

Hi Wendy! I noticed in one of your posts yesterday that you are 38 weeks now!!! You could go at any time! How are you feeling? Had any twinges or anything like that? Is the baby engaged yet? You know, you could actually beat me to the finish line. Wouldn't that be something?

All the best,
Hi Sandra,

It's so sweet of you to think of me when you are SOOO close. Your workouts truly impress me and I'm so glad everything has been going well for you-you've definitely been an inspiration for me so Thank you.

I feel great, for the most part. Last night I started feeling these strange pains "down there", almost like the baby's head is already trying to come out! The doctor told me he can feel the baby's head down in my pelvis-me too! He'll be gone all next week so hopefully I'll go before he leaves or as soon as he gets back.:)

On one hand it feels like I've been pregnant forever but on the other it's just flown by. I can't believe it's been that long since you helped me read my test and told me I WAS pregnant:)

Hopefully, you won't get to read my reply;). If so, take care and I can't wait to hear the details:)
Aw shucks, Wendy, you're too kind :+ This whole forum of exercising, gestating women has been a great inspiration and source of motivation for me. As you know, I didn't exercise with my first DD, and I paid the price. I'm so glad I stumbled upon these forums. They provided me with the information and support I needed to get through this pregnancy and remain healthy.

So, your baby is engaged! I read the other day that in first-time moms, this can happen a few weeks ahead of the birth, but in subsequent births, it often happens right when labour starts. The benefit of having the baby so low in the pelvis is that you can usually breathe a bit better. Do you find that to be the case? My baby has been very low this whole pregnancy and my ability to breathe has been so much better than it was with Paris.

I really hope your birth goes smoothly (why wouldn't it?).

All the best,
Darn it-You're still here;)

It is a bit easier to breathe and the heartburn disappeared-until yesterdayx( I was so glad then all of a sudden it came back with a vengeance.

I was having a few contractions this morning-(I was hoping it meant something but it didn't). Anyway, I mentioned this to my mom during casual conversation early this morning and she just called me to make sure I'm not at the hospital yet. Her and my dad have been waiting by the phone thinking they were going to get "the call.":) OOPS! I just assumed she knew I was talking about Braxton Hicks contractions-I was wrong :eek:

Hang in there,

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