Wonderful Wednesday!


Where is everyone?!?!?!!

Busy AM here and I need to look at y'day's thread too...

This AM Mike and I are meeting a guy about some property we want to buy. It's 40 acres, wooded, 2 ponds - gorgeous! Hope it works out. So my WO will be walk-in-the-woods-Max to survey the property!:eek:
Morning Kate. I"m feverishly looking for some haircut photos online to bring my beutician. I'm thinking a medium shag w/hilights & lowlights. I only get my hair done maybe twice a year---so I"m not really good at this!

I didn't know you were on the property buying position. That's awesome! We'd like to look into buying something really cheap somewhere as a cabin or something (under 30K). Not sure if that'll happen though.

Today will be kickboxing of some sort. Be back later!
Good morning ladies,

Argh, Heidi was not sleeping well last night and crying so I took her to bed with us (which I never had done before, but I wanted to sleep). Well, she finally went to sleep as soon as we layed down, but oh my god, she took up all my space, so I was laying there awake for 2 hours. So I decided to put her back in her crib and of course she woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. So 2 hours later I decided to give her some milk, put her in bed and let her be and so she finally (after a little bit of crying) went back to sleep. So I got 3 hours of sleep maybe and I am exhausted. :confused:

Today's workout was supposed to be 30 min walk and 30 min run, but DH was too tired to fix my TM. I finally got the part for it yesterday, so he will do it tonight, oh, I can't wait!!! :rolleyes: So I will do one of the GS upper body workouts unless I am too tired and have no strength.

Kate - Good luck on getting the property, that sounds great!

Melanie - Uh, I have to get my hair cut as well. I never do any fancy though.

Jen - I am not pregnant yet, we just started trying for baby #2. Last time it took us a month, so lets see what will happen this time. Looks like you are getting so close, you must be getting excited!

Good morning to everyone who follows.

Gotta get some breakfast.
Kristine :)
Hi Kristine. Where are you in your cycle? I'm due for my period this week. When we were younger, conception was much quicker for us...it seems to take longer as both of us have aged (almost 16 years since our first conception). *Sigh* In my opinion we aren't intimate nearly as much as we should be!!! Maybe there's a connections there? Okay, okay, I"ll stop!
Melanie, Good luck with the haircut! I haven't changed my 'do in well, forever! Long, brown. Easy to maintain. Have fun with the KB!

Kristine, ugh...sleepless night. you have my sympathy! Good luck getting a WO in!

The property is absolutely amazing! We want it so bad! Need to sit down and discuss some $$$ issues. I think we'd have to talk him down quite a bit. I hope it works out. There's a beautiful spot overlooking the ponds that would be awesome to build the house... Need to call the realtor today to get her take on the going rate. Oh, and we didn't end up walking the woods. It's an older guy selling it and he wanted to drive. Bummer. Looks like I'm taking my scheduled rest day!

JenM, Where are you sweetie???:confused: Hope everything is okay......
Melanie - Well, I am supposed to start this week as well. Normally (on the pill) I would start Monday night or Tuesday, but so far nothing. This is the first month of the pill, so maybe that's why I am out of sorts. But I always used to be regular off or on the pill, so we'll see what happens.
Melanie, Unfortunately there's no link. It's FSBO, no fancy realtor bonuses.

Kristine, I went on the pill 1x and it messed me up for a long time. No more chemicals here. We use Fertility Awareness Method now. I hope your TTC goes quickly and smoothly!

I'm getting so much done with both girls at school!!!! I love it!:D
Hi ladies!
Kate--I'm excited about your property prospects! I hope that you can talk him down off his price!

Melanie--Have fun kickboxing! I agree with the longer conception times, though ours were pretty fast. We got pregnant before really trying with Oliver, then with Henry it took a month or two, and with this one it took about two months, but I was in tip-top shape for this conception. You'd never know it by looking at me now!!! LOL

Kristine--I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Aunt Flo doesn't come this month!!

Jen--I just looked at yesterday's post. I didn't have time to write again yesterday. But, yes, I bought the Sex and the City Movie and watched it while folding clothes while Henry was at school yesterday. Ahhh, it was SO relaxing!! How are you feeling?

Trish--How are you doing? My c-section is scheduled for Oct. 2 (next Thursday), but I go to the doc Friday for my regular check-up and will see how "close" I am.
Well, we've been LAZY this morning. It's shameful. I've just been playing with Henry. He's been very weepy lately. He cried at preschool yesterday saying he missed me. I think he's starting to act out because of the baby a little bit. It's thrown me for a loop because Oliver never did this. He was SO easy-going about my pregnancy with Henry and Henry's arrival. It's funny how different my boys are. I need to go run some errands very soon and do much around the house. I didn't get half of my to-do list done this week. Thursday night is parent-teacher conferences at Oliver's school, Friday night is fall festival, Saturday is picture day at the boys' soccer games, Saturday is Henry's first friend's bday party, Monday is Oliver's first field trip of the year at school.... THE LIST IS ENDLESS... So, I'm hoping that this little guy stays in the oven until he's scheduled to arrive. ;) Hope you all have a great day!!!
Stephanie, Movies and laundry - sounds relaxing and wonderful! Busy days ahead for you! Hard to believe another week+ and your boy will be here! I'm jealous!!!:p:D I'm sorry Henry is havig a hard time. That's not easy with the pg hormones a'ragin'!

Getting Isabel down for her nap soon..... quiet time for mama!:cool:
Well I guess I will start posting here now because we are officially TTC. This was my first cycle without BC and so far everything seems to be back to normal so all systems are go for this cycle. I have lurked for quite some time and actually posted a question about coming off of Depo and I noticed that everyone is due here so soon! Congratulations!

