Will I get results with 5, 8, 10 lb weights?


Muscle Max is my 1st Cathe workout (I have been Firming for years). I just previewed Muscle Max, and noticed that, unlike the Firm, there are lots more reps on some exercises, and lots of exercises that do more than 1 set, etc.

I'm going to start out with the shorter premixes for a couple of weeks, but I also was thinking that I could make it through the whole workout if I lowered my weights. For example, with the Firm, I am up to 10 lbs in each hand for bicep work....but I don't think I could ever make it through Muscle Max biceps using the 10s. If I dropped down to 5s in each hand for biceps as I am starting out with Cathe, am I wasting my time, or will I still get results? Or, should I keep with the 10s, but only do a fraction of the reps?
The best thing to do is what you feel safe doing. If you think you're going to overwork a muscle and risk injury, then don't! Try the weights you suggested and see how they feel. If you think you can go heavier next time, then go for it. But don't forget that in order to build muscle mass, you do need to challenge yourself.

One thing I do if I want to work up to heavier weights is to start with the heavier set of dumbbells and go until I reach my limit at that weight. I keep a set of lighter weights close by and ready, and I switch out in the middle of the reps. I miss a rep or two during the switch, but it's no big deal.
I'd start with the 10, if I were you, and continue as long as I could with good form (emphasis, on good form). Then I'd drop to the 8, then, if needed, drop down to the 5. Next time, you'll be able to go a little longer with the 10, and longer the next, etc. Or, even better, I'd give myself longer breaks between sets to let the muscle rest and recover more. Actually, that's what I'm doing now as I get back into shape. Personalize the workout for you. :)

However, I'm the first to admit that I'm not an expert. :)

Basically, you gotta get in there and expirement and see what works for yourself. You can keep asking 'what if' and 'will I' 's again and again, but....it's your body and you need to see how your body responds physically and how your mind responds mentally.
If the weights feel heavy enough for you at this time (ie: the last 2-3 reps of each set are challenging), then you will make progress. All of us started with lighter weights: 5#, 8# and 10# is where I was at when I started with Cathe, but I gradually added heavier and heavier weights as I got stronger.

Use your first MM workout as a test workout. Write down the exercises(find them by chaptering forward) in a notebook (a spiral binder works fine) and the weights you think you will use on the exercise. Then, when doing the actual workout, note whether you could up in weight on certain exercies or not. If there is more than one set of an exercise, you can change weights during the workout, increasing or decreasing on your secoond set as needed.

As for the specific exercise you mentioned--bicep curls--why drop from 10 to 5? Why not try 8#? If you don't get as many reps as Cathe and the crew, that's fine: you can work up to it.
Personally, I prefer to do all the reps with as heavy a weight as I can handle, rather than just doing some of the reps with a heavier weight. To my mind, if you're going to go heavier and do fewer reps, you might as well do a different workout. Does that make sense?

I don't think it matters if your dumbbells are 5 lbs. when Cathe is using 20 lbs., as long as you struggle to do those last few reps, you are at the right weight for you, and that's all that matters.
Bear in mind also that you will always need these weights, no matter how heavy you eventually end up lifting. Smaller muscle groups need smaller weights and especially if it is an endurance workout rather than a strength workout, 5 pounds for triceps will still be challenging!

I would do what Kathryn suggests: try the workout a few times with different weights to work out which ones are appropriate for you. It's the only way to know what you should be lifting.

Cathe's Pyramid Upper Body workout will require the use of all of these weights!


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