Wild Wednesday - Hump Day!


Oops! We've already been humpin'!:p;) Well, do it anyway!:D

Can't sleep. Oh well, right?

Payroll this morning, chores, etc. Wednesdays are crazy around here. This afternoon I go see my midwife for a checkup - alone!!!! Tonight we have bible study and its at our house. Busy day for sure!

No Workout today. My body needs a rest day and I honestly don't even know where I'd fit it in!

JenM, Yes, I have the Penelope bedding. I got the skirt, quilt and 2 sheets. I don't get the bumper because the ties never fit my crib's slats. The bumpers always come as one big piece that just wraps around the interior of your crib. Don't get discouraged about the price. PB stuff ALWAYS goes on sale - wait and buy it. And if/when you do buy it open a PB charge up and you'll get I think 10 % off. You might even get another discount if you start an online registry there. Maybe mama or someone from your shower would purchase some pieces for you??????

Stephanie, That really stinks about H&R - keep on that for sure! Glad Henry is doing better. Hey, do you have a name picked out for the new one??!
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Morning all!
Missed yesterday somehow:eek:, so I will go back and check yesterdays posts.
We go to the Dr. tomorrow and find out if we are having a girl or boy. I am 21 weeks Fri, and past the half way mark!!! Yeah me! Okay enough, I know.
Yesterday I did Drill Max (I was thinking of you Kate), but the last part in cycle 6 I just quit, I mean I don't think I have ever been that tired ever. Today I will rest!
Looks like Hurricane Ike is coming our way, so I guess soccer will be cancelled for weekend, and all of the yard work I had planned too. Too bad;)
I got 2 new maternity shirts from gap by mail yesterday, they are really cute, and I bet by next week I will be able to wear them! I think the old rubber band trick on pants is over too, I don't want to ruin my pants!
Kate-enjoy your rest day!
Stephanie-I am glad little Henry is better.
JenM-17 weeks! Are you all finding out what you are having?
Jen-How is school?
Have a great day!
Good morning ladies!

Kate thanks for the input on the bedding. I dont know if my crib will be bumper accesible or not .i put the link up did you see it? It looks like it can have bumpers, but who knows. I"m going for more of a classic look. I do love the olivia crib on pb kids but its 1200 bucks..so um, no thanks. We are struggling financially and i just cant justify spending that much on a crib lol.

AS for the shower my mom sent the invites out already and said we were registered at babies are us. my mom wants to give me money to purchase the nursery items - the crib is 250, i think a chaning table is about 100 and the dresser is about 250. at least what i've found so far based on reviews. i also put a chair on there i want but with the ottaman its like 4 or 500 dollars :( BUt i could probably live with out that.

How often does PB have a sale? I checked outtheir sale itmes but i like the brooke the best for gender neutral items. I even looked on craigslist fla and ct (where my mom is) and ebay but no luck. ebay was more expensive than PB. Oh well...i'll see what happens...

Mikkia yea im 17 weeks today! Yay. My husband wants it to be a suprise gender and i tried to talk him out of it but he is firm on wanting a suprise! He told me i can find out but no way can i keep the secret.

Do you have a name picked out yet ? Im really struggling with names! For a girl I like Ava, Ella .. and a few others but my husband doesnt love them and for boys i have no clue. im awful with names. I need help!! Haha

Its rainy wednesday here, been pouring since yesterday. I think we are getting the effects of Hurricane Ike too! But at least its not a hurricane where we are at!

Good morning to everyone to follow
Kate, it seems like you always have your mind in the gutter----we have alot in common. ;)

Jen, yeah! 17 weeks. We like for your wee-one's gender to be a suprise too. The only time we didn't was with Justin---and our triple test came back for increase risk of down's (which he doesn't have)---and we just wanted to be as informed as possible---so we had a Leve 2 u/s done & genetic counseling (everything but amniocentesis). If we conceive again, it'll be a suprise.

Hi everyone! I"m off to take Justin to his first AM of preschool. Sob Sob Sigh Sigh.:(:(
Hi girls!!

I am up early and feeling a lot better:) I think I am going to try and get my workout in this morning. I took off 3 days while I was sick so I am ready to get back into it.

