What do you surround yourself with???

I have found if I watch inspiring movies,read motivational books etc that I look forward to all the hard work it takes to be fit.I need to stock up on great stuff so give me a short list?!

Heres my list:
Movies-Million Dollar Baby,Braveheart

HBO Boxing!!

Book-Attitude is Everything by Keith Harrell

HBO Boxing is the best!!!! I use that as motivation all the time.

I guess another motivator for me is a walk in and around the retail stores in my home town. People watching works! Look at the overweight people around you. They are miserable! Huffing and puffing... They just look worn out. I refuse to let gravity take over and use spandex to cover it up!:)

I also agree with you on Million Dollar Baby. That poor girl! Her family was so horrible! UGH!

Books? Non-fiction are my fav...and usually I choose the books which describe horrible situations which make me thankful for what I have got. ;)

Have a great weekend!

Paragonah, UT
Runners' World, Oxygen, Cathe forum and pictures from my marathon. I just posted the course map to my next marathon on the fridge to remind me to grab something healthy. I'll also flip on Fit TV to see some healthy bodies.
My favorite pair of lucky brand jeans(size 6)
Oxygen magazine and womens health magazine
Cathe daily check-in
Great fitting workout clothes
and fitness pics that I still need to post.:)

This forum
Oxygen Magazine
Runner's World Magazine (subscription about to begin)
Fitness-related posters on my work out room wall
The gym
My son

:) :) :)
These forums:) -- Old movies are my favorite form of feeling good -- my favorites are old Clark Gable movies, Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy movies, musicals and Cary Grant movies -- don't find I need motivation usually, but I also think that fitting into my clothes is a big button for me.:7

In truth, I think pride fits in there, too, in terms of keeping me going. Not negative pride, but the pride one feels with a job well done, or the pride one might experience in seeing one's lawn newly mowed and knowing it looks good and contributes to the beauty of the neighborhood.

In my humble opinion, taking pride in the way one looks can be very motivating. Sometimes I think people tend to forget that they are also part of the scenery...

Have a great day.:7
A bunch of unshakable, smart women with a great attitude, and who can laugh at themselves.

Every now and then I watch the first Matrix. The first time I saw Carrie-Anne Moss in that movie, I told myself, "That's the body I want."

That's about it.

I love watching the extreme sports, like the Eco-Challenge that Mark Burnett used to do before he did Survivor. What really keeps me going is remembering what I feel like after I do a hardcore workout. That feeling is the best in the world!!

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