Where do you get your idea for your class routine?


Hi everyone,

I've been teaching step and hi/low. I sometime watch Cathe's video clip to get an idea for new routine for my class. Do you have any web site you visit to get some idea for your class when you just can't come up with a new or good routine?
Check out the website: turnstep.com

You will find thousands of step and hi/low routines! Fabulous way to get great ideas! Good luck!
What I Fam said. I'm an aqua group fitness instructor, and I go to the Tunrstep site regularly. Look in the "Patterns" section on the right side of the home page; they are organized chronologically (in terms of date submitted by the instructor) AND by type as well.

I'm designing a Boot Camp class for my club for April 1st, and I got a lot of good ideas from the Boot Camp patterns that were put up there.

I second that motion for turnstep.com

I haven't found anything like it and it's great! I teach a step class and visit that site before every class to see if there are some new ideas on there I can incorporate in my class. :)

You'll love it!

I just went to turnstep this week, at A-Jock's mention. It's fabulous!!! I can see why everyone here heads over there when it's planning time...
I'm glad that you're checking turnstep.com.

I've been teaching since 1991 and have used probably hundreds of the patterns for step, aqua, and weight training classes.

Oh, yeah, Turnstep! I teach classes, too, and they are the best!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)

Thank you everybody! I've been teaching for a while and I love step the most. But I'm gonna have to start some hi-lo and kids class in April and I can use some new ideas for sure. Again, thank you for your help!

I steal outrageously from Cathe! Hee hee...and I can deduct the cost of the DVD's as a business expense and the cute workout clothes too! Love that. In all my years of doing this, though, not a single student has ever said "you know, this is a Cathe move". And I taught Advanced Step for 3 years. You'd think in all that time, one of the advanced students would've been a Catheite.

Also, find an instructor you love and take moves from him/her. That way, you experience the moves live. I find it easier to learn that way.

Matter of fact, my fave instructor who draws clans of followers uses some Cathe moves -- I didn't even know that until we became friends. I wondered who/what inspired his talent!


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