<---sends a Happy Sunday to Amy, Deb, TiGGer, Megadoodle, Shelley, Tammy, Pinky, Michele, and Adri and anyone <---may have missed
<---thinks maybe Shelley's hair just looks very different and is not horrid
<---passes Shell a tissue just in case <---is incorrect
<---feels to blame for Amy's virus
<---really loves that Amy was trying to download pics for <---'s boys and hopes her DH "cured" the virus
<---hopes TiG is/had a great run and then gets that much needed nappypoo
<---lets Deb know that <---is still waiting for <---'s 11 yo, 9 yoand 8 yo to become late sleepers
<---loved that <---'s now 25 yo was always a sleepyhead
<---knows Megadoodle loves grammy as much as the doodles
<---is glad to hear Maeghan got some sleep and wishes more great tips for her today
<---thinks Tammy's orchard sounds as beautiful as <---'s
<---and crew will not be making that orchard visit today
<---and crew discovered the ability to get Wil to and thru an orchard for apple picking just isn't there right now
<---has uber disappointed boys on <---'s hands
<---asks that Pinky please pump a bit of weight for <--- and <---will just nap
<---is just exhausted by all of Michele's shoe shopping, laundrymax, and cardio
<---is planning a "just yoga" day today
<---had to smile at Adri's "when I was young" comment
<---wonders where's Shannon
<---hopes Shannon is outdoors enjoying this day
<---wonders if Robin is speedy toward home
<---plans an after lunch walk with the 2 boys who can