Weight Watchers


Please assist me. I joined Weight Watchers and didn't stick around long enough to see how to figure activity points. I am giving it another go. Would someone tell me how to figure these points? Thanks, Sharon
I did WW a while ago (about 1-1/2 years ago), so it may have changed since then, but here's how the activity points worked then...For every twenty minutes of exercise you did, you got one extra point worth of food for that day. I don't remember WW specifying whether it had to be 20 minutes of vigorous activity, or if everything counted, like stretching. My guess would be that you would have to have your heart rate up for 20 minutes for it to count. Maybe Honeybunch can help if she sees your post. She was doing a modified WW at home for some time. Well, good luck!
I'll get back with you on this a little bit later...have to head downstairs to work my legs.
I am a weight watchers leader so I will give you the heads up on activity points. These points are introduced at week four. If you just joined, then you will not receive the slide until then. In order to calculate the points you will need the activity booster point slide. It will take your weight, time, and activity intensity into consideration and will tell you how many activity points you earned. Personally, I never eat my activity points and use them as a cushion for days I eat more points than normal.

Good Luck......

I was just wondering what the maximum amount of activity points you can have in one day and are they bankable like food points are?

My husband has just re-joined and he is in week two so I guess we have two more weeks to go before we get the slide calculator. Last time he joined (two years ago) I lost 25 pounds and have managed to keep 22 of it off. (thanks to good eating and lots of Cathe videos)
I'll tell you what works for me just to help you make a game plan. I simplified the whole activity point thing for myself.

I exercise 6 days a week with Cathe and running, and found that if I eat 29-30 points, I lose weight. Any less, I get weak. This is cut & dried and I don't have to calculate activity points every day. I still don't know how many points I maintain on, but it appears to be a lot (35-40). That's what exercise will do for ya! Hope that helps you find what works for you.

I'm 5'4, 118, formerly 132

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