Krille-When I was on BC, my period started on the same day however this time it started three days later without the BC so it will probably regulate itself soon.
Sweetpea - I hope the TTC goes smoothly for you! It took 8 mos for my first, 2 for the 2nd and this one was a whoopsie (although very welcome!). Sometimes its quiet around here, sometimes we're busy. Glad to meet you!
Conception Times:
2 mos 1st
6 mos 2nd
still nursing #2 when we conceived 3rd one
18 mos plus #4 ...actually "given up"
2 mos & counting for #5...

LOVE my hair. Blond hi-lights with Redish lo-lights. With haircut just $50!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I paid $100 where we lived before!!! BONUS!!!!!!

If I feel brave I will post pic---but I plan on working out & then my "do" will not look as polished. DH went fishing, so I don't have anyone to take pic right now. ;)
Sweatpea - Welcome! I just joined this group last week. Are you trying for your first one?

Ok, I am done with my workout. I did GS Back, Shoulders and Biceps. DD is still sleeping and she has a runny nose, so the poor thing is getting sick. :confused: At least now I know what was wrong with her last night.
C'mon Melanie!! Post a pic for us! :D

Kristine, Good job with the WO! Hope the little one's sickness goes away quickly!

Jenm, I'm worried about you!
Melanie~yes we need pics!! That is normally how it goes I think w/ ttc. The first ones (when younger) are quicker. It was just the opposite for us. 1 year for #1, a m/c, then 8months for #2, 1 month for #3, and well this one was a surprise w/ a 5 day cut off.. so I say it was a miracle. : ) I agree more "fun" sounds good. Maybe you can plan a night one night and DH can plan a night one night right before your fertile time.

Kate~that land sound amazing! I hope you all are able to make it work!!

Sweatpea~welcome and good luck w/ the ttc process!

Stephanie~wow you are getting close! I am feeling okay Still having dizzy spells and nausea. I am now wondering if it's blood sugar related. I can be feeling fine then just get dizzy. I will possibly be having her on the 13th and we should know on Tuesday if it'll be the 13th, 15th or the 20th (they only do planned c/s on Monday and Wed. here)

Well I did go for a walk today. I couldn't take it anymore. I would not handle bedrest very well..lol I went very slow and we walked in the shaded areas then down to the park and DS played. Then we walked back. It felt good to get out. My DD started preschool yesterday so it was just Landon and I and we had fun just him and I playing! I hope I can get in a few walks like that a week w/out getting dizzy.
Hi Ladies,
I just got back from a much needed relaxing night visiting my friend. She had her 2nd baby (a girl) last Friday, and they are all doing well. Another friend drove me, so at least I didn't have to drive myself either. Tomorrow, I have a pedi scheduled with a good friend, so I am looking forward to that. Well, I made it another day, but it was a tough one.

Trish-I have been getting low blood sugar almost every morning (mid morning) during teaching. I just stop and eat a PB&J, and it goes away. When it happens, I get dizzy, sweaty and don't feel well. That is probably what you are getting. My friend, who just had her baby, was the same way in the end too.

Stephanie-You're so close! Your weekend sounds about as busy as my end of the week. Although we did the birthday party thing last weekend. I can't wait to see Sex and City movie!!! Your day of the movie and laundry sounded great!


Kristine-This is my 2nd baby. It took us a while with baby #2...about 8 months. The first time around, I got pregnant the month we tried.

Melanie-I can't wait to see a pic of your new do! I am glad you like it.

Kate-That property sounds awesome. I hope it works out for you!

I am off to an early bedtime (for once)! Hopefully, I will be here to check in tomorrow.

Trish, yay to a walk! It's something how our cardio capcity has decline d lately isn't it?:mad: We'll be back to Imaxing soon enough! ahhhhh..preschool!:D Personally, I am loving it! I always used to get upset by mothers saying they couldn't wait til school started....I'm starting to understand a little more.;) Although I would prefer to havemy girls with me all the time it is nice to have a little while to get things done uninterrupted.

JenP, enjoy your pedi! I got one Saturday and my legs have been ON FIRE with itching ever since. Not sure what they used but it sure didn't agree with me. Sleep well tongiht!
Stephanie- it's so hard to predict how kids will react to a new baby. I remember feeling sooo guilty coming home from the hospital with #2. Even though everyobody was prepared and excited I just felt so weepy about it. Our oldest was only just 2 at the time, and she just seemed to accept the baby right off the bat, like she had always been there. I'm sure everything will be fine.

We still haven't told anybody as I am still only 6 1/2 weeks along. I miscarried my very first pregnancy at 7 weeks, but I think I'm still going to wait. I am 36 years old and because of my age I have to go for genetic counselling on October 20th. I have no idea what to expect, if it's an ultrasound or just a questionaire or what. Has anyone had to go through this? I'm from Canada, so things may be a little different than in the States. I have an appointment with my GP on Monday for all the initial blood tests etc, so I'll ask her about it then. I was so emotional the first time she told me that the genetics appointment was mandatory at my age that I couldn't even ask any questions! I feel young at 36, or WAS feeling young until this pregnancy!!!! Now I'm in bed by 9:30!!!

Anyway, I'm glad to have found this forum, because especially not having told anybody it's nice to be able to open up a bit!

good night everyone,
Shell, I have no idea on genetic counseling but I'm sure soemone here will have some info for you. Maybe list a separate post about it and you might get more responses???? I feel older with this pg too (my 3rd) and I'm only 28!!!!! Maybe it's a 3rd pg thing??!?!!?:D Good luck with your coming appts!

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