Who's your favorite besides Cathe?


So I'd like to expand my workout selection a bit. But, every time I get somebody besides Cathe I've been disappointed. So I'd like to know who's everyone's second favorite instructor and which specific workout is your fave.
I don't know that I have a second favorite person, but my next favorite group of workouts would have to be the original Tae-Bo set. I don't do them much at this point but back in the day they were my favorites.

I liked tamiilee webb when I did her workouts but I didn't get anywhere near the results I have with Cathe.

Tracie Long's functional fitness DVDs : www.justv.net.
The production quality is not good, but past that, they're wonderful for strength, flexibility and core work. It's an entirely different focus from Cathe. This is good, because any other cardio or weight work just looks lame compared to Cathe, in my opinion.
Tracie Long, Debbie Seibers, Mindy Mylrea, Kari Anderson, Susan Harris, JAC, Jen Carmen, Heidi Tanner, Keli Roberts, Gay Gasper, Nancy Tucker, Allie Del Rio or whatever her name is now, Stephanie Huckabee, Janet Brooks, all the original Firm leads, Rob Glick, Bryan Kest, Patricia Walden, Rodney Yee, Gunnar Peterson, Jay Blahnik, and all the Urban Rebounding instructors but especially Tracy - affectionately known as "Miss Happy Pants" on VF - LOL!! There are simply SO many great workouts with great instructors out there! I'm sure I've forgotten someone ...

As to what other workouts I like, I love Core Secrets, Urban Rebounding, Slim Series WHFN, anything Kari does which does not involve high impact or jumping step workouts, absolutely anything Tracie Long does, the original Firm plus a fair amount of new ones, anything done on the BOSU, and some yoga. I'm exploring yoga at the moment. I also love Mindy's strength workouts but simply can't handle her cardio - or I should say - my knees can't handle it. The rest of me can but it's hard to separate one's self from one's joints while working out!! ;-)

Hi Heather. I used to like Tamilee Webb too. I have a bunch of her tapes. They're fun, but like Sparrow said, they can't compare to Cathe.
Total Body Sculpt with Gilad is on Fittv now and that is a lot of fun. I haven't done it recently, I was doing it before I started doing Cathe exclusively, but I did see some results.
Good luck finding something that compares to Cathe! LOL


Just got vacation pics added!
No other favorites for weight and circuit work, but I do throw in Christi Taylor, Franny Bennedetto, Donna Read, Phillip Gray, Patrick Goudeau, G - Force, and a few other CIA workouts for cardio...
*Janis Saffell for kickbox & leg work

*Franny Bennedetto, Donna Read, Christi Taylor, Seasun Zeiger & a few others (CIA instructors) for cardio

*Stott, Rael and a few others for pilates

ETA: Coach Troy!!! I almost forgot about him!
Christi Taylor for cardio

Tony Horton (P90X) for weight training.

Janis Saffell and Billy Blanks (TAEBO)for kickbox.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Gin Miller (Simply Step, Simply Endurance & Intense Moves), Debbie Seibers (Slim Series) & Janis Saffell (Hard-Core kickbox). I also like the two women from Powerstrike Millenium 1 & 2 - I don't have # 3.
>Coach Troy Jacobson, Christi Taylor and Debbie Seibers.
>Carol, I can't believe your like "miss happy pants"! :eek: :)

LOL! I love her! She's so goofy and upbeat that she makes me grin and simply have a blast while working out!

Now there is a diverse list. I envy your flexibility. Ever since I found Cathe I just can't seem to appreciate anyone else. I've tried Kari Anderson, Gay Gasper, The firm BSs2, Karen Voight, Christi Taylor, Janis Saffell. I just don't seem to get my heart rate as high as I do with Cathe. Sigh.....Maybe Cathe will put out some more advanced w.o.'s soon.
>Now there is a diverse list. I envy your flexibility. Ever
>since I found Cathe I just can't seem to appreciate anyone
>else. I've tried Kari Anderson, Gay Gasper, The firm BSs2,
>Karen Voight, Christi Taylor, Janis Saffell. I just don't seem
>to get my heart rate as high as I do with Cathe.
>Sigh.....Maybe Cathe will put out some more advanced w.o.'s
These days Heather I worry less about how high my HR is and more about my joints - LOL! I'm sure Cathe will continue to put out advanced workouts - don't you worry!!

Heather and Haydee - what's wrong with Little Richie?!? You mean he doesn't make your heart go pitter patter?!


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