Where to buy "Learn the Thriller Dance" DVD


Hey everybody,

I'm posting this info due to popular request ;-) for more specifics on where to buy the DVD that teaches you how to do the Michael Jackson "Thriller" dance. Here's the site where you buy the DVD:


Note that you have to click on two separate "Add to Cart" buttons to buy the DVD and then "buy" your choice of shipping method. "ExpressPost for USA" is the cheapest shipping to the U.S. And pay attention to the fact that the "Add to Cart" buttons are actually BELOW the items.

I bought the DVD today after spending hours & hours downloading the free YouTube clips only to decide that I really wanted to be able to watch the lessons on a TV where I could practice the steps. But I am determined -- this is, as I confessed, one of those things on my personal "bucket list", and I can't think of a better time than now to go for it. So I will now officially say this on public record: I'll learn this sucker before the next Road Trip, whenever that may be. (My two left feet hope that's not soon! ;-)) Is this just too dorky for words or what?? No matter I say [font color=red]CHALLENGE TO ALL POTENTIAL ROAD TRIPPERS!!!!!!!!![/font color] :)

I'm curious about how much interest there is in this, so please reply to this post if you're thinking of joining the "Thriller Challenge" group. We can start ourselves a new Check-In, even! :7

Oh, one more thing -- In freebie clip #40 on YouTube, the teacher explains that the choreography she teaches is **slightly** different from that on the Michael J. video (she did that for Guinness Book rules - she explains that). She then shows EXACTLY how the video version and her version differ, and it's not by much -- nothing that we couldn't learn/amend on our own. Here's the clip:


http://www.clicksmilies.com/s1106/sport/sport-smiley-003.gif Kathy S. http://planetsmilies.net/sport-smiley-5536.gif
RE: Where to buy

Did you make a check in? I found myself on the thrill the world site off and on all day today. It looks so fun. Call me a dork if you want, I don't even care.

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