where can you buy the l4 inch mini step???


Active Member
hey guys.....where can you buy the l4 inch mini step that cathe uses in the intensity series???? ive called several stores in my area and nobody has it, only the regular step....i have been using my step set at l0 inches and putting a 4 inch box (containing a shelving unit not assembled)on top of it. Any help is appreciated. thanks, gene
The mini step isn't available yet, but should be sometime in February, according to SNM. You could wait until then, or you could buy extra risers for your step and use that (that's what I've been doing for now). fwonline.com has risers at around $20 for a pair.
When it becomes available, we are told it will be sold directly by SNM. I have a Novel Notion box, so won't have any use for it.

-Dr. Nancy
I was just on eBay searching under Cathe Friedrich and there are 2 of what I think you are describing for auction. I was considering one for myself, but they are only selling the "topper" and I don't have any risers so it wouldn't work for me. Hope this helps.


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