With Deepest Gratitude


New Member
Cathe, I want to tell you right off the bat that this will be a rather long post, but I wanted you to know my background in order to understand just how important you have become to me over the years. So I'm going to ask for forgiveness at the start.

When I was 17, I became deeply involved with a physically and emotionally abusive man. He was so charming at the beginning that I didn't have a clue as to his true character until we had been together for a few years. By then, we'd had a child, I was estranged by my family because they didn't approve(he was 10yrs older)and we'd moved to another state where I didn't know a soul.

Those years were so terrible. He did and said everything he could in order to put me down and keep me down. The only emotions I felt were anger, fear and shame, but I couldn't talk to anyone about them. So I tried to escape my misery in food--one of the most destructive escapes of all.

Seventeen years and four children later, I found the strength to walk away. It was one of the hardest and scariest things I'd ever done, but I don't regret it. I only wish I'd done it sooner.

I reconciled with my mom, and she let the kids and me move in with her until I could get back on my feet again. It wasn't easy. I'd graduated from high school, but had never held a job in my life. I was worried all the time about the future, and the only thing that made me feel better was eating.

By this time, I had gained over 100lbs. I was 115 when I met my ex. When I left him, I was 225. I hated how I looked so much that I wouldn't leave the house. I went around all day in jogging pants and sloppy T-shirts. I was depressed because I ate and I ate because I was depressed. I couldn't get off the merry go round.

Four things happened to change that. First, my brother in law arranged for me to get counseling sessions at half price with a colleague of his. With her help, I regained my confidence and self love.

Second, my sister helped me get a job as a receptionist. I was terrified and excited that first day, but as time went by the routine became more familiar. Six months later, I had gotten not only a good evaluation, but a 6% raise! I was so proud of myself!

Third, I started to take care of my body. I started walking around the neighborhood and riding a bike. I also began going to meetings of Overeaters Anonymous to further gain control over my food habits. I lost a ton of weight and felt ready to take on the world!

Lastly, my sister clued me in to you. She is a big fan of yours and has a lot of your tapes. When we both felt I was ready, I started using "How To Get In Shape For You Wedding" in December, 1997. I did it every other day for 6 months. In that time, I couldn't believe how far I had come. I lost more weight, had muscles, my heart was in better shape. I was hooked.

It's three years later. My children and I are finally in our own home. I have gotten two more raises at work. I'm dating a wonderful man who is sooo good to me and my kids and we're talking marriage. And your tapes have seen me through it all.

You may be wondering why I'm sending this to you. There have been so many people who have made a positive difference in my life: my children, my mom, my sister, my counselor, people at work, the man in my life, my support group. Again and again I have them them all. Except one--you. Your tapes--the expertly designed workouts, your pleasant demeanor, encouraging attitude--have done a great deal to make my journey in life so much easier. I don't think I could have done it without you.

Thank you and God Bless!
Oh My Goodness!!!

My tissues are out. Thank you for sharing your story with us all. It makes us appreciate how much we all have and need to be thankful for. You are a TRUE INSPIRATION to people like me that take so much for granted. God Bless you and I am so happy that you found this site. There are zillions of people here that I call my "FRIENDS"
and they are here for you any time you need any advice or just what you may think is a silly question answered. Welcome to our group! Debbie-A-Friend-In-Fitness!!

What a courageous and inspirational story! Reading your post made my night!

Congratulations on your amazing success!

Best Wishes,

Wendy G.
thank you...

for having the courage to share your story with us. I hope you'll find this forum as comforting and entertaining as I have. Welcome to the Cathe club!
very moving story

Congratulations on your triumphs. Truly an inspiring story. May your openness and honesty motivate others in the same situation to find the strength and courage to take the same journey out. Best Wishes for your continued success!

You can't hear the applause, but...

