WM doesn't add the workout so it is visible on the calendar AND is a rotation available to automatically add to the calendar?


Hi, When I add the workout (in my case a DVD workout), it is not added to the calendar so that it is visible. Also, is there a rotation available with the LMR workouts available to be added to the WM calendar automatically?

Actually, to clarify, older workouts add the icon to the calendar, but not the LMR icons. and @vivbc is correct that they workout shows in the list in the WM, just not in the calendar. Hopefully @adminhelp can advise us when WM manager will be fixed in visibility and rotation aspects!
Here is the response I got back from support on Jan 8:
Hi Linda,

Everything will be available in the Workout Manager, as the developer is still working on it. In the meantime, you can add the LMR to your calendar; the icons are just not showing up at the moment.

Thank you for your patience.

Nancy Pollock

[email protected]
Here is the response I got back from support on Jan 8:
Hi Linda,

Everything will be available in the Workout Manager, as the developer is still working on it. In the meantime, you can add the LMR to your calendar; the icons are just not showing up at the moment.

Thank you for your patience.

Nancy Pollock

[email protected]
so there is hope! I removed LMR from my January rotation, maybe next month. I know the workouts are there but not showing up as icons is frustrating.

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