Women's Strength Training Anatomy Book


Active Member
Hello all. I wondered if anyone else had this book. I just purchased it at Sam's Club (for $7 less than the cover price), and so far, I've been having a lot of fun looking at it.

For those who haven't run across it, it has labeled diagrams that show exactly which muscles are engaged by different strength training exercises. It also gives detailed descriptions of the exercises. Many of the exercises Cathe does in her workouts are featured in the book. There are also discussions of cellulite, the morphological differences between men and women, "the different kinds of abdomens", and the three predominant body types (I finally learned what some of you folks are talking about when you say you're an "ecto").

Anyone else have it? If so, what do you think?

I like it, especially as a companion volume to "Strength Training Anatomy," which fills in some of the blanks. The author doesn't really get into upper body musculature that much in the "Women's" book.

There are some moves that they recommend that I find contraindicated, like deep squats and (in the men's book) some shoulder exercises (can't remember which now, but remember that I thought "I'm not doing that!").
I agree with Kathryn. I have both the "women's" and the regular Strength Training Anatomy. They are good together, the women's is somewhat incomplete alone. I like it for a reference but I find I don't use it much anymore. It's still important to use common sense and do what is right for your body.

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