
I took a pregnancy yesterday...it came out negative. I know there are false negatives so I'm not completely out of the woods yet...I was extremely tired the other night and then queasy yesterday morning for HOURS! I got nervous so I took the test. Thing is, my period has not even re-established itself from being pregnant with Joey so I really have NOTHING to go on but instinct and the pg test. I may take another one if things still seem "unusual" in about a week....
Are you still breastfeeding or pumping? My periods did not return until I completely stopped. I hope you get the news you are wanting. :) Keep us updated.
Wendy I felt just like that when Gabe was 4 months old. I was breastfeeding so I was not getting my period either but I had all the preg symptoms.

I too hope you get the answer you want. Keep us posted.
I'm no longer breast feeding. I stopped quite some time ago. Last month I got a very light and very short period for the first time and nothing this month yet...

are you trying to get pregnant? i think i might have missed a post.
good luck to you and i hope you receive the answer that will make you most happy:)
If I read your post right then you were "WHOA!" that the test was negative?

You know your new handle is catchy. Have we done video trades/sales in the past?!?!? Just curious...

Anyhow, congrats on your results...I think... ;)

baby to be 11/28/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

I am sooo NOT trying to get pregnant. :eek: I want a 2nd child but not for a couple of years atleast! ;-)

The "WHOA" was my reaction to the thought of possibly being pregnant again already!
I feel a little queasy on and off this morning but yesterday I was fine. As far as being tired...not like I was the other night! I get tired early since Joey was born but I haven't taken another nap which is the key. That's how I know I was EXTRA tired. Hopefully the queasy feeling is something else!!!
Hey Wendy,

Just had to say I can sympathize as this happened to me. My second (Kenyen) was nine months old. I had had a period and then skipped a month and had another one. Sometime after that I got pregnant. I was breastfeeding, but, of course, by the time he was nine months he was eating more food than milk. My husband and I were using birth control too although not the pill. I ended up pregnant inspite of that though. I was so upset, but now we know we're having a girl so that made it better. We already have two boys so if we had to have an accident at least it's nice to have a girl instead. Anyway, I hope this doesn't happen to you, but just had say I feel your worries!!


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