What's the Best Approach to Working Out After Being Sick



I'm pretty new and have been keeping up a six day a week schedule working out mostly with Cathe and supplementing with a treadmill for cardio for the last six months.

The Friday before last I came down with what I thought was a cold - I felt good enought to do a workout on Saturday. The cold promptly turned into a fever and then a sinus infection that went into my eye by the following Wednesday. I haven't been able to work or work out for a week. On Wednesday the dr. gave me antibiotics and suggested Mucinex, fluids and rest, etc. It's Sunday and I am exhausted and still sick!

My question is - How long does it usually take to clear a sinus infection? Am I doing the right things -does anyone have any suggestions as to anything else I could do to take care of myself?

What should I be looking for to be certain that it's ok to start working out again? Does anyone have any suggestions for good ways of getting back into a regular schedule? I am concerned because I had just made some really nice gains that I was excited about - and I am eager to get back into it as soon as possible.

Any suggestions would be great! Thanks!

I went through the same thing a few weeks ago. It's terrible! I feel for you.

While I was sick I read an article that stated a study was done re: exercise and colds/flu and they found the control group that took part in cardio suffered no more setbacks than those that didn't do cardio but those that lifted weights had their colds/flu last longer with more recurrences.

This seemed opposite to my common sense - who in the world feels like doing cardio when you feel so gross? So I went with my 'common sense' and when I felt the least bit strong enough I did weights. Sure enough I had a recurrence. Hmmm, maybe the study was valid?

My advice is please take it easy! Perhaps keep it all minimal until you've been on the antibiotics for several days - can you wait 5 days? Trust me, having it hit you again is a real bummer.

Hope you get better soon.
I think that it can take up two weeks or more to get rid of something like this.

I usually do not get back to working out after being sick until I feel just about cured...and then I wait a day. I know that sounds silly but you don't want to throw yourself backwardsd with a relapse. My first workouts are always cardio. I find that the cardio flushes the last of the sick feeling out of my body after a good sweat!

Take care,
Christine :)
Emily, I feel your pain! I've been sick for over a week now and I just can't figure out what's wrong. I'm scared to do any kind of workout because everytime I breathe too deeply or laugh too hard, I start coughing uncontrollably!

I keep thinking that I should do SOMETHING since I don't feel that bad from my neck down but I'm not sure I should just jump back into Cathe workouts. I'm currently on the road so I think it has to do with allergies. I go back home tomorrow so we'll see if that helps.

In the meantime, I'm trying to get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids and stay active on the message boards.

I'll be glad when I feel up to restarting my rotation... :)
Thank you for your responses! I am really looking forward to being able to work out again sometime soon - starting with a little cardio!

Feel better soon everyone!


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