Kate, you will be busy today! Have fun at your midwife appt. all by yourself:) Do you get tested for Group B? I get that lovely test on Mon. I have never been a carrier but I guess they test every pregnancy.

Mikkia, how exciting you are finding out the sex!! I remember being 20 weeks and not fitting into maternity clothes. How things change so fast! Now I am outgrowing my maternity clothes:eek: I am glad you liked the zucchini bread recipe:D

JenM, I really like the PB bedding you picked out and I definitely think it is gender neutral. I am really sorry about your money problems and spending on baby can be overwhelming. It will all work out:) It is nice of your mom to help you out with the nursery items. With my ds1 (who was born in Nov) I asked for my rocking chair for Christmas and then I bought the ottoman later when it was on sale. It has lasted through 2 going on 3 kids! So if you are planning on more than one child some of it is really an investment.

Hi Stephanie, Jen and Melanie!!

I have a ton of running around to do today after I drop the boys off! I also want to start organizing the baby's room I got so much stuff from my shower and it's all in a pile. I need to wash clothes and put the swing together!!

JenM- we were very frugal when we set up our nursery. We bought a pretty expensive crib because we knew we wanted at least 3 kids, but went low cost on everything else. Lands End separate sheet sets have lasted through 4 kids. We didn't buy a changing table. Rather, we bought a $20 Rumble Tuff changing pad set that can be mounted to any dresser. As for a dresser, we use a regular dresser not a special nursery dresser. I skipped the glider/ottoman and went with a rocking chair from a flea market.

If you haven't bought it, you really need the baby bargains book by Alan and Denise Fields.
Hi ladies! SO glad it's a new day!
Kate--Your day sounds busy! Let us know how your appointment goes! As for the name, yes we've picked it out, but I never tell until the delivery day, when we formally "introduce" the baby to everyone. We haven't even told the kiddos. Don't want to risk any ugly remarks, though the name we've picked out is very normal. Oliver got some odd looks, but he was already here, and it would have been rude and insulting for the family to speak ill about his name when we introduced him. (Though I'm sure they did behind our backs. :)) I will tell you that DH vetoed my favorite name, so we went for my second favorite, which he also liked. My favorite was "Finnegan." And I wanted to call him "Fin" (which is the French word for "end" or "finale"). Hee hee. Thought DH would love it because it's very English sounding, and our other boys have British names, but no, it's the first time we disagreed on a name. :( But I love the one we chose. It's just more mainstream, and I like unique.
Mikkia--Yey on finding out the gender!! Do you have any intuition as to what it is? Have fun sporting your new maternity duds!
Jen2--17 weeks already! Wow time is flying! I'm like you, I HAVE to know the gender. I immediately start counting down the days to 20 weeks until we can find out. DH is just as eager to know. This is an argument that I think you should definitely win. :)
Melanie--Aw. I know you'll miss your little one today. He'll do great, though!
Candra--Glad you are feeling better! Stomach bugs are THE WORST! Have fun working in the nursery today! I enjoyed washing baby clothes SO much. Don't think I'll feel the same way in a couple of months though. :confused:
Well, I'm not going to stress out about things today. I'm just going to spend the day with Henry. He woke up in the middle of the night, and his fever had returned. I was really bummed for the little guy because I thought he was over it. He played in the backyard last night with DH and Oliver and seemed fine when he went to bed. No fever, etc. I gave him Motrin during the night, and this a.m., he's fever-free, but it will be another day at home for us. I'll save my errands for tomorrow. I'm hoping he can go to preschool tomorrow. Poor thing. So, I've decided I need to begin a new business of complaint writing! I wrote to Burt's Bees and told them about the funky mold in my night creme, and in less than 24 hours, they wrote back offering me a full refund, without me having to return the jar, and a sample pack of their product (which I'm still icked out over). Then yesterday after the CO monitor trauma, I emailed that company, and a rep from there CALLED me yesterday to apologize and check on us. I was impressed with both companies for their prompt responses. Now if we can just sort out the HR Block mess. (I've not had a very consumer-friendly week :confused:). But I'm not worrying with that today. Hope everyone has a great morning! I'm off to make some tea!

