Working out after Lipo

Amy Steppe

Hello everyone,

I have a question and need some advice or insight.

I had liposuction (7 incisions of my hips and abs) on October 14th. It was no big deal -- I breezed through the surgery with flying colours. I was out and about the next day!

Tonight I did the cardio portion of "Cardio & Weights" on a 4 in step without much jumping. Then I did the Low Part of Step, Jump, and Pump.

Finally, I did some of the exercises from "Pyramid Upper Body" and the calves from "Pyramid Lower Body" I used light weights (from 3 to 12 lbs) and only did concentration type exercises.

No ab work or floor work.

I am wearing a compression garment for another 4.5 weeks, so I work out in it (I wash it afterwards of course).

My surgeon said I should only do walking until January 23rd when he sees me again. I will go out of my mind waiting that long to work out!

I can't see how doing modified step workouts and light weight concentration exercises can do me any more harm than a 13 min mile!

I actually felt good about myself after doing the workout tonight -- I am still weak, but after I got going I felt wonderful.

Has anyone else had any similar surgery and gone back to working out so quickly?

I don't want to do harm to the work I had done -- the lipo looks GREAT -- I've never had such a flat tummy -- but I simply can't stand going without working out for a maximum of 6 months!

Oh, I did order Cathe's Basic Step/Body Fusion tonight. I STUPIDLY sold my copy, never considering I might face a time when I needed to modify my extreme workouts!

Thanks for listenting.

Oh and regarding the pole dance video -- I have no problem at all with nudity or pole dancing or stripping, but I think I'll stick to Cathe for the core of my workouts!
What I am going to say is going to make me sound like a complete b*tch but after having worked in health care for the last 5 years & having seen what happens to people when they ignore (YES YOU DID) their doctors orders, I have to ask...

WHAT PART OF WALKING ONLY UNTIL YOUR FOLLOW UP DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? Doctors don't tell people stuff like this because they want to see you get fat & ugly. You just had very serious surgery 2 weeks ago & you are pushing your luck by lifting weights.

I also have to ask you where you learned to count? October to January is not 6 months--it's 3. Take the time your doctor instructed. Don't risk your health.
Ooh -- Nasty!

>I also have to ask you where you learned to count? October to
>January is not 6 months--it's 3. Take the time your doctor
>instructed. Don't risk your health.

January is the 3 month period; I then have another visit 3 months beyond that. I can count, thank you very much.

I was asking for advice from others who have had liposuction.

Physicians have different opinions on when to return to physical acttivity - how do you think people who lift at work are permitted to return after only 3 to 5 days?

Your response could have been better worded; however, I've learned when people like yourself can hide behind a computer they get nasty and downright rude. That is why I do not visit these forums often -- people get nasty no matter what I say.

I work in the health care profession as well (15 years experience) and to me there is no difference in walking than using a 4 inch step and not jumping, but doing very low impact.

I had another physician tell me the same thing -- as I said medical opinions differ on when to return to activity.

Additinaly, the surgery was NOT very serious -- I was in and out the door in 4 hours..... without any complications other than minor pain. My tubal ligation was worse!

You are obviously not very well versed in modern liposuction amd how far it has come -- especially since around 1996.
Amy, 18 years of critical care nursing behind me, but not familiar enough with current lipo techniques, so I did a quick search. Found varying opinions but most seemed to feel anywhere from a few days up to 4 weeks (that was only on one site) is optimum time to wait until resuming previous exercise routine. I'm sure you did the research yourself, so I know you already know what to look for in terms of post-op complications. I have no advice except to listen to your body and be patient with yourself. I hope this procedure gives you the results you wanted, and I hope your recovery time goes well. This goes without saying, but if you have any concerns at all, the best person to ask is your surgeon.


(edited only for typos)
Hi Carol,

Thank you so much for the kind response. I truly appreciate your input.

I thoroughly researched lipo before and after the procedure. My surgeon is a great double board certified plastic surgeon, but he is not familiar with exercise physiology.

I listen to my body -- I am NOT lifting any barbells -- the heaviest weight I lifted was one 12 lb. dumbbell for tricep french presses with both arms.

I know how to concentrate on the upper body muscles and I really can't see one bit of difference in doing non impact step aerobics on a 4 in step and walking.

I listen to my body -- I don't want to look like the Michelin Tire Dude -- today I feel great -- no swelling and to be honest a lot less soreness. I think the workout did me a lot of good!

But I am not going to be doing The Terminator, High Step, or Boot Camp type workouts until after I see my doctor in January. Then I see him again in April.

If anyone wants to email me privately since lipo is something a lot of people are private about, I'll be glad to related my very positive experience to her/him.

I'd do it again in a heartbeat! I basicially went to the surgical center and went to sleep, woke up, and went to the hotel where I was staying (I found a superb plastic surgeon who was worth the trip and I stayed 4 days to recuperate before going home).

Tanks again for writing! I am going to now stay away from these forums as I have never felt welcome or comfortable at these forums.

Best regards and many thannks,


p.s. I can't wait to begin doing my beginning Cathe Step video -- I ordered it yesterday!
I am so glad everything worked out well for you and you had such a positive experience. I know next to nothing about lipo so I can't offer any advice. But, I think it was Carole who said you should listen to your body and it sounds like you are doing that. You will know what your body is ready for and just take it one day at a time.

I am really bothered by the fact that being on these forums has left a bad taste in your mouth. Please don't give up on them. You, and everyone else, should feel completely comfortable and welcome here. Please give us another try-there are so many great people with so much to offer.

Have a great day and I hope to see you on the forums,

I am sorry about your first response to this thread. I am glad your surgery went well. I had liposuction 15 years ago. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself, and I have maintained a size 6-8 ever since (when before I would have to wear up to a size 12 to accomodate my butt and thighs). I did not do any weights until 2-3 months after the surgery (which went well for me too). I just walked and did an exersize bike. I was not into Cathe then, but the Firm, which I was able to do 4 months after the surgery.
I do not remember getting any restrictions on activity. I just remember the horrible binding garment that I had to wear around my hips and thighs ( I saw where you were having to do that too, I guess some things do not change); which I had to wear for 2 months. Yuck! I got one to wash and one to wear. It is a wonderful surgery, and you will be very happy with the results. I am glad for you!
Whoops, one more thing, I could eat whatever I wanted-the Doctor actually wanted me to eat very fattening things and not to be on any type of a low fat diet for the first month. I ate cheesecake and eggs nearly every day, was still excersizing, didn't gain an ounce. those were the days....

I had some small lipo done in July with some additional surgery, I have been working out since about 10 weeks post op but very lightly on the treadmill, I am almost 4 months post op and now getting back in to my workouts the way I was prior to surgery. I had more done so it may not be the same. I do find however I swell a lot when working out but I believe its a normal part of the surgery and can last up to a year.
Good Luck!
Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
I believe that swelling, bruising, and skin reattatchment are the main concerns. Keep the compression ON! Dr.'s orders on exercise post surgery vary greatly, but don't use that as an excuse to adjust your own dr.'s orders. My husband was given permission to exercise within just a few days of lipo, but the deal was that if it hurts your skin, back off. Swelling does/did occur from exercise. I would say keep it VERRRY gentle!! Glad your results look good!
I cant comment on Liposuction apart from the sensible advice of taking it easy, but I did want to say to Laura that I think her before and after photos are brilliant. I can not believe they are photos of the same person, as your whole face structure has changed with the weight loss and your hair looks briliant, look heaps younger. I bet people who dont know you, think the before photo is your older sister or something. Not only do you look good, Im betting you feel FANTASTIC Good for you girl...:)

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