what should I eat before my workout

Robbie Dru

Active Member
Today was my first day to do Butts and guts, it's a great and tough workout. I started getting the chills and really tired and felt sick. what should I eat before the workout, an hour before? thirty minutes? After the video should I eat a teaspoon of peanut butter? I have had this problem before feeling sick during a hard workout I just think I am not fueling right. thanks for your suggestions.

Depending on what time of the day I work I vary what I eat. If was working out in the evenings, which is my normal time, I usually eat a hearty lunch and nothing for 2-4 hours until I get home and exercise. I then eat a good dinner afterwards. If I was to exercise in the mornings, I don't like to eat very at all because I don't like to eat very much so early in the day and because I work out 1/2 after eating, so the meal should be light. A banana and a yogurt will suffice. You need more sustenance if you are going to exercise hard, but don't work out on a full stomach.

I get up at 5 a.m. and eat first then workout at 5:30 a.m. If I am doing cardio I have a few dried apricots. If I am doing weights I have a handful of nuts: almonds or cashews. The nuts are "natural" no salt and no roasting. After my workout I eat my breakfast within half an hour of working out. (must shower first!!:) )

I usually go for a pint of Guinness. I'm just kidding!....about the Guinness of course (blech!)
Depending on the last time I've eaten, I'll have either a 1/2 or a whole whole-wheat English muffin (the Thomas brand has only 100 calories for one) toasted with a 1/2 TB almond butter on it. I can usually eat it about 20 minutes before a workout and it seems to keep me full, without making me feel sick, even when I do intense cardio.

Hope this helps!
Watch your hydration level as well as food. The symptoms you mentioned could also be due to dehydration. Eat something about 2 hours before your workout (to avoid upset stomach from having food digesting while you're working out).

After the workout, I suggest a smoothie that contains about 200-300 calories, with a 4-to-1 carbs-to-protein ratio. (A teaspoon of peanut butter?)

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