have to go to Target, I go first thing in the morning when no one is there. I shop almost entirely online--except for my antiques. Now, I could spend all day in an antique mall:D :p


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