What should I do?!?


Okay...so I have a small question. What can I do to keep my mind off of food? The only reason I ask is because a week ago I sprained my ankle pretty badly and I really can't do ANYTHING x( I mean, I can't work out for another week and that's only if I can't function on my ankle w/o it hurting!

So, I sit here, day after day, not doing anything, on at least one crutch when I get up and I go on the computer or watch tv...but..I'm eating like crazy:-( ...I haven't done that in such a long time! Anybody have any suggestions to help me stay busy so I don't just eat and watch the boob toob all day? Anything would be greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone.
You could try doing an upper body workout since all exercises can be done sitting or lying down. Or you could do what I did after foot surgery: hang out on another floor from the kitchen. That way, moving to get food was way too much pain and hassle. Feel better!
Read a good book. Whenever I start obsessing about something, getting into a book is about the only thing that helps for long. I'd suggest going for a walk - but I guess that's off your list. :)
That is a really good suggestion, although, I don't really have anything to do on the upper floor, there's no tv or antyhing. There's a sewing room, but, uh...I don't know how to sew. lol:eek:

I think I'll try to do outside and get a tan or just hang out outside...better out than in...further away from the refride! hehe:D
Learn to knit. When I get really into a rhythm on a project, I'll forget to eat altogether - I sometimes even forget to get a beverage until I'm suddenly so thirsty.
I also second the other poster's point about doing upper body work.
Or, just watch Cathe workouts to keep you on point.
If you must eat - eat mini-carrots or sunflower seeds or something else that's healthy and high fiber (to keep you full)
Take a online course of something that has really interested you but have not had the time to do. there is alot of online courses out there. Also if you have ever been interested in learning a new language, this would be a great time, it really keeps the brain busy. Good Luck!!!
Definitely try to do something that is incompatible with eating: crossword puzzles, reading, knitting or crocheting, embroidery, drawing...anything to keep your mind and hands occupied. (Granted, if you're really determined, you can eat and read, etc., but it's difficult to not be messy while doing it).

Drink some herbal teas or green, white or red tea when you start thinking of eating, but it's not because of true hunger. There are some very tasty herbal teas available, that give you the flavor without calories.
Thank you all so much for these very helpful responses! I greatly appreciate it!

[font color=red]*~LANIE~*[/font]
Get a Nintendo DS! I love mine. Very fun, especially the games they make for it that "train your brain", like Brain Age and Big Brain Academy. They can get pretty addictive.

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