Welcome Jessica Faith


Please join Lisa (Mom), Linky (Pet Doggie) and me (Dad) in welcoming the newest member of our family and our first child: Jessica Faith Cohen.

Our daughter was born on August 1st at 8:02pm. Jessica weighed in at a svelte 5 pounds, 15 ounces, and measured 18 3/4 inches long. Jessica's hair color is light, like her mother's, and straight, like her father's. Her eyes are currently a nice midnight blue, which apparently may change in a couple of months. They're beautiful.

After some convincing -- and some great medical care -- Jessica in the end agreed to stay with her mom for 36 weeks, which is six and a half weeks since pre-term labor began on Father's Day. We're ecstatic she did. Both Lisa and Jessica are doing fine, no complications, and spent our first night together at home Friday night.

The birth itself was amazing. After about four hours of steady contractions, Lisa gave Jessica a boost for only 12 minutes through three contractions. I was able to assist in the birth, cut the umbilical cord, and wheel her around the maternity ward to get her first bath. We spent the night together in a private room, just the three of us.

Lisa is already discussing "Baby Aerobics" videos with Jessica. Rest assured, I am of course talking up the virtues of Gator Football in the faint hopes she'll humor me someday while braiding my hair.

For the genealogists among us, Jessica is after Grandpa Jerry (Lisa's Mom's Father). Faith is after Grandma Frances (My Mom's Mother). We miss them both very much but know they will watch over our baby girl.

Thank you all very much for your support during this time. Now's the fun part and we look forward to sharing it with you. To start, check out some of the pictures at:

Click on the "Jessica" file folder. There are a few there now, more soon.

Michael (Dad)
RE: How beautiful!

Congratulations to your new addition!! What a treasure she must be to you!!

RE: How beautiful!

Congratulations to your new addition!! What a treasure she must be to you!!

OH MY, what a beauty she is!!! So good to hear that baby Jessica is doing good! Wishing you all the very best!! My little one starts kindergarten next Monday. It has went by so fast. Enjoy every second!
A huge CONGRATULATIONS to you. I loved the details you shared and the pictures too. She is a beautiful baby (with a darn cute nursery too ;-)! Hugs and healthy wishes to the new family!
Thank you everyone!

Thank you for all your congratulations... I'm having a great time as a new mom. And I've been really lucky to have my husband stay home with me for the first 2 1/2 weeks. It's been so much fun for us all.

Thanks Michael!

What a beautiful family! Somehow, I missed this thread too??? Congratulations to the three of you and give Jessica a big smooch for us. Thanks for sharing the pix with us too. She is beautiful! I particualrly liked the "headache" pix! Ha!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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