Which one has the hardest choreography? BM2 or Low Max

Is the choreography in Body max 2 harder to learn than Low Max ? I feel that after learning the reverse mambo in low max that I can conquer anything.
I have only done BM2's step combos (haven't done the power circuits yet) but just based on that I would say that BM2's choreo is harder. JMO though. Everyone is different. :)
I would say Low Max's choregraphy is harder. If you can do that, Body Max 2 should be no problem.

I pick up choreography pretty quickly, and Low Max took me a few tries to get it right - that step sweep about killed me until I FINALLY got it! BM2 I just did this morning, and while there were a few times I stopped and scratched my head, I found the overall choreography easier than Low Max. But, the workout itself is tougher! It's a very intense one - and quite fun. She does show modifications through out, so if you prefer to keep it lower you can. And there's always lowering the step height. 8" is a real workout!
I did the BM2 cardio blast (all but the last 2 power circuits) this morning and would have to say it's easier than Lowmax. It took me several times of Lowmax to get the reverse mambos and step sweeps. But I only had to repeat one segment of the 3rd step combo - I got everything else pretty quickly the first time through. And I'm not naturally coordinated so that says something right there.


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
RE: Which one has the hardest choreography? BM2 or Low ...

I think Low Max choreo is harder. Those reverse mambos had me stumped for a bit. BM2 is a lot more straightforward. The only thing I stumble on a little is the skaters lunge. But in that case I know how it's to be done but lose my concentration!

The BM2 cardio premix is my new favorite. The cardio effort for me is much more intense than Low Max. Low Max starts out light and gets more intense later on. BM2 is intense from start to finish.

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