what are normal sized thighs?


Hi everyone,

I know that's a weird question but I've always been bottom heavy and I want to set realistic goals for myself. If my measurements are 37 26 36, what size should my thighs be? Right now they stick out farther than my hips! I know everyone is different, but I'd like to get a ballpark number.

There is not such thing as normal sized thighs! It depends on how tall you are, how you're built, etc. Personally, I could never get thighs the size of Cindy Crawford, because she is build a whole lot different than me.

My legs are on the large size, yet I wear size 4 or 6 pants, so go figure.

If your thighs stick out farther than your hips, you may want to add some kickbox tapes to your workout routine. In my case, Taebo worked wonders on my "saddlebags."

Just a suggestion, take it or leave it.
Hi gettingthere! Generally I'm a size 6 (rarely a 4), and for some jeans an 8 - so there you go!! I don't know what size I am :)

I'm 5"8, 130 lbs - but like Honeybunch said, every build/frame is different. Genetically I have wider set hips (bones) so there's not much I can do about that.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-02 AT 06:27AM (Est)[/font][p]I think more than worrying about the measurement of your thighs, you are probably worried about the proportion of your thighs in relation to the rest of you. Am I right?

That said, it sometimes does help to get a perspective of where you are in your goals to hear other people's measurements. Again, I think you should also take into account their shape, frame size, height, weight, etc.

I am a size 2 and measure 34-24-34. My thighs measure (at the widest point) 19 inches. My frame size is pretty small, with small wrists, ankles, etc., and I'm 5'7", 110 lbs. Hope this helps!

Jeanne :)
Interesting post...my thighs are also 19 inches but I'm 5'2" and I've never squeezed into a size 2 anything in my life!! Right now my goal is to squeeze into a size 6 someday! (I havent weighed myself in a few weeks, but I'm btwn 115-125, hopefully near 115!!)

we are all so different!

I am also 5'2" my measurements are 37-27-37. My thighs are a solid 22.5" People do comment on my legs, they are a *hard* big not a *mushy* one.
My weight is more than you would think(134#) and I wear a size 6 in good clothes and an 8 in Victoria secret and not so good clothes, but a 6 in Eddie Bauer jeans-loose fit!
We are all very diferent!
Wow! As likes2bfit said "We are all so different!" I really appreciate all the input ladies. I was reminded that we come in many different and beautiful shapes and sizes.

Yes JeanneMarie,you are right, my concern is not so much the size as it is the proportion of my thighs in relation to the rest of me. I think I will take honeybunch's advice and add some kickboxing and see if that helps. I just bought a bunch of Cathe's tapes and now I need to start saving up for her CTX series. Between Leaner Legs, the stepping tapes and the kickbox tape I should see some results!

Thanks everyone!
I am somewhat obsessed with my large thighs, or trying to make them smaller, it is all in relation to the rest of my body. I'm 5'3", weigh 122#, 34-26-35, thighs are 21". This poses a big problem when buying pants because if the waist fits, my legs won't fit. So the measurement is good for me because I need to loose an inch of fat from my thighs, that is where it likes to hang out.
so i guess all sizes are different. I'm 5 2 about 115 and 19 1/2 inch thigh and size 2. Odd we are the same measurements but different sizes!
We are all different.I work out alot so I don't know if that makes your thighs bigger or smaller? My thighs are 21.5 inches.I normally wear a size 5 but the dress I was wearing today was a 4 and I am 5'3" 123-125 and my measurments are 34-28-36.I think I have the biggest waist here.I am short waisted....oh well...like we said we are all different.
This thread is freaking me out. Of course, I had to run for my tape measure to see where I stood in this.

And here is the really strange part: 20.5 inches at the widest part.

However, I am currently sitting here in a size 2 (slim fit)petite jean from Victoria's Secret catalog.

Okay, what's going on here? Where exactly are we measuring? I went right under the buttocks. Is that right?

Anyway, FYI I am five feet tall, weigh 102 pounds, measurements are 34-24-34.


I think you are measuring at the right spot... basically, the widest part of your thigh.

I wear the Victoria's Secret Slim fit Size 2 jeans also (my favorites!), but I have to get mine in the 32.5 length because I am 5'7" tall! My measurements are the same as yours though!

Interesting how we are all so different, yet it really is all about proportion and what looks good on our particular body!

Jeanne :)
I must say that you all are the TINNIEST bunch of ladies. I wouldn't DARE post my measurements!!!! :):):)

Bless you all for keeping in such wonderful shape!!!

That is soooo sweat.I am sure you must be keeping in shape...when your involved with anything cathe related.Like I said before , i think I am the biggest one out of all of them and I am sure you will get there in time......

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