What does everyone think of Jillian....


Another Question...
What does everyone think of Jillian Michaels and her DVD's. I was thinking about getting one of hers. Any suggestions?

Thanks again
I think Jillian is awesome on BL.

I heard her DVD stinks. I guess she laughs wildly the whole time...?!

While her existing DVDs didn't receive favorable reviews, her new DVD coming out this month looks interesting. I'm going to wait for the reviews on this new one. But I wouldn't buy her other DVDs.
tried her shape up's on netflix and hated it. just didn't flow well with me. i liked her beginner's one though. that allowed me to lift heavier and i modified the cardio when up need be. her others move way to fast to lift heavy and dare i say some moves IIRC had you jumping with the weights and it just didn't seem that safe. no real warm up just moves right into high knees and jacks.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

My Mom bought her kickbox DVD because that is her favirote type of cardio. She did not like it and ended up giving it away rather quickly.
Jillian Michael's DVDs - I have no idea.

Jillian Michael's on Biggest Loser? Can't stand her. I would NEVER hire a trainer with her personality. (But, I hear she plays it up for the show.)
I have Jillian's Kickbox video. It was a waste of money. She does "laugh wildly" as someone said, she wastes time telling her crew to get with it, and she doesn't stay with the beat. You can definitely do better. The only plus is that it is a 20 minute workout for when you're in a crunch. But I'd rather just abbreviate a Cathe video.


"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13
Did you all see the Biggest Loser last week where she was making one of the girls run on the treadmill without holding on? They showed the speed at 14.0mph!!!!!:eek: I guess it totally blew my mind...I'm 5'0 and at 6.5mph my legs are "flying"...I don't know how she ran that fast!!!! Can anybody else run that fast? I thought it was amazing!
I LOVE Jillian on BL. I haven't used her DVD's so I have no comment there. I know she probably plays it up a bit for the show, but I'd love a trainer to kick my butt and get me some results!!! I love Bob, too. They both train differently that's for sure - I'd take either one.

I'm with you. 6.5 is pretty much it for me. But I keep my phone close to my treadmill in case I need to call for an ambulance...
WHAT??? 14.5 speed? That can't be possible...a 10 equates to a 6 minute mile...I wonder if their treadmills measure speed differently or if that was an incline??

My fastest is 8.5 or so and that is for no more than 30 secs!!!

:) Clarissa
It was 14.0mph but still! They showed the speed twice and I could not believe it...my treadmill only goes to 10mph so I couldn't even imagine anything beyond that!!!:eek:
Was it the Australian version of Biggest Loser you are all referring to? If so, we do go by kms rather than miles. There are treadmills available that do 20+ kms per hour (pretty scarey huh?).

14km per hour equivalent to around 8.7mph hour.

If it is acually 14 mph then this is equivalent to around 22 kms per hour - pretty well the top end of the speed limit, I would think (or I hope so anyway lol).

My home treamill only goes up to 14 kms per hour and I am yet to go that fast on it, for fear of falling clean off of it!!!;)
Btw, back to the original topic, I really like Jillian. She is very, very popular here in Australia. I think she is so popular because she is portrayed as being so hard and tough but with a soft side to her. Bob is well liked here also. Has anyone here seen (on the Austrlian BL) our trainers Shannon, Michelle and the Commando? I think Shannon and the Commando are both gorgeous!!! What do you think?

Here is a pic of Shannon:http://www.cleobachelors.com.au/Profile.aspx?id=30

Here is the Commando aka Steve Willis: http://www.commandosteve.com/bio.html

Enjoy! LOL
:9 :9
I too had the cardio kickbox dvd and just didn't like it! She does laugh the whole time and there was one of her crew members that was driving me nuts....she was the one that modified the workout and she was wearing capri kaki's that were too big for her and the crouch was hanging really low(not that i was starring at this girls crouch or anything,LOL) but she would kick and just looked really uncomfortable. I wanted to throw her some workout pants :eek:

I do like Jillian though!

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