ETA: Hi to Kristan!! We were posting at the same time! How is Mimi?
Hi Stephanie, im sorry oliver is still feeling icky. i hope the little guy gets better soon
glad to hear you got some prompt responses from the companies. Ick on the Burts Bees cream...

Finnegan is a very different name, sounds fairy tale-ish. It sounds IRish to me (my dads side is all irish) and reminds me of Finola or Fiona for a girl haha. Im sure the secret name you have will be great. Ive found that when i run names by people now they are like ick or huh? or thats nice...but i think if u pick one and introduce them to the baby with the name, they accept it readily and are just used to it. so your system might be a good one! LOL. I cant think of anything and im just so awful with names...

I did not get the baby bargain book you mentioned . Maybe i should. The dresser on my registry is a baby one but i think it can be used as a normal dresser. I'm not positive tho. everything is just so darn expensive! I feel a little poorer every day...

Tea sounds great stephanie. i might go make my usual morning cup myself in a few minutes!
Mikkia, I can’t wait to hear about your u/s!!! Are the kids wishing for any gender in particular? yay to shopping! I want to shop but with a month left I’m finding a hard time justifying it! Hope the worst of the weather isn’t near you..

JenM, I’d check pb weekly. A lot of times stuff will go on sale without being formally announced - and you’d hate to miss out and have it sold out! We have our name picked out - Julia Kate. It’s been in the running since Gina was in the womb. Time to use it! I also like Julianne Elizabeth but we have a long last name and that wouldn’t be fair to the poor kid!!

Melanie, Yes, I am a proud gutter-brain! I hope Justin likes his preschool. Ours starts Friday. I’m excited though!!!! The short break will be good for both of us.

Candra, I love that feeling of getting back to working out. Take it easy though! I’m not getting tested for Group B. They give you the option at the birth center and I’m opting not to! Sounds like you have a fun day planned - enjoy!

Good to see you Kristan! How is Mimi? And school for the older kids?

Stephanie, Ooh! I like Finnegan with Fin for short! My DH wouldn’t be crazy about it either though. So sorry about Henry - enjoy a day with your munchkin! Glad you’re getting responses from your companies. Nice to know customer service DOES still exist!

I’m feeling very fat today…Need to get busy doing house stuff…..maybe it’ll burn some calories on my rest day!
thank you for the advice kate - i dont know how often they go on sale. the little owls are on back order. i might bite the bullet and order it. but i think my time frame for returning the babies r us set may have passed...i wonder if they give store credit? I assume its a 30 day return and i cant remember when i purchased it. It just seems like a big splurge for bedding. I dunno...i'll mill over it some more. Run it by DH. Mom says if i like it get it, lol. I asked if she could make those owls and she said yes. i know it wont look the same but those things are just so cute! LOL.

i have a feeling you will end up working out - when you say rest day it usualy means i plan to rest, but i ended up working out anyway :) LOL. I feel fat too. But rest assured you are NOT fat. its all baby and belly from the baby. I've seen your road trip pics too missy!!
Jen, Would your mom be able to make something similar foryou? That would be awesome!! You'd def. use up the store credit at BRU. And I AM taking a rest day!:) I'm so busy today it would be impossible to work out. I wish I could at least get a walk in though!:mad::D
Justin doesn't like school. :( He didn't follow rules very well. Apparently there's a "under 5 year old" section & a "5 and older section" of playground---we've been playing on 5 & older section all summer---and he wanted to continue to today. Teacher said no, & he told her she was "5"....open handedly...in the face. :( Oops. I"m sure he'll adjust...but it'll be hard to take him next Wednesday when he states, "NO!!! I don't LIKE school. Don't like my teacher!" *sigh*

Oh well. Today DH went to old house for the day, so I have day to "myself" (with kids) for next day. I think I'll paint my dirty closets. ;)

Chat later. :D
Kate-How was your appointment? Hope all is well.
Jenm-On PB, they have random sales all of the time, so just keep checking! I got my son a lunchbox last year monogrammed and all for $12 and that is good for them.
Kristan-how is mimi? How is back to work? I hope you are doing well!
Hi Melanie and Candra.
We have a boys name ready to go, a girl? Whole other story!

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