Working out at home and a gym


I don't post much, I usually lurk, I was just wondering how many of you work out at home to videos and also belong to a gym. I just joined a gym by my house for a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday membership. I plan to take a spinning class on one of those days and do the weight machines on another for variety. Thanks for answering.


I don't belong to any gym. I can't afford it. I think my cash is better invested with Cathe, barbells, dumbells, DVD's, etc, which I get to keep at the end of the day! I like the freedom to do just what I want when I want. I don't have to wait til someone's done with a machine, nor wipe their sweat off it which would gross me out. And I just can't imagine being able to get a workout of the same intensity from any class taught in my area. Plus, when I have the kids' schedules to juggle around my own, working out from home is the only way possible.

So, no, sorry, no gyms here! But I hope your classes work for you.

I do. And have mixed feelings about the gym membership. The gym is not the most convenient but had 2 outdoor pools & lots of pilates options.

I love the pilates & yoga classes. The instructors are great & they offer multiple-level classes. So one can go to Power Yoga if experienced or Gentle Yoga if just needing a stretch.

The Spinning does not suit me but I had some pretty awesome instructors where I used to Spin. This gym uses am radios instead of a sound system so there is very little interaction. It's very subdued but at least I can turn down the pop/rap c..p they play.

I haven't used the cardio machines as much as I thought but that may change in the summer when air quality gets nasty & the heat climbs. I'm an outdoor cardio woman at heart & if I can play outside, I will. The lap pool has been a good x-training workout while I've babied a knee. I like 2 pools, because then the kiddies are in the smaller, warmer pool instead of dangling off the lane dividers in the big pool. On the other hand, I have to work around the swim team schedule (youth no masters).

The water fitness classes have been a disappointment. I think our beloved Aquajock has set my expectations too high.

I thought I would love doing weights at the gym but I don't. Even though I can go at off-peak times, I have to adjust my workout or hover (I don't hover). And even though it's politely done, there's often someone hovering around me. So either I let them "work in" & spend a lot of time between sets, or feel pressured. I really love the assisted pull up machine, but I found out that I prefer the efficiency & privacy of weight work at home with Cathe. This might be different for someone who wants to do heavy lower body work.

Now that I wrote this, I'm thinking, Hey she's already commited & might as well enjoy it! Have fun Hope.

Wow Clare- I thought I was the only one who didn't care for gyms! I also can't afford the exorbitant monthly fee and hate waiting for machines, wiping off sweat, etc. I also have a thing about all gross and sweaty in front of others. However, if there is a road trip, I will take my chances lol. And I also agree that I don't think any instructors could come close to Cathe!

Hi Phyllis
I have been working out at home consistently since '97, had a gym membership since '99 and instructing for almost a year. I love the variety I get by combining fitness at home and at the gym. I have moved to different cities twice since '97 and highly value the social aspect of a gym, what better place to meet like minded, motivated people. Don't assume that the 'meat market myth' is true for all gyms. Another aspect I love about the gym is the group dynamic in fitness classes, when I'm running out of steam invariably I am motivated by someone else's pep or a well timed cue from the instructor.
Spinning is awesome, great for leaning out and sculpting the legs. At first I was humbled by it as I fancied myself cardiovascularly conditioned yet 20 minutes into my first spinning class felt as though I might fall off of the bike clutching my pounding heart:p
I stuck with it and was never so fit as when I was doing 2-3 spinning classes a week.
Have fun during your gym time, the days you are going are typically busy so get your bike early:) and don't be surprised if you get home later than expected because you ended up chatting with someone for half an hour in the change room.:D

Enjoy Yourself!!!!

Take Care
Yes, there is the social aspect of working out at a gym. That's true. I guess I must just be either to poor or too antisocial!!!!

I do both. I like doing cardio at the gym because I am more motivated to go alot longer (1 1/2 hours) than at home. For me, I can usually do an hour of working out at home then I usually get distracted by kids or work to do. At the gym, I usually do step, spinning,TurboKick and sometimes I use the weight machines. The gym at one time offered BodyPump, which was a great class-they no longer offer it. I also like the social aspect of the gym and have made a few friends there. I love doing Cathe's tapes/DVDs because the quality of her workouts is like a class at the gym. I mainly do her tapes with weights. I started out doing her step tapes 10 years ago, but prefer her "weight" workouts.
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to say thanks for posting. I am hoping the gym will help motivate me a little more. I hope I can actually do the spinning class since I have only done Spinervals at home last year for about 3 months and have not done them since. I am hoping to meet other fitness minded people there also. I plan to work out at home with Cathe Mon thru Thursday. Thanks again.
You'll like the gym. It gets you out into the world a bit and there are so many pieces of equipment and classes to take that you can really mix it up. Plus you can get ideas from others while you are there.
Plus you can people watch!! LOL!!
Trevor :)
I love working out at home. My schedule is so tight that I see the time it takes to drive to and from the gym as a waste.

I've gotten better results at home, too. I do not like machines. The only thing I miss is spinning and I may buy an in home spinning bike, eventually.

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