Workouts Using Fitness Equipment



I like to see a workout using equipment such as a wobble board, medicine ball, body bar. These are things I currently own (and probably some of you as well) and I don't put to much use because most of this gear came with a very basic DVD. I think using props makes for interesting workouts.


The Nuyorican
I'd definitely like to see some workouts (cardio and resistance) using the medicine ball (for more than just abs). A bootcamp style workout with med-ball cardio would be great!

While many people might not have all of the same equipment, showing an option for using it (ie: have a backgrounder stand on a wobble board or balance disc when doing some moves) would make the workouts more versatile for those of us who do.

Again, I think SNM/Cathe could do a survey and see how many Catheites have different types of equipment.
I definitely think your idea of adding a body bar and medicine ball would be great and increase our functional fitness. I don't have a wobble board, but I would be willing to try. Also, a bosu (with option of using a step) would be fabulous!

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