Start off easy. Dust off Basic Step, and throw it in the player. Use a 4" step (just the top). See how that feels. If you have Basic Step, then you must also have Body Fusion, because they're on the same dvd. Give that one a go for your second workout, a day or two later. If that felt okay, then for your next workout (a day or two after that), try the LowMax step premix, again using a low step height. If these workouts really take it out of you, then give yourself plenty of rest between them, and keep taking the intensity levels down. If they're feeling good, then try doing the LowMax half premixes (intervals 1-4 and 4-7), modifying the blasts as necessary (don't go as low, etc.). Continue in this fashion, either intensifying the workouts or decreasing it as you go along, based on how you're feeling that day.
It's important to be prepared to modify certain moves, so if you're not really, really familiar with a workout, review it first and get a sense of where you might have to adjust things. Most of Cathe's workouts are do-able while pregnant, if you're willing and knowledgable enough to modify.
Congratulations to you! You've had a year of big changes!! I've also moved and had a baby within the last 12 months, and my 2 children are 5 years apart.
Take care,