You are now receiving a standing ovation. Yes, Cathe is a terrific inspiration and motivation for us all. But the credit for your transformation goes to YOU--your courage, your persistence, and your refusal to accept a life gone wrong. Thank you for your articulate and moving story. Your children are blessed to have such a mom. Best wishes for a rewarding future!
Cathe gave you the inspiration,

But YOU did the work. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished. You must feel great about how far you have come and what a good role model you are providing for your FOUR! kids. It sounds as if you also are blessed with a supportive and caring family.

I've already worked out for the day, but you've given me some of your WARRIOR spirit. I just may have to work out again! Thanks for the inspiration.

You truly are a "warrior"

You rose to the challenge, fought bravely and won the battle. Congratulations!! Your story is very inspiring and I am so glad you have come out of this situation strong and proud. Thank for sharing your story with us.

Tammy Churchman

wow, what a wonderful inspiration you are. I'm so glad that you took the time to tell us your story. Your wonderful!!
May God continue to bless you

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-00 AT 02:45PM (EST)</font></center>

I am so overcome with emotion right now that I can't even focus to express my thoughts. BUT I MUST FIRST SAY THAT I AM TRULY EMBARRASSED that I never saw this passionate and powerful post until right now. I have not been in the open discussion forum at all lately because I have been so far behind in our other forums. SO PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGIES FOR NOT RESPONDING SOONER.

I am soooooooo proud of you. It is an honor to meet such a courageous woman. Your life story not only offers a positive energy of hope, strength, and courage, but best of all demonstrates TAKING ACTION!!!

I am so touched with emotion. I think you are amazing. As I sit here with tears streaming down my face, as you so kindly credit me for such an amazing feat, I can't help but say that you have demonstrated such a magintude of internal and external strength. You have so much to be proud of and I'm just grateful and honored that I had played such a positive role in your pursuit of self love and happiness. So I thank YOU!!!!!
i am so moved

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-00 AT 02:40PM (EST)</font></center>

Please don't apologize for anything, Cathe. I understand how hectic things can get with a new baby, new move and all. But I have to tell you, I was so shocked and pleased when I saw that you had posted, that i almost fell out of my chair? It was one of the most exciting things in my life! I also wanted to thank everyone else who responded. If I can help just one woman out there escape before half her life is behind her, then it would have been worth it.

Congratulations, Cathe, on your sweet baby Eric! he's such a little cutie!

I had to put this under another name because I had forgotten my old password! Sometime I think I have a head full of cottage cheese!

I posted this twice because it took me a little while to figure out how to put it with the original post.

Cathe, I'm so glad you saw my post!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-00 AT 03:12PM (EST)</font></center>

Please don't apologize for anything. I understnad how hectic things can be with a new baby and all. But I have to tell you, I was so shocked and pleased when I saw that you had posted, that I almost fell out of my chair! It was one of the most exciting things in my life! I also wanted to thank everyone else who responded. If I can help just one woman out there escape before half her life is benind her, then I would have been worth it.

Congratulations, Cathe, on your sweet baby Eric! He's such a little cutie!

I had to put this under another name because I had forgotten my old password! Sometimes I think my head is full of cottage cheese!

This will appear three times. I'm not much of a computer person, and it took me a while how to figure out how to put it with the original message. Then, I didn't realize that my first one had gone through. I must be getting senile!


You are to be admired by us all here. So many people never have the courage to leave such a horrible environment. Many congratulations to you and your children!
You go, girl!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-00 AT 01:57PM (EST)</font></center>

You have so much to be proud of....you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps and turned your life around. It can be done, you just have to believe in yourself, and that's hard when you've been in such a situation.

You've been good to yourself, and Cathe played an important part. Keep up the good work, and keep takin' care of yourself and your kids!
We're always here to encourage you.
Brava, dear Warrior

You are amazing and courageous. Your powerful story can impact all of our lives. And, just think, there might be someone out there who is in your old shoes who might read your post and be impowered to leave the situation. I salute you, Warrior Woman!

P.S. This is my third moniker in these forums because I forgot both my previous passwords. 8)
You are an amazing woman.. a real inspiration

I applaud everything you accomplished. YOU are a real hero.
God Bless you

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