Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Timesaver DVD looks like?


Active Member

I think that I may have received a pirated copy of a Cathe DVD from eBay. It is the bodyblast timesaver DVD. The strange thing is that the case is very thin - not like any other Cathe DVD I have seen. Also, because of this, the label on the binding doesn't seem like it fits the case - the word "timesaver" wraps around the case.

Will someone please tell me if this is normal or not? Thanks!

I'm looking at my copy that I bought from Cathe.com now. On the "spine" of the DVD, the word "timesaver" is lower case and does not wrap. It fits within the spine.

I just sold my copy on E-bay a couple of weeks ago, but I remember that mine did not have a thin case - it was in a regular case that Cathe normally has her DVD's in.
Maybe the original case got damaged? Does the disc itself have a purplish or other color tint to the back (blank) side? That's a sure sign that it is a home-burned DVD (though maybe some pirated copies could be silver on the back, depending on what equipment the 'pirate' has).
RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

I can tell you that there is one particular seller on ebay that sells pirated copies...I know because I have two x( ! They are actually silver on the back and NOT tinted. However, I have noticed that all of Cathe's DVDs (well, every other real one that I own, and that's a bunch!) have a small barcode stamped on the inside of the disc (on the back, silver area nearest the center) and neither of the copies carries this barcode. They have the DVD name stamped instead. I got clued in on the second one when I noticed that the cover on both the case and the disc looked like a photocopy.

RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

Would you please be a dear and let us know who that Ebay seller is? That way we don't have to find out on our own the hard way... Thanks!
RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

Sorry, I thought I had...it's been that kind of week. Cherrysukia (sp?) lists DVDs as "used but like new" and only accepts money order/check, but I haven't seen anything from her in a little bit. Maybe she gave up on the DVDs and is just selling clothing now *rolls eyes*.

Sorry for the oversight,

RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

Thanks everybody! I checked for the bar code on the back and it is NOT there, although the word "timesaver" is. I am almost positive that this is not a genuine DVD.

I have reported it to both eBay and cathe.com. I can't believe someone would do this.

This seller's username is amazingdeal4u. They are a very new seller - registered in August. I would highly recommend avoiding.
RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

I hope it is not cherryuskia because I just purchased Timesaver from eBay. She had excellent feedback and communicates well: cherrysukaia(229)

CATHE FRIEDRICH timesaver dvd like new used (170043862219),
Now there are some others who do sell bootleg and I have been burned by several others but not the same person.
thanks Annette
RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

netsnotes...I purchased Timesaver from cherrysukai, too. I've checked my copy and it looks fine, but I will admit it plays a little shakey. She does seem to have a barn full of them, though, that's for sure. I had a great experience with her and hate to give her a bad rap, in case she just happens to have a warehouse full of Timesaver dvds at her disposal.

I doubt if I'll purchase from her again, though. Something just feels "off" about the whole thing. I think I'd trust someone more if they had just one copy that they were selling...but, nope, I jumped all over that deal!
RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

That's the one, Annette. Unfortunately, I gave her positive feedback on both the PH and Hardcore Extreme that I purchased from her before I got wise to the fact that they were copies. The other thing that tipped me off was that I purchased RS from SNM and PH from cherry and the coloration of the DVD covers are obviously different even though those two DVDs are from the same series. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news...I hope yours is the real thing ;(.

RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

Annette Bethel

Y'all thanks for everything. I really wanted the Timesaver and plan on keep it. Working, in which Social Security pays,:D and working the second shift at home. As well as working out, is leaving me short for time. Luckly, football season ends for my 10 year old this week!!! YEAH!
Thanks for the heads up!
RE: Will someone please tell me what their Bodyblast Ti...

>Thanks everybody! I checked for the bar code on the back and
>it is NOT there, although the word "timesaver" is. I am
>almost positive that this is not a genuine DVD.
>I have reported it to both eBay and cathe.com. I can't
>believe someone would do this.
>This seller's username is amazingdeal4u. They are a very new
>seller - registered in August. I would highly recommend

I'm so sorry - the seller's actual username is amazingdeal2u, not amazingdeal4u. amazingdeal4u actually has over 1000 positive feedback. Sorry for any confusion I have caused.

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