Weight Watchers and Cathe Challenge


Hi! I visit this forum but don't post very often, but today someone's question turned on a light bulb for me. I just joined WW and am beginning to start working out again slowly. I just wondered if anyone would be interested in doing a challenge with me. WW people and Cathe lovers.....I need some inspiration and someone to kick me in the butt. What do you think, anyone intersted?

:) I'll joint the program with you! I would like to lose 10lbs, but I know that is unrealistic, so I will settle for 5 lbs. How will you work this? Will you post every week and check weigh in's? Let me know!:D
RE: Count me IN!

Count me in too!! Just joined WW online a few weeks ago and am ready to get serious here!!!

P.S. Hi Candy!! Been meaning to write you....parents just left today. I lost 2.5 lbs. last week. How did you do?
Okay everyone....I figure we could just follow the guidelines others do with their challenges. We decide on a day of week to check in and go from there. I am personally really, really out of shape...so if you all could push me in the right direction on a good Cathe workout rotation....that would be great! So what do you guys think of that plan? Recap...day of week to check in and we can come up with a rotation....

PS. Tamikka, I would love to hear more from you about your accomplishment. I too have joined WW and stopped several times. I have been successful, but lately...just not working. I am the heaviest I've been at 215. I would like to loose about 60lbs.

I'm excited about this challange...I hope you guys are too!

Hi Deni!! I also have joined and rejoined WW a number of times, and am at my all time high as well. I need to lose about 60-70 lbs. My main goal, though, is to lose size. I am currently in a size 16, and would ultimately like to get into an 8 again. I figure that would be about 60 lbs. lol. How about if we check in on Fridays? That is the day I weigh in, but I am willing to check in any day that everybody plans!!

I would love to join this challenge. I have been doing WW for a while and I am currently trying to lose the weight I gained during my second pg(had a DS in December)--well, actually I've lost the weight I gained with my second and I'm trying to get back to where I was before I had my first. :p
Are we going to be checking in on Fridays--was that what I read? I think it would be great to post our goals, our current workout schedule, what's working/what's not. I'm following a rotation that I mixed together from a couple that I read(combining cardio and upper body concentration). I have about 34 pounds to go in order to reach my goal.

Anyhoo, I'll check back in to see what's going on.

Have a great OP day!
Hi guys,
I have been on and off weight wathchers many times, I am trying to lose 10 more pounds so I would like to join with you. Let me know what day check in is. Have a great day.
Hi, everyone. I have been on WW for more than a year now and I have lost 79 pounds. I would really enjoy being part of a check in or challenge with you all. Please let me know when we will be checking in. Thanks!!

Friday it is!

I, personally, have a hard time sticking to a rotation--although I am in the middle of one now. I think it would be neat to post what we're doing currently or what has worked for us in the past--then if someone sees something they want to try they can join in. I really would be interested in seeing what everyone's workout routine is for a week--maybe we could post that each Friday?

Just some thoughts :p

have a great OP day!!
I just started the WW at Home program 2 weeks ago ... have lost 2 lbs., which is less than I had hoped, but it's a start. I'd love to join the challenge as it will make me accountable to someone!!!

By the way - I am currently doing Cathe's CTX series and LOVE It. I have 4 weeks until we go to FL on vacation, so that is when my CTX "rotation" will end ....

See you Friday!
I'm excited for this group to start!! I, too, have a hard time really sticking to a rotation, so I think it would be great if we just posted what we plan on doing for the week, and then check in and say what we actually did (our goals, so to speak) and help one another from there!! This will be fun!! Especially since I have not been good at all (ww and working out), but ready to face the challenge!!!

Hi, I will join in. I have been doing WW since November and have lost 35 pounds and am down to a size 8. I also do Cathe and CIA tapes, and swim, and walk the dog. I need 4.4 lousy more pounds to make my WW goal, so maybe this will help push me.

Has anyone here tried Weight Watchers Online? I really would like to try it if the suggestions are good...I'm trying to drop 5-10 pounds and would like a healthy approach. I have always heard great things about WW and thought the online version would be a great place to start. Thanks!
Weight Watchers online worked great for me if you do not need the accountability/encouragement of a group meeting. I met my goal weight and lost 23 pounds doing WW online. The journaling of food is what helped me the most. I am still a member and will continue to use WW online to maintain or get me back on track when that is needed. Good luck!
There are lots of people who do it on-line with success. The forums are very supportive and the e-tools are nice. I like the on-line journaling and the food and activity look-ups. They also have recipes, and ways to plug your recipes in. They have weight tracking also.
I want to take part in the challenge also. Last year i lost 16 pounds. I did not reach my goal of 30 lbs. Since then I have regained 6lbs :( I will rejoin tomorrow after work.
Hello. I'm doing the online version. It's pretty good (if you stick to it!! lol). Good luck and let's keep each other motivated!!


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