

Hi all! I am new to this forum, but have been exercising to Cathe's videos for a year. I am also pregnant with my first baby and am at 13 weeks. I gave up exercising for about 4-5 weeks because I felt so awful - just the usual complaints. I have returned to about 70% of my normal routine during the past week with the exception of doing any strength exercises for my upper body. At the moment, I am sticking with step and hi-lo cardios (and prenatal yoga twice a week). I would like to go back to doing weights 1-2 times a week to keep up my strength - but I am not sure how to modify them? Are there any of Cathe's videos or sections that you would recommend? Or is there another instructor? Or a book I could read? I am just not sure and worry that I would strain myself.

Thanks so much!
I just listened to my body regarding weight training. I still did the same videos I had been (Pyramids, Pure Strength, Muscle Max, Gym Styles) that I did before I was pregnant. I took some time off from exercising the first trimester because of morning sickness, so when I returned to lifting I did have to go a little lighter. And when I hit about 33-34 weeks I had to go lighter again because it seemed like too much. Just listen to your body and you'll be fine. Good luck!

The best advice has been given, listen to your body. Modify all suppine (laying flat on your back) work after the 14th week. I did chest work on an incline using my step. I lightened my weights slightly at the end and stopped doing deadlifts since they hurt my back. I used my cathe videos and firms for strength up til the day I gave birth with few modifications.
Hey shoppy,
you're tinier than me, how did you do it all up to the day with step. I'm so low, and the step aerobics is starting to become a challenge, although I haven't given up yet. I'm starting to think I'll have to just do the elliptical. But I love the Cathe workouts, they are way more fun. Didn't you carry super low due to your height?
With Hannah I worked out up to the day but it was the elliptical and walking. I'd really like to keep up with step as far as I can. Did you ever have to lower it from 6 inches?

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