What Do you Put in your Cottage Cheese?

I'm sitting here reading the forums and enjoying a bowl of low fat cottage cheese and diced cantaloupe:9 I also love mixing it with strawberries, spinach, a touch of poppy seed dressing and lots of pepper. I was just wondering if you have any favourites to share. Thanks:)

Take Care
Fruit (cantaloupe, blueberries, strawberries, mandarin oranges)
FF yogurt
sugar free jello

Never tried it with pepper though.
Fruit - peaches, pineapple. Diced fresh pears and cinnamon. Cantaloupe. I often put it on spicy savory things. In fact, I just had some leftover something or other my SO made the other night and put a blob of cottage cheese on it.

I only recently discovered cottage cheese - within the last year. I can't believe I'd never tried it before!
You Gals are great, and so quick too, don't we all just LOVE talking about food;) :7

Everything sounds yummy, I love the idea of mixing it with Jell-O; contasting tastes and textures:9 Sounds like a party in your mouth:)

Thanks and keep 'em coming!

Take Care
I used to love mixing 1/2 cup of no salt added cottage cheese with a little vanilla, chopped fruit (any kind), vanilla extract, and 1/4 cup old fashioned oats. The oats soaked up the liquid in the cottage cheese and softened just slightly. This made a great snack!
I don't eat cottage cheese anymore (vegan now), but used to LOVE it! Growing up vegetarian it was a protein source that my mom utilized for us all the time. Usually with pineapple or peaches:9

And I usually threw in a TBSP. of chopped walnuts or almonds
I tend to eat mine plain. :9

I also like to eat it w/ww noodles but when I bring this up most think it sounds yucky! LOL :p
I like it with tomatoes (garden fresh but cherry tomatoes when fresh aren't available), green onion, pepper, and (get ready) a little mayo (not Miracle Whip it must be mayo). When I was a little girl, I remember my mom fixing this for us at lunch. I didn't know about the mayo until a few years ago. I wondered why my cottage cheese, tomatoes, & green onions never tasted as good. I am not a mayo person but I finally gave it a try and she was right.

I just discovered adding FF yogurt. Yum!:9 Oh, and I love pineapple in it. I am hungry now... gotta go...

Okay, this thread is giving me a blast of nostalgia. My mom used to feed us cottage cheese with fruit for lunches. Having been raised Catholic, it was a staple on Fridays.

My mom used full fat cheese back in the day. I never eat the stuff anymore and can't even remember the last time I purchased a container, but this thread has me pining away for days gone by. What type of cottage cheese do you use...low fat, small curd, large curd?


I don't eat it because back in the day (you must realize that I've been dieting since the Kennedy administration) cottage cheese was a primary diet food, so I ate enough of it to fill the Grand Canyon over my life-time. How would peanuts and strawberries sound? Somebody else try it and tell me about it!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
>I also like to eat it w/ww noodles but when I bring this up
>most think it sounds yucky! LOL :p

Wendy, I guess I'm just too literal a thinker; when I read 'when I bring this up' I thought it sounded pretty yucky too:+ :+ :p

Take Care

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