weight watchers?


Is anyone here on Weight Watchers? I have been struggling to lose the last 15 or so pounds for the past 3 years and am at my wit's end! I know what I SHOULD do, for heavens sake I tell my students!!! I am wondering if I need the structure and accountability that I hope WW would offer....any thoughts on this would be appreciated!
Hi Cbelle,
I am following the WW program. Just rejoined yesterday. I have been successful twice and am joining again after having my 3rd child.

Basically, the program recommends an individual to eat a certain amount of food points based on how much that individual weighs. The more you weigh the more you can eat. The food points are derived from the # of calories, grams of fat and grams of fiber that each food contains. They also base these points on "typical" serving size. Portion size is really important!

One of the things ww teaches you is to write everything down that you eat and drink. (journaling)

They also help you deal with eating when your eating for reasons other than hunger, which is an area where I need alot of help. I find the meetings supportive but it does depend on whether you have a good leader.

You can check out their website www.weightwatchers.com . They have message forums and you can even join online and not attend meetings.

Hope this info helps,

From Halloween of last year until March of this year, I lost 17lbs on Weight Watchers, however, it was around March when I became serious with weight training and stopped losing weight. I stopped WW but with the added strength training, I was able to lose inches. Weight Watchers is great for those who need to learn about portion control, however, you may run into a problem if you are an advanced exerciser, because you may need additional calories and with WW the program is structured on the point system and not calories. Since, stopping WW, I have continued on a 1300 calorie a day diet, however, my old PT told me that I need to up it to 1800 to start losing weight and get over my plateau which I have hit for 6 months now.
I got the WW at Home program, which teaches you the fine points of the program as mentioned below. I needed something to get a real good picture of my eating habits, so I began to keep daily food journals. I'm a great one for planning anyway....I map out my exercise plan for the week all the time.

I agree that the points can be low.....they allowed me about 1300 calories, which I felt was too low, so I upped it to 1755. Of course, I still allow for my weekly pig out day, and then I DON'T count points! It's a great program, very sensible and thorough. The At Home Program was about $100.00.
I feel kind of weird about the whole WW thing...I mean, one ASSUMES that as a fitness instructor I should know and/or being doing all this anyway! But I cannot for the life of me lose those last 15 lbs and its really annoying me! Will this be any different than me just counting my calories on my own? Which hasn't been working, mind you. Do they discuss at all the distribution of proteins and carbs and fat? I'm not necessarily sure I really buy into that concept anyway but just curious. If I decide to do it I was thinking I'd go ahead and do the online version for $60/3 months. Anyone else doing it that way?
I too was skeptical about weight watchers. My husband joined last June and I used his materials to follow the program. I went to no meetings or weigh in's, but still managed to lose 26 pounds. I have exercised all my life, I am 40 now, and through I was pretty firm I was always a little overweight.
The program helped me to realize what a serving size actually looked like. It was really easy to follow with each food having a point value and a certain number of points per day. Journalizing your food intake lets you monitor your food and shows you when you really slip up. I like the program because it is easy to follow and because vegetables are usually no points and fruits are 1 or 2, it helps you incorporate more of those foods into your diet.
Hope this helps.
Hi Cbelle,
Wow I am just like you. I have been trying to lose that last 10 or 15 pounds for the last 3 years also. I just recently joined WW about 5 weeks ago and have lost about 6 pounds!!!! One thing I didn't like about the plan is they have you wait 3 weeks until they have you use the activity points, and if your as active as most on this site, you might not be eating enough to start with. The other thing I don't like is they concentrate on the scale which is something I try not to use as a gauge (I go by how my cloths fit). This is a healthy way to lose weight, it's slow but has worked for me so far.

Good LUCK!!!
Dawn W

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