What's the most useful invention for you


I have got to say that it is the microwave. I simply can't do without it. I do everything from boiling water to cooking in it. I can't even imagine life without it.

The second most useful invention for me is the tampon. Lord knows it's a dream come true for most women.
What's the most useful invention for you?
This is going to be a fun thread.

1. My Blazer - Can't get around w/out it.
2. Tampons- ONE of the best things ever invented for a woman to use.:D
3. Razors- Don't need to walk around hairier than dh.:D
4. Bras- too bad some of the women who REALLY need them do not own them. I actually see at least 2 women when I go to wal-mart that do not have them on (and they are not small chested).
I couldn't imagine life without my computer or my dvd player/recorder, I would imagine that I would feel the same way about tivo (not sure how to spell it) but I do not have it yet.:)

Well, a few came to mind}( }( }( , but I'll keep it clean.

1. My laptop computer
2. my wireless router
3. cable modem

They are all connected and make my life so much easier.

4. Oh, and my cell phone. It isn't glued to my ear, but it is so convenient when I need it.
5. My flat iron...this curly girls best friend on summer days!

1) My computer and Microsoft Money. I couldn't balance my checkbook without it.
2) The DVR
3) Mobil Speedpass.
4) Cathe workouts!
1. the Exersaucer (from when my babies were little)

2. the pack and play (also a baby invention...best baby gift I got!)

3. keyless entry to the vehicle

4. cordless phone (remember stretching the phone cord around the corner to get some privacy when you were discussing THE MOST IMPORTANT details of your life with your best friend?)

I am sure that there are LOTS more!! This is an interesting thread!

1. I'd have to say anything cordless. My iron, can opener, electric kettle, hand vac, laptop, power tools, phone...well you get the picture.

2. Anything with an automatic shut-off. I am always coming back home in fear that I've left something with a heating element on.

3. Thong panty shields. I screamed when I first saw the commerical for these.
It has replaced the baby walker (with wheels). The exersaucer has no wheels and activities all around the baby seat to keep baby occupied while Mom gets some time not worrying about what the baby is getting into. My DH says it is a glorified baby seat. Except the baby is upright. It helps them to learn to stand/use their legs. I put mine in the van when we went visiting. I also fed my babies while they were sitting in theirs. They probably go by different names, too, but ours was an exersaucer!
1. The DVD
2. The 5-disc DVD player
3. Platemates for dumbbells
4. Birth control
5. The tampon
6. The Mach-3 Razor (great for head-shaving)
7. Cheez-Its (which, I believe, began as K-rations in WWII)
8. Sam Waterston
9. The microwave (without which DH and I would starve)
10. Anything plyo

my computer and all its peripherals
the internet and wireless connection (could be better though)
all my Adobe software
MS Word and/or Word Perfect
yes, the microwave :)
washer and dryer -- can't possibly do my family's laundry by hand
the DVD and DVD player
digital camera
post-it notes
3M stickies (the one you can take off and doesn't damage walls)
washable markers
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (this is my miracle product;-) )

I could go on and on.

I have to say:

1. my rice cooker - we hardly use it for rice - mostly vegetables but use it almost everyday!
2. Wireless technology (computers, cell phones, etc.)
3. DVD's!!!!
4. My coffee maker with automatic timer
5. Hair dryer and curling iron (I'd always wear hats if I didn't have these :))
6. Electric garage door opener

1. My dvd player.
2. tampons of course! The best invention ever!
3. remote controls to tv, dvd and vcr players.
4. My car- It keeps me from riding a bicycle. He!He!
5. I love my microwave!
6. My computer- definitely can't do without!
7. The very most important is my stepper!!!!

1. The step and Cathe workouts
2. Hair dye
3. Television
4. Digital camera
5. retractable leash for fido(Katie)
6. Washable markers and glitter glue
7. sippie cups
8. Books of tape

Hmm, tough one - so many things I use daily...

* My car
* My computer
* Birth Control (oh, the freedom!)
* My microwave (also my convection oven - love it!)
* My computer
* My cell phone
* Airplanes (I can go anywhere in the world in 24 hours - it's incredible if you think about it)
* The internet - would be hanging out with you cool ladies without it.
* The swiffer - easier to clean up my hardwood floors after a Cathe workout...
disposable diapers.

I have twins and without them I would have my hands in the laundry basket all day. Not so good for the environment but oh what a sanity saver for mom.
I have a friend who is very environmentally conscious and her opinion is that by the time you wash and dry (water and electriicity)and use detergent, etc. to use cloth diapers, they are no better/worse for the environment than the disposables. So don't fret about using them!

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