Well, Daisy Mae has been adopted


right out from under my nose. :( 2 hours before I went to meet her last night. Sad b/c I agonized over this decision for weeks, & after I made it I was really looking forward to welcoming her into my little family.

And let me just say, I will NEVER EVER go into that place again unless it's to see a specific dog who I know is there! They talked me into looking at their other dogs & it was terribly heartbreaking. As soon as we opened the door they all started barking & wagging their tales saying "take me! Take me!" They were all large dogs who I would've loved to bring home but just wouldn't have worked for my pug. I walked out of there w/tears streaming down my face for those poor dogs.

So now I'm back at square one.
Awwwwwwwwwwww, Laura, I'm so sorry! I'm sure the right dog will come along for you though:)

I know how awful it is at the shelter. I wanted to take all the dogs home too, when I went.
Oh man .. I hate that!!!

I feel for you ... I can't stand to look at the dogs little faces either .. just breaks my heart ..

.. same thing at Petsmart on adoption day .. can't go there b/c the babies look so pitiful ... leaves me w/a huge knot in my stomach!

{{{ hugs }}} to you .. I am sorry!!
Sorry LauraMax, but like everyone else said, the right dog will come to you. really!
I cannot stand the shelter either, it breaks my heart and makes me cry literally for days, I cannot stand it. Geez, just thinking about it gets me upset.
Im sorry Lauramax,I got my Cassiegirl(labmix) from the local shelter and it was hard not taking more than one dog home!

I hope it all works out for you!I also hope daisy may found a good home,she was a cutie!
Oh Laura, I'm so sorry.:-( :-(

I know what you mean about the shelter. I always really respect the people that can volunteer at them. I just couldn't bear to be there and not be able to take them all home. I guess that why so many volunteers end up with so many doggies and kitties.:)

I know you'll find your new baby soon. (((HUGS)))
Laura, I'm sorry Daisy Mae won't be part of your family. What a disappointment to be so anxious to meet her, and lose her without even getting a chance to see her! (Though that would probably have made it even tougher).

I'm sure there is another doggy out there just waiting to be part of your little family.

Don't give up on the shelter. I know it's hard sometimes (I go to my local one 1-3 times a week to volunteer, and I have to keep telling myself that I have enough cats for now!), but you might find just the right companion there.
RE: Wouldn't you know........

I heard back from the pug rescue today about Roxie--remember I emailed them about 2 weeks ago? I guess the rescue mgr was on vacation or something, but in any case the timing seems to weird. I'm just gonna take it as a sign. Perhaps Max & Roxie were meant to be together. :)

Application is completed & submitted, keep your fingers crossed!

Kathryn, I just want to say my hats off to you for your work at the shelter. I could never do it, I'm not strong enough. I'd end up w/17 dogs running around my little house & crying every time I left b/c I couldn't bring the rest home.
RE: Wouldn't you know........

I heard back from the pug rescue today about Roxie--remember I emailed them about 2 weeks ago? I guess the rescue mgr was on vacation or something, but in any case the timing seems to weird. I'm just gonna take it as a sign. Perhaps Max & Roxie were meant to be together. :)

Application is completed & submitted, keep your fingers crossed!

Kathryn, I just want to say my hats off to you for your work at the shelter. I could never do it, I'm not strong enough. I'd end up w/17 dogs running around my little house & crying every time I left b/c I couldn't bring the rest home.

I was sad to read about Daisy Mae, but happy that things seem to be looking up. See, everything happens for a reason. :)

My shelter knows me too well. All they do is call and say, "We have this pit bull that needs a home..." I can't ever go there and look at all the dogs. Uh uh. They have to bring out the one they want me to look at (which ends up coming home with me :)).

Keep us posted!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I am sorry Laura.

I have the same feeling of overwhelming sadness when I go to the shelter too. Last time I went I cam home with black kitty number 3, Crosby. We cannot have more that the 3 cats and the stray who still visits us regularly.

[font color=red][font size=+2]Judy "Likes2bfit"[/font]
RE: Wouldn't you know........

See, there is a silver lining to this cloud!

>Kathryn, I just want to say my hats off to you for your work
>at the shelter. I could never do it, I'm not strong enough.
>I'd end up w/17 dogs running around my little house & crying
>every time I left b/c I couldn't bring the rest home.

Believe me, it was hard at first, especially after three cats I had gotten to know were euthanized because they needed room for newcomers, and those 3 were considered less adoptable (because they were shy, not interacting with people, or,in the case of "Rosco," biting after 3 pets). And I was working on them to get them more social. I almost didn't go back after that, but decided that whatever the fate of the cats I interact with there, it's better that they have friendly visits than not. Now, I tend to not think about what happened to whatever cats are no longer in the room (and hope they are gone because of adoption).

As for ending up with mass quantitites of pets (cats, in my case), I must say, when I was part of a 16-kitten "kitty pile" a few weeks ago, it was hard not to end up with some extra cats at home!
Hi Laura!
I just wanted to say Hello to another pug-lover! I rescued my dear Elliott 3 years ago from PPRA and he is the most loving pug ever! Yes, I am a bonafide PUGAHOLIC:)
RE: Wouldn't you know........

Oh, good thing I read the entire post and saw the better news! Keep us posted!

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