Would You Live Overseas?


I asked my DH this question and he said "probably not." I lived overseas from ages 13 to 18 and was just sitting here thinking about how much I miss the excitement of faraway places. So, ladies, would you? (provided that you could live safely!) And where would you most like to go?


In a heart beat. My husband IS living overseas in a way. He's originally from India. Now he's a US citizen, but we travel a lot. I'd love to live in Italy for a while. Maybe followed by Switzerland... France, Australia, New Zealand... All possibilities. Maybe extended vacations in South Africa, Costa Rica.. Oh, well, just about anywhere. I've lived all over the US - and that was fun. I would love to live in a foreign country long enough to have a better idea of the culture and the people.
Yes !!! We are from South East Asia, so we are actually living overseas now in the US. Before coming to the US, I lived for 3 years in London for my Bachelors degree and I love it there !!!
>Yes !!! We are from South East Asia, so we are actually
>living overseas now in the US. Before coming to the US, I
>lived for 3 years in London for my Bachelors degree and I love
>it there !!!

I lived in London for four years! When were you there?


I am overseas! I have been here 15 years now. Now I dream of leaving this place and going somewhere else! I have lived in France (didn't like it), Spain (much more me). It's easy to do when you are young and single, harder to do when you have a family in tow.

You can live anywhere in the world you want, because home is where your loved ones are, regardless of geographic location.

I was in the South Kensington area, as I was doing my Bachelors in Imperial College. Loved the area ! My favourite past time then was running in Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. Occasionally, we would go queue up for last-minute tickets for musicals in Covent Garden. Oh God, I miss those days !!!
I have never lived overseas, but would love to try it. :) I would like to live in the following places: England, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway, or Australia.

I AM living overseas. Been here in the US for 15 years. Been trying to convince the hubby to move somewhere else (preferably Australia) since 1997. But my son doesn't want to go anywhere. There's no place like home for my little boy.:) I visited Vancouver once. I could live there. HongKong would also be cool. Have to learn Cantonese though.

LORI -- that's a COOL blog you have!!! You're beautiful just the way you are.;-)

This has just come up between me and DH - he's Scottish and would like to move back to Glasgow in the next 3-5 years. I'm not sure how serious he is about that - he has his own business, what work would we do over there, etc. If it had come up ten years ago, I'd say yes...but my parents are both in their 70s now, Dad has had a few major health scares/issues, and I don't know that I want to be an ocean away.
Nah...I'd love to visit though! Italy, France, England...you name it, I'd love to go there but only on vacation. If I had the $ and the time, etc, I would love to take an extended vacation and just travel Europe and see everything. Spend about a month taking it all in then return home to the good ol' USA.

I don't like change so I'll stay put! :) Heck, I don't even want to move out of NJ even though I can think of several reasons why I SHOULD! :p
My husband was born a military brat in Madrid, Spain. His mom said it was very nice out there. Mind you, that was in 1962. My neighbor just spent the last 10 years in Saudi Arabia. They lived on compounds. She said she would rather live there than in the U.S. any day.
Yeah....DH seriously thought about moving to Italy a few years back, but the kids were not thrilled about it. Actually, DH's family came here from Italy and then moved back when he was about 7. They stayed In Italy for a year, and then came back here as the economy in Italy was horrible at that time.

My middle son is in Italy now, and he doesn't want to come back! I have a feeling he will eventually end up moving there after college. I also think he will end up doing a semester or two abroad.

What part of Saudi did you live at? Do you remember the name of the compound? Her husband went over contracted by the government. He is an Avionics Engineer. After he left there he went to Diego Garcia (the small island to the left if China). Everybody calls it dodge because they try to dodge going there.:) He just spent 6 months in Baghdad.
I would but my DH isn't as thrilled at the prospect. We discussed before but now where we're at in our careers it wouldn't make sense. It's not to say it would never happen though...

>I AM living overseas. Been here in the US for 15 years. Been
>trying to convince the hubby to move somewhere else
>(preferably Australia) since 1997. But my son doesn't want to
>go anywhere. There's no place like home for my little boy.:) I
>visited Vancouver once. I could live there. HongKong would
>also be cool. Have to learn Cantonese though.
>LORI -- that's a COOL blog you have!!! You're beautiful just
>the way you are.;-)

Pinky, Thank you. I love your blog too. You are a very good writer. Mine is self-absorbed drivel. But hey, that's what a blog is for right? :) I left you a comment on your site.

Hi Heather!

I lived in two different places, Riyadh and a small town on the coast called Jubail. I've lived in a bunch of different compounds. The last one was called Cordoba, when I was there about 5 years ago. Also lived in the Lockeed compound for a while. Did your friend live in Riyadh?


I would love to live overseas for charitable reasons. I would live in the poorest parts of Sudan and help these wonderful but poor people. I would also love to live in other parts of Africa for the same reasons.These people need our help.
Yes! And, I've managed to halfway convince my husband that it will be fun. If a job comes open in my field in New Zealand or Australia, we'll be moving:)
I've never lived over seas but if I had an opportunity to do so and knew I would be secure I would definitely go!

You only live once :7

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